We’re a Couple? For Real?

Heaven Sent




“That’s all for today class”, your teacher said dismissing you. You stretch your neck and started packing up your things. You approached, Namjoo who is also packing her things, to ask her to walk home with you. You noticed that she has this excited looked on her face and so you asked her why.

“Hmm? Well February 14 is coming”, Namjoo said excitedly.

“And so?” You asked.

“And so, it’s confession time, duh”, Namjoo replied.

“So you’re going to confess to someone?” you asked.

“Not really confess. I just want to make chocolates to this person to show him my appreciation”, Namjoo said as the two of you walk together to the school gate.

You did not bother asking Namjoo whoever that guy was. You walked home together and parted ways when you reached the waiting shed. When you arrived home, Yoseob was on the living room watching a cooking show while waiting for dinner to be cooked.

“Welcome back!” Yoseob said.

“What are you watching?” you asked as you sit down beside Yoseob.

“Ugh, cooking show? They were teaching how to make chocolate for the coming Valentine’s day”, Yoseob said.

“Oh, I see”, you said in reply. ‘So even TV shows are already airing things about Valentines this early, huh?’ you thought.

Yoseob checked if your dinner is already cooked and invited you to eat. After eating, you decided to do your homework in the living room and watch as well some TV shows. You sat down and the TV. However you were a bit disappointed because most of the shows were stuffs about love. You kept on changing channels until you decided to just watch the news. Yoseob sat down beside you offering you melon slices.

“What’s the problem? You looked disappointed”, Yoseob asked biting a slice of melon.

“All shows are about the coming Valentine’s day”, you said writing down answers on your notebook.

“And you’re disappointed because you don’t have someone to go on a date, right?” Yoseob teasingly asked.

You shot him an evil look and did not answer instead focused on your homework. Yoseob continued teasing you saying he was right for you were not saying anything.

“If you can’t go on a date, why don’t you just confess your feelings to someone you like?” Yoseob asked. “That’s what humans usually do right?”

‘Confess?’ You thought. ‘Should I confess?’ For a while you thought about what Yoseob said but shrug off that thought. ‘Forget it.’

“Confess? I don’t know if I could do that, I’m too shy”, you said as an excuse.

Yoseob flicked you on the forehead and you got angry asking what he did that for.

“If you will continue being shy, you’re going to end up as an old woman without a lover”, Yoseob said teasingly and left you.

You thought about what Yoseob said even when you were about to sleep and decided you still have a week left to decide if you’re going to confess to him.

‘It’s not that I’m really shy in confessing. It’s the rejection that I fear’, you thought and finally went to sleep.


It was lunch time at your school and you were eating with Namjoo. Up to now, you are still thinking whether you should confess or not.

“Um, _____, would you help me pick chocolates tomorrow after classes?” Namjoo asked. However you did not answer for you are still busy thinking about your confession.

Namjoo waved her hand in front of your face, “Hey, ___. Are you listening to me?”

“Huh? Ah, yes. Sure I’ll go with you”, you said in reply. You continued eating your lunch. As you were eating your lunch, you saw Taemin entering the cafeteria. He waved at you and you waved back blushing.

“Taemin’s so handsome isn’t he?” you heard a lower classman said to her classmate. “I’m going to confess to him my feelings this coming 14.”

“Eh? I’m sure there’ll be a lot of other girls who’s going to do that”, said her classmate. “There’s little chance of him going out with you.”

“I know but there’s no harm in trying”, said the lower classman positively. “Even if he does not go out with me, at least I was able to let him know how I feel.”

The lower classman’s words struck you. ‘She got a point’, you thought. ‘I have decided.’

Just like any other normal school day, you and Namjoo walked home together. You parted ways already when you suddenly remembered that Namjoo was asking you to accompany her to buy some chocolates. You called out to her and asked her to also help you pick some chocolates tomorrow as well. Namjoo waved and said “Sure!” You thanked her and walked back home.


You and Namjoo hurriedly packed up your things and went out of school to buy chocolates. You went to a confectionery store to but all the things you need. The store was decorated cutely with hearts Cupid cut-outs and its shelves are full of different kind of chocolates and other sweets. Girl students some of which are from your school flocked the store buying chocolates for tomorrow.

You and Namjoo picked your chocolates, some sprinkles and of course the package. You decided to buy double because you thought you’d give Yoseob some chocolates as well. You also bought a manual on how to make chocolates since you don’t know how to make one, for this is the first time you are going to confess. After buying everything you need, the two of you went home.

It was right in time for dinner when you arrived home. Yoseob cheerfully welcomed you home and two of you ate dinner. Yoseob asked why you went home a bit late and you told him you bought ingredients for the chocolate you’ll be making. You helped Yoseob clean up after you ate dinner and you proceeded in making your chocolates.

You read the manual you just bought and followed the instructions carefully. However, on your very first try, the chocolate you made was a fail. It was rough and tastes bitter. You decided to try one more time but it was still a fail for the second time around.

You sat down and stared at the mess you made. “Aish! I never thought that it would be this hard to make handmade chocolates”, you said irritated. Yoseob overheard what you said and went to check on what you were doing.

“What’s wrong?” Yoseob asked.

“I’m making handmade chocolates for a guy I like”, you explained. “And even though I’m following the instructions in this manual, I can’t seem to get it right. I don’t know what to do.”

