I’m Better than You

Heaven Sent



Christmas break is over and it’s time for you to go to school again. Yoseob have recovered from the accident he got himself into and will be working again at Mrs. Park’s eatery.

You were back to your usual routine – wake up early, eat breakfast, meet Namjoo in the shed and go to school. You and Yoseob separated ways and you met Namjoo in your usual meeting place.

“Good morning, ____!” Namjoo greeted you enthusiastically.

“Good morning!” You greeted back. “Long time no see, huh?”

“Yeah. How’s your Christmas?” Namjoo asked as you walked together to school.

“Fine”, you said.

“That’s all? Come on, tell me about it”, Namjoo insisted. “Oh yeah, by the way, here’s a gift for you”, Namjoo said as she handed you a small box with a ribbon on top of it.

“Wow, thanks! I actually got one for you too”, you said handing Namjoo her gift wrapped in a paper bag with Christmas design. Namjoo thanked you for your gift and asked you again about your Christmas and New Year celebration.

You told her that your last Christmas was the best one you ever had since your mom and dad was there to celebrate with you.

“Your mom and dad? I thought they were always at war with each other”, Namjoo said looking confused.

“Well, that’s why it’s the best Christmas ever. Because they decided not to fight anymore”, you said.

“That’s good to hear. I’m so happy for you”, Namjoo said.

“Thank you”, you replied back as the two of you sat down on your respective seats. “And it became happier because Yoseob was there to celebrate with us.”

Namjoo looked at you getting confused when you mentioned Yoseob’s name. “Yoseob? Who is that?” Namjoo asked.

You forgot you haven’t told Namjoo about Yoseob and that he’s living with you. Just when you were about to answer Namjoo, the bell rang and your first period teacher entered the room.

“I’ll tell you later”, you whispered to Namjoo.

Half of the day at school went just like last year. Nothing has changed. Your Math teacher still gives you pesky pop quizzes, your Physics teacher haven’t shaved his beard and looks like it has grown much longer, and your English teacher still reads to you her poems like a lullaby. You of course still feel sleepy and Namjoo still do her job as the person who tries to keep you awake.

It was finally break time and you and Namjoo went to the school canteen and sat at your favorite table.

“I thought after New Year, something would change in our teachers. Looks like nothing has changed one bit. *Sigh*”, you said as you took a bite of your lunch.

“Yeah, and it looks like they’ve gotten worse”, Namjoo said. “So, come on. Tell me about that guy.”

“Guy? Oh, Yoseob”, you said hesitating if you should tell a lie or tell the truth.

‘Should I tell her that Yoseob’s my cousin, just like what I said to everybody else?’ you thought. ‘Or should I tell her that Yoseob’s really an angel.’

“Okay, I’ll tell you about him, but promise me you’ll believe every word I’ll say”, you said.

“Promise”, Namjoo said.

You told Namjoo everything about Yoseob. How you met him, what he really is, what he is here for and that he’s living with you.

“He’s an angel? And a real one at that! Cool!” Namjoo exclaimed. Some of the students near your table looked at the two of you.

“Shh! Keep it down. Don’t tell anyone, okay?” you said. “It’s a secret between us.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone”, Namjoo said. “So when am I going to meet him?” You were not sure about it so you just told her “Soon.”

Lunch was over and you went back to your classroom. The other half of the day went normal and boring for you as usual except for Art class which you love. In the end of the day, your homeroom teacher reminded you that midterm exams are near and you all need to review. Bell rang and it was finally time for you to go home.

You and Namjoo decided to walk home together. As you approach the school gates, you saw a familiar face smiling and waving at you.

‘Yoseob?’ you thought.

“______!” Yoseob called out to you.

You approached him and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Nothing. I got my salary today so I figured out that I’ll treat you for dinner tonight”, Yoseob explained. Yoseob saw Namjoo beside you. “Who is she?” Yoseob asked.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce the two of you”, you said. You introduced Yoseob and Namjoo to each other. They exchanged bows and smiles after that.

“So you are _____’s friend. Why don’t you come with us?” Yoseob asked.

“But wouldn’t it be embarrassing? It’s the first time I met you and you’re going to treat me to dinner already”, Namjoo said.

“It’s okay since you are _____’s friend, right _____?” Yoseob said.

“He’s right Namjoo. And I don’t want the two of us to be called a couple again”, you said. Yoseob looked at you sadly and said “You’re so mean”, pouting cutely. You and Namjoo laughed and Yoseob laughed too. The three of you walked together looking for a place to eat.

You saw a good place and entered it. You all picked a food you wanted to eat and Yoseob told you to just wait for he will be the one to pay the bill and bring the food on your table. You and Namjoo looked for a table where the three of you could sit. You found a table for four people and sat there. You chat as you wait for Yoseob.

“Yoseob is so cute!” Namjoo said. “I never knew angels could be so cute.”

“Yes he is. Although he can be naughty and a troublemaker at times”, you said.

