One Shot

Midnight Darkness

He sat on the windowsill looking at the moon, it was midnight and he was not tired. He sighed deeply, this was the only thing he had the energy to do. Just sit at the window looking at the moon. Nothing else in this world mattered anymore. He didn't recall the last time he went out to see other people than the members. When was the last time he even left his room? The members always went into his room with food and he had hos own bathroom. He knew the members was scared that he wouldn't come out of his room but he will.. eventually when this nightmare was over, only then he might get out of his room.

*he looked at the moon* -Can't you see I miss you so much? Tears started to form in his eyes blurring his vision, he reached for his phone and dialed a number listening to the signals-

-beeep, beep, beeep *someone picked up and 3 quiet seconds went by* "yello you've reached Kim Hanbin and I can't take your call right now but I will call you back as soon I can goodbye"

The call ended with a loud beep and he looked at the phone screen with tears falling down onto the name Kim Hanbin on the phone. He sobbed quietly he didn't want the other members around him when he cried. He can't be weak in front of them not now, not when they just debuted and he have to act like the leader. He have to be strong.. For them. Jiwon was heartbroken every night. He would just sit at the window for hours, calling the same number over and over until his body was so exhausted from all the crying he just fell asleep right on the windowsill.

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