“So you’re going to confess! To whom are you going to give that?” Yoseob asked.

“You don’t need to know”, you said.

“O-kay~. I was thinking of helping you, but since you don’t want to say who it is…” Yoseob said.

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you”, you said. “It’s Taemin.”

At the mention of Taemin’s name Yoseob turned his back on you and said that he has to do something. However, even before he can leave, you grabbed his hand and pleaded to him to help you.

“Please, please Yoseob”, you said.

“N.O. No.” Yoseob said sternly.

“But aren’t you here to help me?” you said. Yoseob was firmly saying no to your request but surrendered in the end. You hugged him as a thank you. Yoseob didn’t make the chocolates himself but he assisted you in making it, reminding you of what you should and should not do.

“Temperature should not exceed 60°”, Yoseob said.

You and Yoseob finished making the chocolates. You almost cried after finishing it since you find it hard to make it. You packed the chocolate in a cute box decorated with doodles of heart and tied a ribbon on top of it. You looked at the clock to see what time is it already and saw that it was nearly midnight. You hurriedly clean the kitchen after that and packed the excess chocolates in another cute box.

“I wonder what to do with this?” you asked yourself.

“You know what the best thing to do with that?” Yoseob asked. “Eat it.”

He tried to grab the chocolate from you but you immediately hide it from him. Yoseob complained saying he helped you for nothing. He went to his room while you went to yours. You placed Taemin’s chocolate and the excess chocolate on your bedside table. You lay down your bed and prayed that you would have enough courage for tomorrow’s confession.



It was finally the end of classes and you decided you’d confess to Taemin. You told Namjoo to wait on the school gate. Namjoo said yes and cheered on you. “Hwaiting!” You picked up your bag and held tightly on the box of chocolate you made last night with Yoseob’s help.

‘You can do it ___!’ You told yourself. You looked around the school premises for Taemin. You finally saw in the locker area fixing his things.  You were about to approach him when a girl, a lower classman approached him first and gave him a paper bag.  You decided to hid first and watch as the girl confess to Taemin.

‘He must have gotten a lot of chocolates today’, you thought as you look at your chocolate box. ‘Aish! What if my chocolates don’t taste good? I should have at least made Yoseob eat it last night.’ You looked again at the locker area and saw that the girl wasn’t there anymore while Taemin was already walking towards the school gate. You ran after him and called his name. Taemin stop dead in his tracks and waved at you.

“Hi, ___!” Taemin cheerfully greeted you.

“Um, I want to tell you something”, you said as you clutched the box in your hands behind your back. Taemin asked you what it is. You did not answer. A guy friend called Taemin and Taemin told you he has to go and said that you can just tell him tomorrow the thing you want to say.

He was walking away already when you suddenly said, “Taemin, will you go out with me?” bowing and offering the box of chocolates you made. “I know it is sudden but I like you ever since I saw you”, you said. “I hope you’d understand my feelings. And I hope you’ll go out with me.”

Taemin looked at you at accepted the chocolate and said, “Thanks for this”, and left.

You don’t know what to feel after that. You immediately went to Namjoo who is waiting for you in the school gate. She asked you what happened and you told her everything. However you just don’t know if Taemin accepted your feelings toward him. You said goodbye to Namjoo when you reached the shed but she told you that she’ll be going to your house.

“Why?” you asked.

“I have to give this chocolate I made”, Namjoo said as she showed you a box of chocolate.

“Wait, don’t tell you’re going to give that to-“ you said.

“Yup! But I’m giving this to him not because I like him”, Namjoo said. “I’m giving this to show my appreciation to him for taking care of my friend.”

You smiled and hugged Namjoo’s arm.

When you arrived home, Yoseob (as usual) was cooking dinner. He welcomed you home and was surprised that Namjoo was there with you.

“Namjoo! What are you doing here?” Yoseob said a bit shocked.

“Well, I’m here to give this to you”, Namjoo said handing Yoseob the chocolates. Yoseon thanked her a lot of times and invited the both of you to eat dinner. The three of you chatted, laughed and even talked about your confession on Taemin. After that Namjoo said goodbye and you and Yoseob went to sleep.


You arrived earlier at school than usual so you had time to chat with Namjoo.

“Yoseob liked the chocolate you made for him”, you said.

“Really I’m glad he liked it”, Namjoo said. You continued chatting with each other when some of your girl classmates started whispering to each other excitedly. You wonder why and Namjoo had a surprised look in her face. You looked back to see why and saw Taemin and looks like he was looking for you. He smiled and approached you. You turned back and whispered, “Hide me.”

You were so surprised when Taemin sat beside you and put his arms on your shoulder and rested his head on it as well.

“Hi, ____. Good morning!” Taemin said.

“Um, wait Taemin. Why are you being like this to me?” you asked. “People might think we’re a couple or something.”

“Why? Aren’t we a couple?” Taemin said.

“Eh? We’re a couple for real?!”  




I read somewhere that in Korea, Valentine's day is not celebrated or talked about that much, but I'm too lazy to edit the scene where you were switching channels and all you see are about Valentine's day. :P hehe. Just imagine that it is like that in Korea, okay? :) Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoy writing it! And sorry for the loooonng wait~! Advance Happy Valentine's day to you! :)) 



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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))