Chapter 9 {Plan}

Avoiding that Cliché life
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"And save." That's the last part. I stretched my arm as birds chirping greets my hearing. "It iiss. 4 am. And this boy is still asleep. Wow" i patted his back in amusement. 


I closed my laptop. Cleaning all my stuff away. I turned off the lights so the room would only be illuminated by the dawn light.


I love dawn time. Its so calming and peaceful yet people waste it by sleeping. 


The silhouette of the sleeping boy caught my attention. You know what? That's it. Im uncomfortable enough. His back must be hurting in that positon. 


I rubbed his back gently, while whispering in his ears "hey kookie.. wake up.." he only steered in his sleep, forcing me to shake him a little "come on big baby..." his eyes are slowly opening. He hummed weakly, raising his hand for me to carry him. 


And i did. I succeed on making him stand up, and i was about to place him on the sofa but he tighten his grip on me instead, trapping me between his arms. 


"Uh jungkook?" This is the first time i felt so small since im a tall girl and all. But his huge figure easily wrapped me around. 


This is freakin awkward.


We were literally hugging. I had to put my hand around him for support. I moved my head which was between his neck to the front of his face, resting his forehead with mine.


"Kookie" i shook him again, trying to wake him up. I tried poking him, tickling. Finally. 


He opens his eyes to be greeted with mine. "Dream is a wonderful gift" he smiled, tightening his arms around me. 


I gave him an unamused face "well, your dream is my nightmare then...". Now he realized. He lets go instantly with shock expression. "HOLY WE WERE SO ING CLOSE!" His breath was heavy.


Mind your language you minor lil . "Yeah-yeah. Now please go home. It's my turn to sleep now" i sat on the couch. I was about to slam my self to sleep but something caught my attention. Jungkook in pain while touching his back. 


I knew it. 


I let out a sigh, before patting a seat beside me. "Come here" he raised a brow.


"Just do it " i want to sleep so bad. 


He slowly sat on the couch with cautious. "Face that way" i ordered him to show me his back.


I started pressing all the parts that was bothering him "Ak! It hurtsssss" 


"Stop squirming!" I slap his back lightly. As time pass, he wasn't complaining again. And i was getting even sleepier. And the last thing i knew was bumping my forehead on his back.


I slowly opened my eyes. The room was empty and the dawn light was replaced by a morning light.


As i exited the room, the atmosphere was completely empty. I searched everywhere but no one was around. 


"Talk about creepy much?" I muttered.


Just then, my phone rang. "What the-" the caller ID was 'incredibly smokin hot maknae' with jungkook's photo.


I picked up my phone angrily "o- noona!~ you're finally awake~" his voice came in contact with my ear. "Mind explaining how you got my number or how your number got into my contacts?" Stomping my left feet like a strict mother. "I didn't want to leave you sleeping alone when you're already so comfortable in my arms but I had to leave and i didn't know how to contact you so i... opened your phone? By the way noona, you really should lock your phone next time"


I was... sleepin in his arms.? Fml...


I turned off the call before turning a lock for my phone "idiot brat i swear."


The next day and the day after, the boys aren't to be seen.

. I heard from the staff that they're on a tour or something. It's ok. Like i don't need to know anyway.


It did felt empty without them going in and out of th

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Chapter 10: Hi, I finay got time to read your story and got to say this is so good. I luv the way you write it so casually and it makes me part of the story. Oh god nemuri is such a bipolar girl hahaha
I cant understand how is she so kind at one sec and being overly clingy to some boys xD and yesssss I would be nemuri on how she reacts to jimin hahahahahhaha he is squishy af it makes you want to protect him!!
And jungkook are being obvious.
Oh my gods, I'm must be crazy if I don't leave a comment here but this story is soooo amazing. Venus seriously make crack every chapter. Oh god, she seriously a crazy girl character that I ever met. Hopely you keep writing this Author-nim!