Call Me Baby

Won't You Stay With Me? ~ Hiatus!!

This was not happening. Baekhyun was ready to bet his whole life that he was not facing his one night stand right now. That Park Chanyeol did not just hear him sing a cringy love song. 

Please, God, don't do this to me. Come on, we're friends, aren't we? I'm willing to be Sehun's slave for the rest of my days, give up Starbucks frappuccinos, anything. But not THIS!

' my life so hard!' Baekhyun screamed, looking away from Chanyeol and kicking a nearby tree. An image of an enraged Minseok appeared in his mind, telling him to respect nature, but now, he couldn't care less about the poor tree. God damn it, less than 24 hours have passed since he fooled around with the ridiculously tall rapper and since then, his existence consisted of pure . 

'Um... You good?' The vocalist felt a light tap on his shoulder and a very familiar voice rung in his ears. He turned abruptly to meet a rosy-cheeked and surprised Chanyeol. He was sporting a plain white tank top with a navy cardigan pulled over it and was he was shivering in the autumn wind. 

'I'm not really sure,' replied the elder, unintentionally staring straight into the giant's eyes, making the latter drop his sight in embarassment. Baekhyun couldn't blame him, they were too close for a situation like this. 'It's you, right?'

'You mean the one... Yeah, it's me. What are you doing here? Your "operatic chants" as Kyungsoo refered to them, interrupted... No, wrong word. Were audible during our food time.'

Who the was this Soo guy? 'Sorry for that, I was just... definitely not looking for you! In fact, after today morning, I decided that I never want to see you or your dickhead ever again. But since you're here and we're talking and I probably said some of the stupidest things in my life... What do you say to coffee?'

Baekhyun on his dark green straw and felt a soothing wave of sweet, sticky, caramel latte came down his throat. He sighed in pure bliss and whipped cream from the tip of the straw. Across the table, Chanyeol nervously played with his soda, taking small sips every now and then. Neither of them had uttered a word since they ordered their drinks. 

'Listen, I, um...' began Chanyeol, raking a shaking hand through his dark hair. Baekhyun tasted his caffeinated milkshake once again before resting his chin on his fist. He tried to keep up the cool and no-s-given image so far, he'd been too successful at it. 

'Yes, I totally get it. There was to be hunted out there and as you said before, you're absolutely not gay. So you left me hanging with a throroughly ed and most probably a few strained heartstrings.' The vocalist retorted, interrupting the taller.

'Sassy as always.' Chanyeol lifted an eyebrow and started twisting his watch around his wrist, trying to occupy his hands with anything. 'I just felt like I owe you an apology. And seeing as this was supposed to be a one time thing, yet I'm still here with you, it seems fitting to...'

'Aish, you talk too much. Here's the thing: I like to get laid, just like almost every other human being on this planet. And I'm not gonna lie, yesterday was pretty decent. For someone straight. So, why don't we continue? Just like this, casual . You can still dig , but people experiment in college, don't they?'

Chanyeol threw his head back laughing, and as much as he hated it, Baekhyun has to admit that it was a lovely sound. Cute, almost not fitting in with its owner's tall, lanky, rapper image. 'But I'm not gay.'

'You're willing to give up a chance to bang this booty? Friend, you are one strange creature.'

'Oi, narcisstic bastard, you're not supposed to say that yourself. Back to the subject, no way. I'm straight, there's no way this would ever work out...'

Baekhyun stood up and grabbed Chanyeol's hand, forcefully pulling the younger behind him. Ignoring the other's complaints, he dragged him behind the coffeshop, where he was sure they would be free from the eyes of others. 

Reaching up on his tip-toes, the vocalist grabbed the rapper by the collar and smashed his lips against his, taking the latter by complete surprise. For a minute, Chanyeol stood frozen, as if absolutely disregarding Baekhyun's mouth on his, but that façade soon fell and he gave in to the pleasure.

Baekhyun knew how to kiss. He knew how to kiss pressing just the right buttons, making his partner slowly come undone, sending them straight to Cloud Nine. It was no different with Chanyeol. The smaller male learned quickly enough that his one night stand loved when he captured his bottom lip inbetween his and lightly. The vocalist seemed to know all of the giant's soft spots right off the bat and he used it to his advantage. He sensually into Chanyeol's mouth at just the right moment, involving their tongues in a crazy waltz. He felt the rapper's hands gripping his shirt and gently pulling on the hairs at the nape of his neck and that made Baekhyun smile smugly. He liked the way this was going.

He kissed, led, nipped, carefully bit and caressed Chanyeol's lips with his own until he sensed the moment when the taller's knees were just about to buck weakly and a lustful moan was ready to escape his throat. That's when the elder pulled off with a sly lip bite, leaving his partner hanging dangerously on the edge of paradise, burning with desire for more.

'Changed your mind?' The question fell between the two young men, but the answer was already clear. Chanyeol nodded hazily, still being pierced with want for Baekhyun's lips. As if they were a drug, he just wanted that kiss to be repeated and to go on till the ends of time. 

Baekhyun took a step in the direction of the street, preparing to retireve Jongin's bike and return home. On his way, he brushed his hand over Chanyeol's exposed forearm and he could swear that a tiny bit of electricity crackled between them at the touch. 

'Call me.'

The wind just got stronger and colder as Baekhyun rode Jongin's bike back to his friends' dorm. He thought about the next time he would see Chanyeol. About whether he had done the right thing.

'It's easy, man. You didn't want to let go? Then don't.'

But the thing with life is, that it likes to be a . And when something sounds simple, it usually isn't. 



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waaaah that description tho xD
i swear i dont usually read stuff like this but that description up there was just too cute and i found myself giggling so i just had to comment~ little cutie pie ♡ good luck with your writing!
Pandall #2
Chapter 2: Plzz update
Chapter 2: I can't wait for more!! This is so good
fujoshiwarrior #4
Chapter 1: Lovin' this type of plot..