Between The Two Worlds


Title: Between the two worlds
* Sunhee/Cyrste
* Dyrcyte
* Sylph 

"You can't hide, no matter where you are, or however you look. Because, my heart will always find where it belongs."


I saw an angel.

It was during the summer ten years ago. I was running in the field, chasing after a beautiful red butterfly through its twisted path as the sun goes down. I was so focused that I lost track of the time. It was already dark by the time I realised that I was lost. I was so desperate to find my way home, my eyes became so teary that I couldn't even see properly. Just when I was beginning to lose hope, I heard a voice. A very beautiful voice. I unconsciously followed it and I ended up bumping into someone. He was so beautiful, and his hair was glowing under the moonlight. I couldn't stop staring at him, and he too, looked at me with a sad look in his eyes as he cupped my cheeks and whispered. 

"It's not time yet, Cyrste. Ten years, give me ten years..." 

Suddenly, my body felt so heavy and before I realised a thing, my body dropped to the ground. 



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