
Three makes story

prompt: hakyeon, losing the ability to cry

warning: mentions of abuse and slavery



It's not that he lost the ability to perform the action itself; no, that wasn't the case. Hakyeon could still feel the prickling sensation behind his eyes and in his nose, and the lump in his throat as it squeezed every time he felt overwhelmed by emotions and pain.

It was just that he couldn't cry tears

No tears came from his eyes, no salty wetness to moist his ruddy cheeks as he wept.

Oh if only Hakyeon could go back to before. If only he could take his words back.

Before his tears began to turn crystalline.

Before the drops of diamond he wept landed in the hands of people that locked him in a small cell and made him cry more and more each passing day. 

If only he didn't wish to lose the ability to cry; but he hadn't known the logic of wishes didn't work like human logic did.

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