Rule # 3

Kwon Jiyong's 10 Rules To Love

Baby let's take it slow Baby let's take it slow 항상 꿈꾸었었던 널 갖게 된 지금 Baby let's take it slow”

Sigh...Youngbae Oppa’s voice is so heavenly...

“Baby let's take it slow Baby let's take it slow 항상 꿈꾸었었던 널 갖게 된 지금 Baby let's take it slow”

“Five more minutes, mom...”

“Baby let's take it slow Baby let's take it slow 항상 꿈꾸었었던 널 갖게 된 지금 Baby let's take it slow”

“B-Bay-be-e l-let-s take it s-sloooo-w...”

“Baby let's take it slow Baby let's take it slow 항상 꿈꾸었었던 널 갖게 된 지금 Baby let's take it slow”

“Baby let's take it slow Baby let's take it slow 항상 꿈꾸었었던 널 갖게 된 지금 Baby let's take it slow”

“Baby let's take it slow Baby let's take it slow 항상 꿈꾸었었던 널 갖게 된 지금 Baby let's take it slow”

I mumbled and rolled over to the edge of the bed.

“Baby let's ta---



“Oww-wyy...” I rubbed my eyes. “Do you really have to shout in the morning?”

Jiyong stood in front of me looking like a completely stylish and flawless fashionista. He had on bright, bumble bee yellow rolled up velvet capris, a grungy looking petal sleeve button up shirt, limited edition green Toms, a black raincoat, suspenders, and those Kanye West styled glasses. His hair was set in a messy faux hawk and in his hand he held a gigantic old fashion megaphone like the ones the cheerleaders use in the movies. Basically, it was one of those many things where anyone else would look ridiculous, but because it’s Jiyong, it looks cool.

“Took you long enough to get up.” He grimaced in annoyance.

“Well, what gives you the ri--”

Hold on. How did he get into my room? I specifically told Hyojung to never let him in again and to call the police if he refus--....


WTH...This isn’t even my regardless...

The ceiling was a turquoise dome shape which cascaded down to solid gold walls that had giant windows that reached all the way to the ground. The floor was a shiny, black, marble and that whole room glistened as the thick, red, drapes were pulled back to reveal the morning sun.


“WHAT THE HELL, KWON JI YONG! ” I charged towards him, pillow in hand and suffocated him onto the floor.

“WHY YOU ALWAYS DO THIS! WHY YOU NO PICK ME UP LIKE NORMAL PERSON! HUH! HUH!” He squirmed as I sat on top of him and beat him.






“J-Jiyong...Jiyong...YAH, KWON JIYONG!”


Oh my goodness did I hurt him? Is he is he dead?....No! It can’t be I didn’t even hit him that hard...But I did block his air supplies...Bang Jin Ah...I think you k--

“ the little pink Teletubi worried about Oppa?” He suddenly smirked from under me.

I looked down at my outfit. (http://www./media/catalog/product/cache/19/image/600x1600/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/f/i/file_17_4.jpg)


He chuckled.


“Young Lady what do you think you are doing?” Some lady grabbed me up my my collar and  threw me off of Jiyong.

She looked to be either in her late 20’s or early 30’s. Her badly permed, damaged, hair looked like an afro and was dyed a brassy, washed out, strawberry blonde color. Her beady little close set eyes, pug nose, slight moustache and giant sausage lips only stood out more on her wide, square face. She outlined her lips in fuschia using an excessive amount of lipstick and lipgloss, outlined her eyes like a panda and caked on bright orange blush. This only brought out the unevenness in her too pale skin tone. Her body wasn’t much better. She had to be 4’10 at the most with short, pudgy legs, fat thighs that screamed cellulite, a long torso, love handles, a muffin top, and saggy s. On her was an outfit that looked like something an upper class society would wear to a polo match, but on her it looked just plain awkward.

This thing has the nerve to put her hands on me? Who does this ugly b!tch think she is?

“Who the are you?” I sneered in a deadly voice.

