Donghae’s ‘Walk your Dog’ Summer job


In order to earn some money during Summer, Donghae decides to walk some of the neighbors' dogs or anybody's dogs for that matter. He happens to get thirteen regular customers. It would've been easy as pie except for one rebellious dog, good thing he's found himself a good helper...


“I’ll be walking dogs for the rest of the summer, want to help me?

I’d be really needing your help with Heenim.” 



“D-Donghae hyung!

Let’s walk the dogs again next summer okay?”




Comments are LOVED. Critiques are ACCEPTED.

and YES. it is (soft) . 

and YES. I would REALLY, REALLY like to know what you think.

BTW. for those who own LJ this came from my account there, so i didn't copy anything except my own.


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memoire- #1
Yunho is so sly o0o
Lol I guess Yunho was already targeting Donghae!!!XD Lol but that was a sweet story!!!:D
SyonEcary #3
Aw that's sweet. ^^<br />
Heenim is Yunho's dog, LOLZ! Poor Hae. :')<br />
Great one shot-should do more of these; they're entertaining. <3
hahahahaha! no wonder Heenim and Yunho are close. LOL