Yoseob arrived at your table together with the food you ordered. You all eat dinner Yoseob bought for you while you talked about different things. Namjoo asked a lot of questions about Yoseob and him being an angel. Yoseob never hesitated answering each and every question Namjoo asked. In fact he looks like he is enjoying every inch of it.

The three of you finished eating your dinner and Namjoo excused herself for she needs to go to the restroom. You and Yoseob waited for Namjoo to come back.

“____, your friend’s really nice. She easily believed that I am an angel”, Yoseob said. “Unlike you. I think I should’ve helped her instead”

“So you like Namjoo more than me?” you asked a bit pissed at what Yoseob said. “Why don’t you go help her instead?”

“Now, don’t get angry. I’m just kidding”, Yoseob said.

Namjoo came back with a big smile on her face.

“Hey, ____. I think it’s your lucky day today”, Namjoo said looking excited. “Guess who I ran into.”

You thought of a person who can be that person Namjoo is talking about. ‘Who can it be? And lucky day? How can I be lucky when I failed today’s Math quiz. I’ll consider myself lucky if that person is…’ you immediately thought of Taemin. “Wait, don’t tell me it’s”, you said to Namjoo.

“Tada~” Namjoo said revealing Taemin behind her. Taemin smiled at you and said “Yo!” You immediately stood up from your chair and said hi, blushing.

“Mind If I joined you?” Taemin asked.

“Sure no problem”, you said. Namjoo sat beside Yoseob while Taemin sat beside you. You suddenly felt hot and nervous. You can hear your heart beating.

“So what are you doing here?” you asked Taemin. Taemin told you that he decided to eat his dinner there for a change.

Meanwhile Yoseob was looking at you and Taemin.

‘Who is he?’ he thought to himself. ‘____ is blushing. Does she like him?’ Yoseob didn’t want to interrupt the conversation you were having with Taemin so he asked Namjoo who Taemin was.

 “Hey, Namjoo-ssi, who is that guy?” Yoseob whispered to Namjoo.

“Oh, him? He is Taemin, one of the popular guys in school. And…” Namjoo whispered.

“And?” Yoseob asked.

“____’s long time crush.” Namjoo said.

You saw Yoseob and Namjoo whispering to each other and remembered that you haven’t introduced Yoseob and Taemin to each other.

“Oh by the way, Taemin this is Yoseob my cousin who is currently living with me. Yoseob this is Taemin, a schoolmate”, you said. Taemin offered his hand for Yoseob to shake it. Yoseob was hesitating at first if he should do it but in the end decided he should. He shakes Taemin’s hand and wouldn’t let go of it.

“Um, Yoseob-ssi, you can let go now”, Taemin said.

“Oh,  sorry”, Yoseob said. “____, I think we should go now,”

You thought Yoseob was right and decided that you would go home. The four of you left the fast food chain and walked home together stopping every now and then as you admire the things displayed at the stores you pass by. As you walked, you passed by an arcade and saw a big teddy bear in one of the machines.

You approached it and said, “Wow! It’s so big.”

“Do you want it?” Taemin asked you. You did not hesitate and said yes. “Wait here. I’ll buy some tokens and get it for you”, Taemin left to buy tokens.

Yoseob was irritated by Taemin’s actions. ‘Just who is this guy? Saying he’ll get ____ the bear. I can do that too’ Yoseob thought. ‘Plus, I’m cuter than him! Why does ____ likes him so much? Just you wait Taemin, I’m going to get the bear for _____.’

“Wait here also. I’ll also try to get the bear for you _____”, Yoseob said and dashed off to the counter.

“Here we go again”, you said and sighed.

“Is this a competition on who will capture you heart ____?” Namjoo asked. “So who are you with? I’m with Yoseob.”

“Shut up. And it’s not. Yoseob just wants to try this since he has never seen anything like it”, you said.

Taemin came back with tokens in his hand. He was about to insert one of the tokens when Yoseob immediately insert his and told him, “I’ll do it first.” Taemin said okay and backed off. The three of you watched Yoseob figuring out how to get the bear for you. Namjoo cheered for Yoseob as he tries to get the bear. He succeeded in getting the bear but when he was going to bring it to the hole where he will drop the bear, the teddy fell even before it gets near the hole. Namjoo let a scream of frustration and Yoseob was disappointed with himself. He watched Taemin in frustration as he gets the bear easily. Taemin succeeded and handed the big bear.

“Here”, Taemin said and handed the bear to you.

“T-Thank you”, you said still not believing that Taemin is giving you a bear. You blushed at the thought of it. You blushed even more when Taemin asked to take a selca with you together with the bear he got. Yoseob watched the two of you do all this in front him.

‘This guy is getting on my nerves’, Yoseob said. ‘Nevermind, I’ll get ____  a bear next time bigger than that.’

Taemin said you could leave him in the arcade for he will play more games and the rest of you can go home. You and Namjoo are already bidding him goodbye when Yoseob said that you will stay and play games too. You, Namjoo and Taemin were surprised with what Yoseob said.

