Chapter 11 {Brother}

Avoiding that Cliché life
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"Alright. The tent is up. All the stomach has been filled. Security is everywhere. So... Let our camping event begin!" Bang pd informed. All the people, excluding me. Cheered loudly


All of us scattered, minding our own business. I looked for sarah, who was caught yet agin. Flirting with namjoon. "Missing a friend?" Jin snuck up on me slowly. 


"HOYL SHHHH- oh it's you.." i held my palm on my chest. He pressed both of his lips together. "Show some respect to your elders" his slender fingers ,pinched my cheeks.


"Nah.. i don't see you as someone older than me. But a bodyguard! " i hopped on his shoulders making him wobble in surprise.


"ONWARD MY TRUSTY BODYGUARRDD" Shoving a finger in the air. He replied by chuckling in amusement. His hands slipped under my legs for support, jumping a little so i can be in a more comfortable position.


"Where shall we go prin-"
"Im a queen."


He cleared his throat before fixing his last question. 


"Where shall we go my queen?"


He walked forwards as i think of a place... "take me somewhere beautiful. I feel like drawing- Oh! Go to my tent first"


"Ayeaye captain" 


Right as we reached the tent. We were greeted, by jungkook and his side hoes. Mina, and mira.


No seriously. He's crossing his arm with mina, and mira clinging beside him. 


I tried so hard not to laugh, and i know that seokjin was also trying to keep it in. 


"Heoll... why are you on jin oppa's back eonni?" Mina trying to sound nice but failed as she had a hint of a growl between her sentences. 


"eonni? You guys know her?" Jungkook ask both of them.


"Yeah. She's taehyung oppa's cousin right?" Mira used this annoying pitchy tone, that made me gawk behind seokjin.


Jungkook eyed me suspiciously. Kid, if you blow my cover i swear.


"She's lying. She's just some random staff of ours" he snort, looking at me in pity. 


What. The. Hatsune miku. Fudge.


"I knew it! She looks nothing like a korean person. ing !" Mira let's go of jungkook's arm. To cross her own arm. Oh my gaawwd stop being so dramatic. 


"You're probably a sasaeng trying to get our oppas"


Huh... sasaeng.. "i think I've heard someone calling me that before" glancing at jungkook, whose face fell right as i showed a smirk.


"No, she's a friend. Please be nice" jin warned them while jumping, fixing my position. 


Shut up.
We only like you for your face anyway.
Yeah without that face, you would be nuisance to the team-" i pushed jin's shoulder. Signaling him to put me down.


I stomp my way to them, glaring at their scared expression. I was literally towering their weak bodies. Anger starts to fill me in. 


"The you said bout him?" They only stared at me with horror. Jungkook tried calming me down , but i shrug his hand away. 


"Listen , you take his face away and you'll still get a caring, and loving guy who can whoo any girl off her feet, not like this dickhead here" tilting my head to jungkook. His expression darken. 


"So shut your ty up, and stop smooching off your oppas feet." I grabbed jin's hand. Dragging him away, far, far from those parasites.


He was quite all the way, until we reached the food corner. 

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Chapter 10: Hi, I finay got time to read your story and got to say this is so good. I luv the way you write it so casually and it makes me part of the story. Oh god nemuri is such a bipolar girl hahaha
I cant understand how is she so kind at one sec and being overly clingy to some boys xD and yesssss I would be nemuri on how she reacts to jimin hahahahahhaha he is squishy af it makes you want to protect him!!
And jungkook are being obvious.
Oh my gods, I'm must be crazy if I don't leave a comment here but this story is soooo amazing. Venus seriously make crack every chapter. Oh god, she seriously a crazy girl character that I ever met. Hopely you keep writing this Author-nim!