“I-I am Ki-” She shuddered and moved back.

“Ha! That was a rhetorical question you idiot. I don’t care who you are.”

“Miss how dare y--”

“Well you should care who she is.” Jiyong  walked over and put her arm around the woman. “Today we are going to be learning about Etiquette...and this is your teacher.”

“What? You’ve gotta be kidding me.” I stared at him with a dumbfounded expression.

“Nope. This is Kim Ju Lee. You will refer to her as Ms. Kim.”

“But Ji--”

“No buts.”

I sighed. The lady--Ms. Kim or whatever-- was looking at me with a satisfied expression on her face like she had just slapped me.

Eww. Ugly face and horrible personality? You’re going to make someone a great wife one day.

“Why do I ever need to learn out eliquate anyway?” I rolled my eyes.

“The thing that sets apart a bad girl from a wh0re is class. This is the most important lesson before me start doing the fun stuff. Do you want Hong Ki to see you as another ?”

I shook my head.

“Didn’t think so.”


Jiyong ignored me and turned to Ms.Kim, pulling her closer. “I’m sorry about my dongsaeng Ju Lee-ssi. Hopefully you are still willing to teacher her?” He looked her straight in the eye and smiled.

I watched her blush. “A-nything for you Ji Yong-ah. You can --call me n-noona if you w-want.” Her voice shook despite trying to keep calm. All the blood was coming to her face. When Jiyong shook his head no, saying that it was better if he talked formally, disappointment quickly replaced her shy and anxious expression.

Ooooohh. I see now. She likes Jiyong.


This should be fun.  

“Jin Ah.” Jiyong turned back to me. “There’s a changing room right over by the entrance. Ms.Kim brought you a nice skirt and button up shirt. Why don’t you go change so we can get started.

“Alright. I’ll be right back.”

“N-no! Take your time Jin Ah-ssi.”


I walked over to the “changing room” which was actually one of those japanese screens that you could still see the silhouette of the person behind. One the floor was a black duffle bag and in there were three of the most unappealing articles of clothing I have ever seen. The skirt was long, oatmeal colored, and made of fleece, the white button up shirt was worn out and 2 sizes too big, and the shoes were black, old women, kitten heels.

I’m not going to wear this. Wait. That’s not important.

I looked out from behind the screen.

Omo. This teacher really has some balls. Looks like she’s reaching over to fix Jiyong’s hair and in the process will probably peck him on the cheek.

Yes. The perfect opportunity.

I quickly reached over to the zipper and got my hair stuck into it.

Now to wait.


“OPPPPPPPPPPPPAAAAAAAAAA!” I purposely knocked over the screen and dropped onto my knees.

Both Ms.Kim and and Jiyong looked at me, surprised at my sudden outburst.

“What’s wrong monster?”


“What hurts?”

“M-My hair got stuck to my zipper! Please help me!”

“Seriously? You’re such a spazz. I’m coming, stay still.” Jiyong started to run towards me but Ms.Kim held him back.

“I will help her. You are a man.”


“Jin Ah just let Ms.Kim do it for you.”


“Okay. I’ll help you.”

“Jiyong! Is it really appropriate for you t--”

“Ju Lee, my dongsaeng is still recovering from her neck injury that she suffered a few months ago. It can still easily be fractured if not handled properly. It doesn’t matter how you feel about it.”

He ran over to me and pulled the screen back up. “Hey, you have a tank top on.” I shrugged and made sure to arch out my back when Jiyong was helping me. I saw Ms.Kim’s shocked frown out of the corner of my eye.

HAHAHAHAHAHA! The look on her face.


“Young Miss! What have you done with the outfit I brought!” I laughed as Ms.Kim’s eyes grew wide in disgust. The outfit that she had brought was transformed into something completely unrecognizable. The skirt was turned into a skimpy mini while the shirt was tied up to right under my bust, exposing my whole stomach.

Did I like to dress this way? No way! It’s just funny to see her reaction.

