A Plesant Run In?

It Just Happened

Two weeks later @ MBC waiting room: Yeri's POV


"Aww, I still can't get that cutie out of my head. Will we ever meet again?" Seulgi dramatically walks around their waiting room with the back of her hand on her forehead, acting as if she was severely heartbroken. She's telling the truth though. She hasn't stopped speaking of Jae since that day. (that rhymed)

"Would you stop? She would've been forgotten if you didn't keep mentioning her." Yeri's tired of Seulgi swooning over that girl. Finding out they had the same birthday bothered her. But, as much as she didn't want to admit it? She too secretly wanted to see her again. She was curious. If they were born on the same exact day, doesn't that mean they'll have more similarities than average people? It could at least mean they'd get along well. Yeri needed someone her age to confine in. Joy has been busy finding other friends and working various gigs. They all have. Besides Yeri. She only has gigs when it involves RV as a whole, and even though they're needed as a whole just about everyday it's become boring. They get together for a few hours of perfoming then they're all off to their own side activities. What activities does Yeri have? Hopefully if they do meet Jae again, they could become friends.

"Seulgi, our baby Yetti wants to be friends with that girl just as much as you do. As do I. Joy too, Irene is the only one I'm only 80 percent sure about. She grinned when Jae pouted but it could've just been because she was cute and not because she actually likes Jae as a person. Hopefully we meet her again all together like last time so I can figure it out." Wendy vows to herself that she'll find out if Irene likes Jae in general or only when she's being cute.

"I even remembered her name. Hey, how does JaeGi sound?" Joy walks as soon as the words leave Seulgi's mouth.

"What? No way, Double J sounds better! The JJ couple." Seulgi just rolls her eyes.

"First of all, Joy isn't even your real name. JaeDy for the win!" Yeri scoffs and notices her leader, who was there that whole time, looks as if she has something to say as well.

"Well, JaeRene doesn't sound to bad either." The room instantly quiets.

"What the hell."

"You like her too? Hell yeah!"

"For crying out loud."

"I knew it!" Wendy gets out of her seat for a victory dance, soon after Joy and Seulgi join. Hearing Irene begin to speak again, they simmer down.

"She's weird, but that's what I like about her. She didn't care that we didn't trust her--"

"You didn't trust her." Seulgi intervenes.

"POINT IS, she was one hundred percent herself, without a care in the world. She was only worried about us being cold. There are bad weirdos, like pedos, and good weirdos like Jae." Yeri agreed, she had fun with Jae at the SunDollar. Jae was funny, mostly on accident, and even though her expressions barely changed she was nice. Hell, Irenes face barely changed when they first met and she's a fluff ball.

"Then JaeRim it is. JaeRi for short." Seulgi gets even more excited hearing this, she puts one hand on the side of and uses her other hand to mimic pulling string. Perhaps a string attached to some kind of siren or horn.

"Toot tooooot. All aboard the Jae train! It's too cold to be outside on a ship, so toot toooot!" Once Seulgi is done RV is called up to perform next.

At interview #3: Jayeons POV


"Why did I apply here? There's nothing but a bunch of idols. I can't do anything here! What position did I even apply for again? Aww bloody hell." Jaeyeon applied to MBC thinking she wouldn't need to interview there after she went to one of her other interviews she had throughout the week. Yep, she failed another weeks worth of interviews. If it wasn't Friday and the fact that she strangely doesn't feel so agitated today, she'd scream. She walked up to a random worker and asked the nicest way she could without being fake very much needed info.

"Excuse me, where is Mr.No?" The guy she walked up to, who looked to be about 20 something and good looking, gave her a once over. It was a careful look, as if he was searching for something to be wrong. Jaeyeon dressed nicely today, well, nicer than usual. It was to put herself in, at least, an okay mood. She had a messy bun, which is her favorite bun style. She decided after all those past interviews, she throw the neat ballerina bun in the trash and in the past. She wore her favorite colors this time as well, black and hunter green. All her past interviews she wore pastel colors. She doesn't hate pastel but she sure is tired of it for now. She doesn't normally wear heels since she's already 5'7, but she wore her favorite hunter green pair. They were very comfortable for heels, she almost didn't believe they were heels when she first tried them on in the store a year or so ago. Besides, she got tired of wearing dull flats just for an interview. Having on a black high waist skirt that went down to just above her knee, though once again, what she normally wore was pants. Her button up was hunter green and long sleeved just in case she couldn't find her black fitted trench coat. But thank goodness she did, it's another very cold day. And of course she had her big black bag. Overall, Jaeyeon really liked her outfit, it was all the way her style. She was comfortable, in her element. It showed all over too. Her walk was more free than usual, she smirked when she looked at herself in the mirror rather than cringing at how stressed she looked, she has a glow, she was so excited to wear the outfit she woke up before the alarm an actually had time to properly do a whole skin care routine and cook breakfast. To sum it all up, she had her together. For today that is.

