Chapter 3

How a Human Could Change a Life

After the day Wonshik betrayed his lover, he gained Sung as his new one. He enjoyed having her around. Jaehwan thought he was crazy to give up on someone he was with for so long. They have even stopped talking for a bit because of it. He knows that one day Jaehwan would come around. They have had fights like this before where they didn't talk. Right now he was cuddling with her on the couch. His strong arms wrapping around her tiny frame while his chin rests upon her delicate shoulder. She was on his lap also enjoying their time together. The TV they were watching became nothing but noise to them. They much rather just sit there taking in their black aura love. This twisted encounter that should never have happened. 

"Hold on babe. I have to do something real quick." Wonshik spoke, setting Sung down on the couch cushion beside him. 

Sung nodded watching him leave to his bedroom. 

He enters his room checking his phone to see if it was fully charged now. The percentage was 89. He also sees that there are no miss calls or text messages. He shrugs it off before feeling a strange presence. It takes form of a human with red bat wings, pointy tail, and horns. The devil was taller than him by an inch or less. He rubs his eyes not believing what he was seeing. The devil snickers at the human's reaction. 

"Hello there Wonshik~."

"How do you know my name?"

"I am an Alpha Devil. I know every human~."

Wonshik narrows his eyes. Why would a devil be in his room? He's not dead as far as he knows. The devil laughs having a dire smirk on his face. The tail curls as he purrs. "What the hell do you want?" Wonshik scoffs. 

"It's not what I's what you want~." The devil speaks calmly while walking around him. The tail stoking his cheek. Wonshik gave him a disgusted look. 

"Get that out of my face..." He growls batting the tail away.

"Oh if I was female you would enjoy it..." The devil remarks, rolling his eyes. "Speaking of which...Sung? Is what she named 'herself' right?"

"What about Sung?" Wonshik's eyes narrowed. 

"You want to stay with her, yes?"


"How badly?'


"How badly do you want to be with 'her'?"

"I...badly...I want to be with her forever..."

The devil laughs. The smirk reaching from ear-to-ear. He flicks his tail to reveal an apple that would be all too familiar with Sung. It floats in front of Wonshik's face before he takes it in his large hands. He raised an eyebrow at the weird fruit. The devil hums. "If you really want her take a bite out of this."

"Why?" Wonshik questions softly. 

"You need to make this vow. Your girl is...special~."

"Special?" He tilts his head. 

"You will find that out on your own soon...She took this vow for it's your turn." The devil spoke not wanting to give away what Sung really is. He isn't suppose to anyway. Even devils have rules. 

"She did this for me?...." He murmurs to himself in thought. She would had to give up something for a devil to do something like this. If she can do this for him...then he could do it for her. The devil grabs his shoulders and whispers into his ear, "And you won't have second thoughts about your ex-wife again like I know you have been~." Wonshik's eyes widen. He's been feeling the guilt for a while now. He wanted it to go away. He was in love with Sung now. It was eating him alive! His grip on the fruit tightens. His bangs hang over his eyes while he bites his lower lip. 

"Will it really take that away?"

"Mmhmm~. After the bite of this fruit of desire, you will truly be committed. The memories will be gone and you won't feel guilty~. You have betrayed everything so why not go the extra mile?"

"Sung..." Wonshik mumbles, nails digging into the skin of the apple. "...I want to only be with you....and I need to prove it...If this can really help us..then I will take the vow too..." He takes the black vow biting into the apple sharing the same fate as her. Everything that had to do to his former lover disappears from his memories. His desires for Sung only increase to the point of burning, passionate, lust. He made a gruff moan only making the devil laugh at him. 

"The vow is complete between you two now~. Go on~. Have fun pitiful human." The devil manically laughs soon disappearing from sight. Wonshik throws the apple in a random direction and headed straight back to the living room. 

"Hey--" Sung began to speak before getting pinned down on the couch. Wonshik captures her lips in the midst of heat. Her face flushes for that moment. She eases into the kiss leading him take the lead. He purrs happily leading her into the passionate kiss. He gently pulls away having his low, y voice muster out, "I want you..."

"I want you too.." She whispers with half lidded eyes. 

Wonshik smirked and reunites their lips as his hands travel across her slender body. He uses his talented hands and tongue to ravish her to a mess. Their beautiful vow turning as black as sin between two beings. 