“But aren’t you the one who said that we should go home?” you asked Yoseob.

“Well, I changed my mind”, Yoseob said.

You can’t do anything and decided to just let Yoseob do what he wants. And you thought that you would be with Taemin longer. Yoseob played whatever games Taemin would play. You and Namjoo watched and cheered for the two of them as they play. You cheered Taemin while Namjoo cheered Yoseob. Yoseob played and played trying to defeat Taemin but he always loses. You all sat down to rest since you were all feeling tired.  You all watched the other people playing in the arcade when you all heard a person singing in a karaoke in the corner of the arcade.

“Hey, I want to try that!” Yoseob exclaimed.

“Me too”, Taemin said.

“That’s a good idea!” Namjoo said. “And ____ will be the one to decide who will be the winner between Taemin and Yoseob.”

“Why me?” you asked Namjoo.

“Come on _____, just say yes. It’s just for fun”, Namjoo whispered.

You sighed and said okay. You all went to the karaoke and Yoseob and Taemin picked a song they would sing. Taemin picked Shinee’s Replay while Yoseob picked B2ST’s Oasis. Taemin was the first to sing. He sang Replay beautifully and even danced to it. He was even smiling and winking at you every now and then as he sang. You all clapped after he finished singing.

It was Yoseob’s turn to sing. He sang B2ST’s Oasis and on the very first second Yoseob started singing, you were immediately drawn to it. He has the most beautiful voice you had ever heard. You were speechless. You just stare at him in awe as he sings.

‘I never thought Yoseob can sing this good’, you thought as you listen to Yoseob’s singing.

“Geudaega ittgi-e dora-ol yong-gireul  nae eobttjyo”, Yoseob approached you as he sing and held your hand. “You’re the one always in my heart.”

You blushed when he did it to you and felt your heartbeat go faster.  

‘Yoseob, why are you doing this to me?’ You thought. ‘Why make my heart go like this.’

Yoseob finished singing. The other people watching and listening Yoseob sing applauded while you were still blushing for what he did. The four of you went out of the arcade and you decided to go home. However Namjoo did not agree.

“But you still have to choose who is the winner between these two guys here”, Namjoo said.

“There’s no need for it Namjoo”, Taemin said. “We already know who the winner is.” Taemin looked at Yoseob and gave him a smile.

Yoseob gave him a sly smile and said, “Well it’s because I’m better than you.”

“Only in singing though”, Taemin said with a smirk.

Yoseob’s smile turned into a frown. ‘Aish! This guy’s so full of himself’, Yoseob thought. ‘It’s a good thing I’m not someone who would resort to violence.’

Taemin went home the other way while you, Yoseob and Namjoo walked the same way.  When you arrived at the waiting shed, Namjoo bid you goodbye and separated ways with you and Yoseob. But before going, he whispered something to Yoseob.

“Yoseob-ssi, I know you like ____”, Namjoo teasingly said.

Yoseob felt himself blushed. Namjoo said goodbye again. You and Yoseob continued walking to your house.

“What did Namjoo tell you?” you asked.

Yoseob remembered what Namjoo said and blushed again. “N-nothing. Don’t mind it”, Yoseob said nervously. “Hey, ____. Tell me, who really is better between Taemin and I,” Yoseob said as the two of you walked home together.

“I don’t want to”, you said to Yoseob.

“Aww, come on. Taemin said it himself”, Yoseob said.

“I’ll tell you only if you catch me”, you said giggling and started to run.

“You’re playing hard to get huh?” Yoseob said and ran after you. “I’m going to catch you ____!”

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Chapter 22: Yoseob feels :')
Chapter 23: Daebakk! Really like this story!
i remember reading this ; - ; omf- its still so sad.
Sarah_imnida #4
Daebak! I salute you author kpop-yumi. For writing this beautiful story! I just finished reading it now. ^_^ i cried for the last chapters. Hope there's a SEQUEL!!!!!...JEBAL! =< i'm begging you author yumi!
Chapter 23: :D LOVED THIS STORY!! but the last few chapter i cried so much T,T i never cried so much reading a story before :'( it broke my heart seeing *well not really seeing* yoseob leave, but then he appeared again o.o...i heard there was a sequel? but it not here anymore i dont see a sequel o:?
shelly_thoj #6
Second time reading it!! I still love it!! I was reading the sequel but it disappear..did u delete it? ://
Mistlea #7
your story is really amazing! it's one of my favourite of all-time XD
did you really have a sequel to this story? because i can't find it! :'(
@SilentOne43 Thank you so much for reading my story and I'm glad you liked it :) The sequel is already posted. Hope you subscribe as well :))
I really like your story...
I love your story line and how you make me cry...
I want part 2...
I hope you make a sequel, and I want to know what happen to Yoseob when he returns to heaven and what will happen between the girl and Yoseob(man)...
It's really interesting...
God bless....
@kleryang: thank you so much! :))