"Are you Ms.Jaeyeon?" The guys face slightly frowns after, what would be Jaeyeon's guess, analyzing the reason she's here for Mr.No based off of her outfit. Which is how he figured it was her.

"I am she and she is me."

"I'm sorry, we no longer need your services. Our previous camera staff has decided they'll stay with us for a while longer." Jaeyeon nods. She's an Art major, so she's taken a photography class or two. She figured she'd try to do something she was already trained in. But, before she could walk off the guy firmly grabbed her shoulder.

"You're leaving too soon Ms.Jaeyeon." Jae's now confused, so she just blinks, waiting for the cute guy to continue.

"I was sent here to find you and make sure I let you know that we no longer needed you. And to inform you that as compensation for wasting your precious time, the boss has allowed you to go backstage (handing Jae a card) with this pass for however long you'd like. You can also use the pass to get into the show section and watch the idols perform. Front row. Just be out of the building before closing." And with a charming smile he handed Jae a map of the building.

"Just in case." He winks at Jae and for the first time a good looking guy, who was not an idol made her swoon.


Jaeyeon does exactly what she assumed she was allowed to do. She explored the entire building, even if she wasn't sure if that was apart of the gidelines she had to follow. If she felt like she was at place that was out of guidlines, she'd pretend she knew where she was headed to. As if where she stood wasn't her actual destnation. She just wanted to scope out the entire building she could have been working in. It was now or never. Now, after fiding all the offices, she made her way to the more popular area. She called it, idol town. When in fact it was just the waiting rooms. She was gonna just go straight to the show section, watch everyone perform front row and call it a day. But she figured it would be even better to be able to see the idols even closer than front row. In person. Plus she'd heard all the songs that had been performed so far since the building had tvs everywhere playing MBC performances. Lmao that's how they give themselves views.


"Ugh why are all of our staff getting the boot? It's annoying."

"It's is annoying."

"You guys, at least losing staff is better than continuously changing members."

"Oh jeez, lord no."

"Please, never that. I'll cry."

"You always cry."

"No one needs to know that!"



Jae hears the familiar voices and turn towards them, eventually closing in on them. They are walking the opposite way, so they see each other as they walk closer.


"Omg. She looks even better than before, how is that possible?" In shock, Seulgi stops dead in her tracks as she sees the face she's been excited to see again, causing the rest of the members to halt.

"What the hell Seul, can you talk up a burger like th-- woah, she does look even better than last time.." Joy was only hungry until she noticed Jae, now she's hungry and excited. Yeri's excitement levels went from zero to about eighty after she laid eyes on Jae as well. RV as a whole was excited, including Irene. But before any of them could get any closer to Jae, she gets pulled out of their sight by someone in the waiting room that happened to be across from theirs.



"Who did that? What the f--"

"Joy, you know I prohibit you from using certain curse words. Stick to what's allowed please." Irene interjects. They start to walk toward their waiting room and out of curiosity, they all read who's waiting room it was that Jae got dragged into from across the hall. CLC.

"Well, what the . Maybe the girl has finally found herself a job. But did it have to be with them? That's no fun at all." It was Irenes turn to swear. Things have happened between the two groups and if they're gonna be who Jae's working for, there's gonna be problems. As if reading her thoughts, Seulgi began to whine.

"This isn't any good, she'll be so close but so far. She'll only have time to be with them and no time for us... Yah! We met her first!" After Seulgi started whining, swinging and protesting soon came after, RV had to lift her up while clamping shut just to get into their waiting room in somewhat peace.

"Ugh, drama queen." Joy rolls her eyes.

"Talk about embarrasing." Though Wendy too is upset, Seulgi let her anger get the best of her since she's already tired and stressed. It's gotten worse these days, since the group keeps losing staff.  

"Talk about sad. I was looking forward to making a new friend and they stole her away. Hmph." Irene says this with folded arms and a soft pout. Seulgi just stares at her for a moment.

"It's not as cute compared to when Jae does itttt." Seulgi whines, once again. Yeri attempts to pout as well, maknaes are cuter by default right?