“Jiyong-ah please say something to Bang Jin Ah.”

Jiyong sighed. “Monster, why on earth are you dressed like a hooker?”

“It’s not my fault Oppa.” I batted my eyelashes innocently. “Ms.Kim got me the wrong size. There’s no possible way I could have fit these clothes without any alterations.”

“Y-You were the ones who sent me the sizes though!” She accused me to protect herself.

“What are you talking about? I didn’t send you anything. Today is the first day I’ve even heard of you.”

“L-Lies! Jiyong are you going to believe this unmattered little girl over me?” Ms.Kim grabbed onto Jiyong’s arm and pouted with fail aegyo.

I think I am going to puke.

“Actually Ju Lee-ssi, it’s true. I had my manager message you and accidentally gave him the wrong sizes.”

“Oh, it’s not a big deal!”

“Sorry for the misunderstanding. Let’s get started.”

“Y-You aren’t going to make her change?”

“Nope.” Jiyong shook his head, “ It’s my fault in the first place.”

“I see that, howev--”

“In the future, please refrain from calling my dongsaeng a kid with no manners. It angers me more than it hurts her.”

“I-I apologize.” She hung her head low.

“It’s not a big deal. Next time just be careful what you say. Let's not waste time. Go ahead and start.”

“Alright.” Ms.Lee closed her eyes and took a deep breathe. “Today I’m going to be teaching you the two basics. How to eat properly and working on your posture.”

“Eat? I don’t think I want to learn how to eat like you.” I smirked and eyed her pumkin stature.

Swish Swish.

“Ah!” I jumped at the cold water that suddenly hit the back of my neck.

Jiyong stood behind me with a big spray bottle filled with ice cold water in hand. “Everytime you are disrespectful or mess up,  I will spray you with this.”

I made a face. “What am I, a cat?”

“How did you know? Learning to be a kitten is next week. So pay attention now if you ever want to get to that. And you better do well because this lesson is costing me a lot.”

“Fine.” I crossed my arms.

Swish Swish



"Sushi!" I ran over to the food and started stuffing it in my mouth. "Yuummmyy!"

Swish Swish

"Yah! What did I do?"

Swish Swish

"Hey! I didn't do anything..."

Swish Swish

"Why do you have to spray me freaking 3 times!" I threw the food back on the table.

Swish Swish

"The first one is for stuffing your face. The second one was for talking with your mouth full. And the third one was for talking back the me!" Jiyong spoke in a matter of fact tone.

"WTH those are such stupid reasons."

Swish Swish

"don't curse."

T.T this is going to be such a long day.


"The first thing I will be teaching you is table eliquette Miss Bang." Ms.Kim walked over and pulled the chair out for me. "what exactly do you know about table manners, so I know where to start."

"Ummm.." what do I know about table manners? My parents were never home and even when they were they never enforced many rules for me. Hyo lee and I eat like football players. Do I even know anything  about table manners? Come on Jin Ah think. Think hard. There must be something in that brain of yours.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, chew with it closed elbows on the table?" From the American movies I watch that seems to be right. Guess I just contradicted myself.

She smiled. “I see you have some of it down. That’s good to hear. Now, do you know anything about fork and knife placement?”

“Always cut with your right hand when eating steak?” There’s such a thing as knife and fork placement? I had no idea. As you can see from earlier. I like to use my hands.

“Nope. That’s not what I mean.” Ms.Kim walked over to the pastry cart and brought over four sets of silverware.

(A/N:I’ll put up pictures of the actual different types in parenthesis incase you guys actually want to see the different types.)

“This first one,” she pointed to the one of the far left, “Is called British Formal. Here, the dessert fork and spoon are laid inside the dinner knife and fork. Soup course first, so its spoon goes all the way to the right. For the glasses, from right to left, the order goes white wine, red wine, water. The butter plates on the left with a napkin simply folded.”

I nodded my head.