Meanwhile in Heaven, the high class angels were not fond of what Taekwoon has done. He has ruined the cycle of the human's life and dragged him down with him. Both would need divine punishment for giving their souls to the devil for something that should never happen. The one that they put up to the task of taking care of this was Hakyeon. He knows he couldn't let it slide. He told them in the first place plus there is no information that will escape them. He was a loyal angel of Heaven and would not stand for anything that is against the divine law even if it's his own best friend. He felt so betrayed by Taekwoon. He tried to help him. He didn't want to loose him to some human. Now he has to give judgment. Taekwoon would only be safe since he cannot die. the one that has to take it. Wonshik's death should be a reminder of what Taekwoon has done. He grabs his white pistol loading it with holy bullets. 'Tsk...I'm sorry...Wonshik....Taekwoon...but you can't go against nature...You choose this fate...' He closed his eyes and unfolds his wings. 

He descends to Earth in a quick pace. His straight face looking around to find Wonshik. He sees the man all alone in the house. He was on his phone by the window. Hakyeon gently lands on the hard wood floor and his gun. His arm extends fully pointing towards the human. His figure shows with his wings turning from only having a pair to two pairs. His voice stern with no emotion, "Your time is up. Face your fate."

Wonshik whips around from the strange voice only to be shoot in the heart. His body drops like lead; his head against the glass. His breathing gone thus becoming lifeless. Hakyeon stares at the dead body for a moment. The deed was done. He nods to himself before taking off. He needed to return to Heaven where he belonged. 

Sung returns from the trip to the store only to see a lifeless Wonshik on the floor. She drops everything rushing over to his cold form. She takes him into her arms weeping in sorrow. Her tears staining his shirt and face. Hiccuping can be heard all around the room. Her hand cups his freezing cheek as she speaks in a soft tone, "My love...lying cold...I will spend all my life for you as I swore on that day....My sin against God...All my acts of treachery should be paid by my death, so I will die for you..I believe that is my fate..." 

Wonshik's eyes slowly open as Sung was glowing brightly with black wings behind her. She had a mournful smile just like on his wedding day that he was suppose to take his holy vow with his wife. He had a weak voice, "S-Sung...?" 

She shook her head soon turning into the true form that is Taekwoon that still had the same smile. His eyes widen seeing that his Sung was Taekwoon all along. The angel he saved then by those goons. The one he pushed away. "T-Taek...woo...n?" Wonshik spoke in utter shock. He nodded and planted a kiss on top of Wonshik's forehead. 

"I'm sorry love...I have tried to go against nature as you see...I'm not human...Not only that...but I have dragged you down my path of sin. Your betrayal will be my death..."

"W-What are you...?"

"I love you...." Taekwoon whispers and he disappears leaving only a black feather behind. Wonshik's eyes widen and he gets up onto his knees. He grabs the feather and started crying. He hugged the object like his life depended on it. His heart shattered into a million pieces. He now understood what the devil meant by she was special. They weren't suppose to be together. No wonder why his conscious thought about going back to his beloved. It was like the angels telling him to set things right. However he was too much in love to go back. He wouldn't have listened anyway. His grip was crushing the feather between his fingers. He looks up towards the ceiling. He shouts while heaving. 


He curls up with his back facing upwards and his face towards the floor. He punches the floor with never ending tears. 

"Come back......" 


Author's Note:

I tried my best with this kind of plot. It was kind of hard with the whole apple that they had....It never explained what it exactly was. Even after in the story that Rin turns into Len somehow Miku gets the apple. In white vow (which is Miku's version) didn't explain how she got it. So I had to work around that. I'm sorry if it didn't make much sense. I mean Wonshik's sin is the betrayal of leaving his future wife which isn't as bad as Taekwoon's betrayal of Heaven and God. But I went with how it is that the human was suppose to die *shrugs* Complicated. I hope you enjoyed it anyway even if I might have messed up the story. Hey I did try to make it different too! 

Btw if you can figure out who the devil was good job ;) 

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Chapter 3: Well, this is sad. :( Still, at the end........:(((
KTsuki-chan #2
Chapter 3: Poor Wonshik >_< it was Taekwoon's fault though, falling in love woth him... Or should I say it was Wonshik's because he is too handsome??
Benafsha23 #3
Chapter 3: Woah it was great even if I hope Taekwoon will come back *sigh* and .... Was the devil Hyuk ?
jasminemaki #4
Chapter 3: my poor taek……
krocket #5
Chapter 2: i love it actually~ fighting author nim!!
KTsuki-chan #6
Chapter 1: Taekwoon is a bit naïve, isn't he?? Wonshik is going to get married, yet Taekwoon thought kissing him was okay?? I wonder how that will turn up...