"Nope, I feel nothing." Joy and Seulgi say, on the same wavelength. Wendy and Irene snort.

"Forget it! What are they doing with her in there anyway? They don't need any managers or stylist. Are they just being greedy?" Yeri began to whine as well. Then she quietly wonders to herself.


"Is she getting close with her?"

An hour before Jae discovered RV: Jae's POV


"I need to break. No.. chairs near this office section.. ah dang it." As Jaeyeon slides down the wall, sitting with her arms hugging her knees, she notices footsteps approaching. She immediately stands, ready to walk away from the footsteps direction. But she hears something that causes her to freeze. Crying. Jae normally minds her business, but she could never stand tears of any kind from anything, human, an animal, or albeit a damn animated plant. She turns on her heels and walks straight into the sniffles after hearing words she never liked to hear.

"I'm so worthless..."

"No you're not." Jae didn't even care who was crying, she just wanted them to stop. So when the person she came to console looked up at her teary eyed, with the face of CLC's Seungyeon? Jae almost ran to hug the poor girl. She was her kinda bias of the group. She always liked the dancers. Even after finding out who she was, Jae was only focused on making her feel better. Jae obviously wasn't the type who thought idols weren't human. Seungyeon clearly didn't know Jae but she allowed her to hug her anyway. While patting Seungyeon's back, Jaeyeon chuckles at how ironic it is that she's just been taking care of idols these days. Despite her crappy day, she focused completley on making RV feel better that day. As she's doing the same for Seungyeon now. After about five minutes, Seungyeon's crying was reduced to sniffles. Her breathing started to regulate. But... wasn't she still breathing in a little too hard?

"You smell really good."

"Did she just sniff me?"

"Like really really good."

"Was she sniffing me the whole time? The ."

"You're really comfortable too." Jae is getting a little creeped out.

"Okay so, you good? Wanna, walk and talk? I have somewhere... to... be." Seungyeon stands up and begins walking. She then turns back around and grabs Jae's hand. Intertwining their fingers. Jae stares at her quietly judging.

"You're weird. Anyone else would have hit me or something." Jae just blinks.

"Wait, so I'm not special? You do that to everyone? I'm hurt." Jae jokes. If Jaeyeon wasn't such a calm person these days, she may just have hit her. Or at least told her off. Jae has a bad temper but she's had 19 years time to learn how to calmly rage. She does the best she can in order to not physically hurt anybody. But, sometimes she can't keep the mean words from slipping. And she makes sure she never yells in an argument. It now takes alot to get her to the point of yelling in an argument, and that is something she's very proud of. Now yelling in surprise or frustration? Totally different. Besides, Seungyeon can be a weirdo all she wants, it's not like she attempted to kill Jae. She simply showed Jae, who is a total stranger, affection. It's not that deep.

"I don't do this with everybody. Just my members and people I'm close to."

"So I am special, huh?" Jae was only joking to lighten the mood but Seungyeon started clinging to her arm as they walked closer to the waiting rooms.

"Very special."

"Okay, I'm suspicious now. You don't even know my name." Seungyeon turns at Jae, stares into her eyes, and then burst out into laughter.

"I know you're a nice person and that's all I care about. I'm Seungyeon by the way."

"I'm Jae, and we're running out of time. I understand if you don't wanna talk about whatever made you cry but listen here, you are not worthless. You're one of the best dancers I've seen, you're voice is just as great, and though you can be extra from what I've seen on tv, I find that to be a nice quality for some to have.  It's actually one of the characteristics I like about you the most. You give out good energy unlike the people who are extra, but their energy is negative af. And though you're being a little weird right now, I can feel that you're not a shady person. This is not the first time someone has instantly become comfortable with me, won't be the last. That's all on my part. You're beautiful inside and out. So please don't ever call yourself that word again, ever." Jae could've just said nice things so she could get the heck out of there but the amount of blunt honesty that just flowed out of her couldn't be faked. She couldn't help it, she doesn't like saying things just to make people feel good. She always says what she means.

"Thank you. I really needed to hear that. Even though you were very blunt. You don't sugar coat a thing do you? Do you even know how?" Jae just shakes her head.

"We have to part ways now. See you around." Jae has to pee, that was the only real place she had to go.

"Yeah, I hope to see you again." As Seungyeon waved bye, she also began a light sprint towards the show section. She actually had to be on the stage.

*Finishes Ch 2 but still waits to unhide it because dunno if good or not*

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