antlers; a review portfolio!

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a review portfolio;
reviewing books, fanfics, and more.
About antlers
Antlers is basically a review portfolio, not exactly like a portfolio but it is where I put my reviews of books, fanfics, with pleasure. That may sound like I'm volunteering to review fanfics, if that's what you got in mind. :P
Anyways, you also may request for books you want me to review, or movies if you'd like me to! I would be more than happy to review if you want my opinion towards the book/movie.
For your information, it is my opinion. So, don't get angry if I said the certain book/movie is bad. You ask for my opinion, my perspective towards the book/movie and just because you don't agree with my perspective you insult me with cursing and swears? Seriously? You got brain, use them. God gives you brain for reasons.
I guess this is where I should end my about section XD I hope you would enjoy (pfft, who would want to enjoy reading a portfolio? xD) to see my point of view of something in this portfolio! Or learn something, at least >^<
Rules & Guidelines
001. Basic rules; please subscribe :) Upvotes are highly appreciated if you found this portfolio is great!

002. You have to respect my point of view. You have to understand; everyone has their own perspective. If there is any mistakes, kindly point it out through sending me a PM or submit a comment.

003. Do not steal or claim any of them as your own, please. I know, it happens to graphics most of the time but I witnessed enough to state it here.

004. If you would like to have my opinion on certain books/movies/fanfics, state the title and the author/director in the comment below or sending me a PM is fine, anyway.

005. Do not rush me, I have lives and not a robot. Got it? Not trying to be rude here but sometimes these rockheads are just hard to let them understand others.

006. Talking about genres, I trying to read every genre as possible. Even though some of it I find disturbing, I'll try anyway.

So, here's the rubric for the review I will make;
Title [10/10]
Foreword/Sypnosis [15/15]
Story Plot [20/20]
Characterization [10/10]
Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation [10/10]
Story Flow/Writing Style [10/10]
Emotional Connection [10/10]
Overall Enjoyment [15/15]

Total [100/100]
REquest list
Books: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad usu latine consetetur dissentiet, ne agam viris explicari duo. Ubique alienum no ius, nam meis hendrerit consetetur ea, ut purto libris accusam sed. Ullum utinam laudem pro te. Nemore patrioque similique ad vis.
Movies: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad usu latine consetetur dissentiet, ne agam viris explicari duo. Ubique alienum no ius, nam meis hendrerit consetetur ea, ut purto libris accusam sed. Ullum utinam laudem pro te. Nemore patrioque similique ad vis.
Fanfics: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad usu latine consetetur dissentiet, ne agam viris explicari duo. Ubique alienum no ius, nam meis hendrerit consetetur ea, ut purto libris accusam sed. Ullum utinam laudem pro te. Nemore patrioque similique ad vis.
2016 Odessa by Franchesca at Sun Themes. All rights reserved.


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