(British Formal:

“The next one is called the American Formal. This one's for a three-course meal that starts with a fish appetizer, so its fork and knife are on the outside. Dinner utensils go in the middle; dessert on the inside. You don't have to use both for dessert, it’s optional...Okay so far?” She looked at me to see my reaction.

(American Formal:

“I-I think so.” This was actually pretty interesting! I’m trying to remember and focus but it’s so much to remember and I still have three more to learn. “This is pretty cool.”

“That’s good to hear. The next one I sometimes like to use when an old friend is visiti--”

“Not to be rude...well, actually, I don’t care if it sounds rude but I don’t give a crap what you use it for. I don’t need to hear about your social life. Just tell me about the set.”

Seriously. I mean, it’s already hard enough memorizing these placements. Her not important, off topic, irrelevant blabbing is messing me up.

Swish Swish.

“Dude! Can you not do that anymore? It’s super annoying.” I shot daggers at Jiyong. I swear if he didn’t have that weapon with him right now I would attack him just like earlier. Except this time he would be dead for sure.

“Don’t say rude things then.” He replied not at all affected by the look I had just given him. “Continue with the lesson.”

“As I was saying, this one in the middle is for English Afternoon Tea. It’s very simple. Here, the butter plate sits in the center with the bread knife, dessert spoon and pastry fork to the right. The teacup and saucer are above the flatware, teaspoon behind, handle to the right. The French do it with one big difference. In French Formal First, turn them over over. Utensils face down. No butter plates or knives are used here because bread is laid right on the table.”

(English Afternoon Tea:

(French Formal:


“Stop dozing off or I’ll spray you again!” Jiyong threatened,“Sure you weren’t. Don’t lie. Everyone knows how much you love bread.”

I denied it.

Ms.Kim ignored the both of us and continued to the last one. “The last one is International Formal. This setting probably looks the most familiar. Soup spoon to the right, knife next to that, dinner fork on the left. Dessert fork and spoon are above the plate. To get the direction right, imagine the dinner fork moving up and to the right.”

(International Formal:

“We’re done?”

That went by pretty fast.

“Not quite. I still have to test you on the material. What’s going to happen is I’m going to shuffle all of these silverware sets and give you a set of cards with the names of them. You’ll then have 30 seconds to put them on the correct ones. If you get them all correct we can move on. Would you like a few minutes to study o--”

“No, it’s fine. I think I can do it now.”

“Someone’s a bit confident. You don’t wanna review first?”

What? Of course not. I got this. The sooner this is all over the happier I’ll be. She better not be look down on me or these sets are gonna be down in a second. I have to behave or I’ll get attack by that dumb bottle again.

“No, m-ma’am....”

“Okay then. You have 30 seconds and....GO!” She looked at her watch and waved her hand like a flag.




Let’s see.

The one that most people use is the one without a lot of things and I’m in Korea so that must be International. The French turn there’s over. The Tea one is the one with the tea cup obviously. Next, American and Bri--and..British and American..British?...Shoot. I don’t remember! Okay, it’s going to be alright. Just think really hard from earlier an--I really don’t know. What do I do?...eenie meenie minie mo--Britsh on the right and American on the left.


“I’m finished!”

And with 4 seconds to spare.

Ju Lee--yeah that’s right I called her by her first name. I’m tired of pretending to respect someone like her and surely she doesn’t even deserve it. Especially pretending to act nice just to impress my Ji and also acting like a know it all. Anyway, she walked over with such a sly expression on her face. Carefully eyeing everything like she just expected me to fail or something. It makes me want to take one of the forks and stab her face off.

Hopefully I got the last two right. I’m betting on my lucky stars >_<

“Look’s like you got a 100%.” Ms.Kim grimaced



“I passed?”

“I guess you did?” She replied to my awe with a clouded expression. “Now it’s time to le--”

“NO WAY I’M OUT OF HERE!” I cheered elated and knocked the table to the ground. “SEE YOU LATER PORKY!”

“Jin An pick that up and apologize. Your lesson isn’t over yet.” Jiyong came after me with the lid of the spray bottle screwed off.

