Epilogue: It's All About Na Young {pt.1}

Trials and Tribulations

"Aw, she's so cute! And she looks just like you, Jackson." Mrs. Kim gushed over the little girl in Jackson's arms. Na Young hide in Jackson's chest. He chuckled slightly. Na Young was just like Mark in that aspect. She was terrified of meeting new people and only opened up when the timing was right. 

"You think so? I think she looks more like papa." Na young pushed herself closer to Jackson. She wasn't used to being to all the attention. Mark made sure to keep Na Young out of the press. They didn't put pictures of her online, they didn't take her to interviews, and she didn't go to concerts. Na Young was a famous child with no connection to that world. Her papa was famous but daddy made everything normal. That's how Na Young liked it. 

"Well, Mark just got back from a shoot. He'll be glad to see you two." Jackson bowed slightly at Mrs. Kim.

"Thank you, Mrs. Kim."


Na Young walked closed to her daddy's side. She had never been to this place before and it kind of scared her. The whole place was way to big for her liking and the lights were too bright. Why did daddy bring her here? 

"This is where papa works, Jagiya. We wanted to wait to show it to you, but you're a big girl now, so I thought it was a good time." Na Young nodded, walking faster. She really wanted to see papa. 


"Na Young, my big girl! You didn't give daddy too much trouble did you?" She shook her head. Na Young wasn't a trouble maker at all. Papa should know that. Mark picked up the small girl, wrapping his arms around her. She had grown up well for being premature, she was still tiny, but she hadn't grown like most premature children. 

"Oh, Mark. She's adorable! How old is she?" One of the noonas working on Mark looked over at Na Young. The younger smiled slightly at her. Na Young had always been impressed with older woman who didn't wear a lot of make-up. She didn't like all of the girly-girl things like other girls her age.

"She's three." Na young held up three fingers confirming the age her father had told the older woman. The older giggled, picking up a random make-up supply. Na Young looked down at the contents of the table. She wondered what all the plastic tubes were.

"I have to go to work, Yi-En." Mark looked up at Jackson. He wished the younger didn't have to work so much, but he was trying to provide for Na Young. They wanted her to be as normal as possible, they didn't hand money to her, They didn't give her expensive things, and they sent her to a regular school. Mark didn't use any of his earnings much either, he was putting most of it back for Na Young, if she ever really needed it. 

"Okay, I love you Ka Ye." Mark looked down at Na Young with a smile. "Say bye to daddy." Na young waved her hands at Jackson. She even blew a kiss. 

"I love you, Jagiya. I'll see you two when I get home." He leaned over to give Na Young and Mark a kiss. "Bye." Mark waved as Jackson walked toward the entrance of the studio. He turned back to Na Young. 

"Papa has to go do some interviews, I'll have to leave you here. But you'll be watched over by some really nice oppas. Can you be a good girl for your oppas?" Na Young nodded. She didn't know what it would be like to left alone, but she was sure she could do it. 


"Boys, this is my daughter Na Young. I want you take good care of her while I'm gone." Mark had taken Na Young to the first practice room. The boys that Mark thought so highly off were finally debuting as a group of five called C-20.

"Of course hyung. We've got this under control."


Note: Jagiya means darling.

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MikeeIsAwesome #1
Chapter 20: That was such a satisfying read. I've been gone for a while and really, reading this made me happy coming back for this story. I'm glad it turned out well for everybody. They all deserve to be happy.
iSimplicityy #2
Chapter 20: Such a lovely happy ending! I'm glad Mark didn't lose his career because of Na Young. I was really annoyed by Taehyung at the beginning but Markson prevailed so I'm not going to hate him any more. He was there when Mark needed his help the most and that really made up for all his dumb acts. It's so nice to see both Mark and Jackson taking part in Na Young's life. They definitely cherish their little girl! Thank you so much for yet another great fic! Hope you continue to write more and more Markson (:
blumay15 #3
Chapter 20: T-T it's over its really over... Good job author it was great as usual
riaana #4
Chapter 20: Thank you author nim... Its nice story i like it.....
petshopxoxoxo #5
Chapter 18: Omg! The baby was born 3 months early!
I was like "no no no, the baby has to be ok, Mark can't take the 2nd time". I was so worried. But it's all ok now.
They are happy now and will happy in the future too.
hyunyeolliemarkson #6
Chapter 18: Awwwwww! This fic was cute. Can't wait for the epilogue. Markson as parents are love. Thanks author-nim! :)
petshopxoxoxo #7
Chapter 17: Ohh dear :)))))))))
Jackson :)) "dont worry I'll take care of everything" :)) this is sooo sweet my dear.
Chapter 16: Omg i cant believe the updates you been doing i freaking loved a hard day and now this one. I always want more cause well its so damn good. Keep on writing ill never stop writing.
petshopxoxoxo #9
Chapter 16: Okay...
Hope Taehyung understands that this is his last chance to be near Mark as a friend, not as a boyfriend.
Mark, I know u r kind but u better be strong and not touching any drink and not going out alone with Taehyung. U know how important Jackson is to ur life now dear. If u lose him, I really don't know what will happen my dear...
Chapter 15: i bet the hickeys is all over mark's neck hahahahaha...jackson ahh u such a beast /wink wink/ ^^