“Yeah it is!” I dodged him splashing water at me. “If you dindt’ notice I passed the test. And as for posture, I’m an idol. You of all people should know how important that is to learn before even debuting. We have to keep or image good after all.”

He stopped in place as I walked out the door. “I guess your right.”

“See ya!”


No One’s P.O.V

Haha...She’s a pretty funny kid. Even if she is a little crazy and dysfunctional.

Jiyong helped Ju Lee pick up the table and clean up the broken pieces of glass. He knew this would be coming out of his wallet. It stressed him to think about it because all of the imported silverware must have costed a fortune.

“I’m sorry on behalf of my friend. She really does mean well, it’s just that she’s young and sometimes acts up.” He apologized to her once everything was neat again.

She blushed.

“How much do I owe you...noona?” He pulled out his wallet making sure to be extra polite in the hopes of her lowering the price.

“Oh, no. I can’t possibly have you pay for it. You weren’t the one who caused this mess. I’ll just send the bill to YG in Jin Ah’s name.” She replied with irritation.

“I’d rather you just let me pay for it.”

“Why?” The look on her face made it seem as if she had just drank spoiled milk. “How could you care about a friend that much if they were just a friend that you’d be willing to pay 100,000 dollars
$15,000 worth of stuff for them.”

A small smile spread across his face. “I guess so. She’s very dear to me. It would be an understatement if I told you I was protective.”

“That much, huh?”

Jiyong nodded. “But don’t worry noona. It’s not what you think. Our current relationship that you see is like family if anything. That aside, how much do I need to give you for damages?”

Ju Lee let out a sigh of relief. “Noona, can’t possibly make you pay for this! I’ll cover it myself.”

“Are you sure?”

“Like I said earlier. Anything for you.”

He thanked her once more.

She winked.

“So,” She slowly made her way closer to him, ing the first button of her jacket. “We’re all alone n--”

“Sorry, but I have to leave.” He pushed past her.

“B-But I thou--”

“SEE YOU LATER PORKY!” He waved over his shoulder copying his dongsaengs words before she had done the exact same thing.


As promised here's one of the two chapters :) Not the best one I've done. It's pretty short and I actually think it might be the most iffy chapter so far in the story. But I really hope you guys enjoyed it! All the information about Table Manners was from EDDIE ROSS. The next chapter I promise and guarentee will be much much better. I've actually finished it. If you guys want to try to figure out what it's about go through the story and look for the one word that is in bold AND ittalic. That's the hint ;). Like I said, it's done but I want to keep you guys waiting a bit so how about 8-10 comments before I post it? That shouldn't be to hard because there's around 30 readers. Just stick around because if you've gone back and found the word an figured it out you've realized that it's gonna start getting alot more fun..kekeke...


Thanks for reading,



P.S. I'm deleting the note form earlier now so when it's updated with the chapter after this one it'll show up as chapter 6. Just FYI

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Ohhhh love the story definitely hooks in the reader ^.^ great job update soon I'm looking forward to it :)
Chapter 7: there's gonna be an update? :D whoo~
I thought this chapter was it though xD
RinaStar #3
Chapter 1: it's a very interesting story!!^^
selliryn #4
Chapter 7: I seriously like your story. A LOT!!!!! It's so entertaining, haiz, it's just that I don't want Jin Ah to be the 1 to ruin GD and Dara relationship, that wouldn't be nice to her unnie. But I guess, I'll have to be patient and wait to see how things turn out right? Oh, and thanks for updating too.
cutexcupcake #5
Chapter 7: I hope so :( im waiting for the next chapter, and im not patient :P hehe i rlly like your storyyyy !!
dubdub #6
Chapter 7: YAY! so glad you're back :D
ELFishxeunhae #7
are you going to update soon? I miss reading this ><
suyeeaung #8
More Update.
1st paragraph and I'm hooked!
MangoKittyCat #10
Interesting maybe jiyong could help her friend too