Making Kimchi with T.O.P and Teddy

Kwon Jiyong's 10 Rules To Love

Hyojung P.O.V

I looked at myself up and down in the mirror and realized...I am hopeless. Today’s my non-date with Seunghyun and I was so excited from the moment I woke up. The very second my eyelids fluttered open I practically leaped out of bed and tumbled into Jin Ah’s room, ready to force her to make me look like a girl. But once I got in there she was gone! Now what am I suppose to do? This was the first time in my life I actually wanted to look feminine and the person who is suppose to help me is off with who I’m almost certain is Jiyong, frolicking around somewhere only the heavens know.


I can’t go in my pajamas! Come on Hyojung, stop complaining and just go do it yourself! You aren’t a man, you are a chick and make up and hair should come naturally right?...

2 hours of complete chaos later is what brings me to stare at my reflection in the mirror now. Thank god there was never a class about something like Home Education Girl’s Edition: Common Sense and Makeup 411 in school. I gurantee they’d have to hold be back because of how much I at it.

The person in the mirror look like a cross between a hot mess and 7 year old girl trying on her mom’s things. Her curly turquoise hair was braided into halfway cornrows, the only style she knew how to do. Well, only ¾ of her hair was braided. The other ¼ was shaved off due to their album concept. So, basically the hairstyle itself was already eye catching.

She wore chain sunglasses over her eyes to hide the remains of a poor attempt at eyeliner and mascara which still marked it’s territory on her face, making her look like a worn out panda. The bright fuchsia lip stick looked really awesome against her pale skin but without any liner her lips looked all thin and pathetic. A purple and white stripped men’s boat neck t-shirt she had bought at a thrift store was paired up with a worn out pair of boyfriend jeans and her old football jacket from when she did a year abroad and played for her high school. A beanie sat on her head, Puma sneakers of her feet, and an over sized bag swung over her shoulder.


And this everyone, is the true image of an idol.

I sighed, “I’m not even going to try to make myself feel better. I didn’t even know it was possible to look this hidious.”

Honestly, I’d feel sorry for a girl walking on the street looking the way I do now. But, what’s the point of complaining? I mean, there’s no way I’d stand Seunghyun up. Let’s just get this over with.

At the Sports Bar

Even though I’m not even dressed up myself in the first place, I have to admit, it was a bit disappointing to see how Seunghyun looked.

His hair greasy sat flatly on his head and he had on glasses, over sized sweats, a black long sleeve thermal, and white Nikes.

Am I really THAT unattractive that he doesn't even try to look nice infront of me? Even a little?

No, of course he wouldn't. It's not like we have anything special. I don't even call him Oppa...or Hyung for that matter.

"Hyo Jung ah! Over here." Seunghyun waved his arms back and forth when he spotted me. I immidiatly put a smile on my face and tried to look as relaxed as possible. Who cares if he doesn't think of me that way?...Sigh, I do.

"Seunghyun-ssi." I walked over him and bowed. "I apologize for arriving late."

"Nah. No problem." He laughed and gestured for me to sit down. "I'm the one who looks like a hobo."

Psh. iest hobo I've ever seen.


"What would you two like?" The bartender came over to take our order.

"I'll have whatever she's getting." Seunghyun motioned at me to order.

" is fine."

"Two beers it is. I'll be back in just a sec with your drinks."

We thanked her and she walked away.



It was a bit awkward at first, but, soon enough we were chatting away like friends who haven't seen each other in along time. I started to let go and realized that under his cold exterior Seunghyun is a total dork. He'd make some of the stupidest comments and knew random trivia about geeky things like Star Trek and action figures. Then the soccer game came on and the fun really started. Soccer is like the love of my life. I mean, literally. You could never understand. We got up from the booth and ran over to the counter, eyes glued onto the TV. Everytime South Korea scored we'd cheer like we won the lottery. By the last 10 seconds of the game, the whole bar had joined us.





"WOOHOOO!" Everyone started shouting in excitement at the last goal of the game. South Korea won and everything was on the house. I was so busy celebrating that I didn't notice Seunghyun swing his arm around my neck. However, I eventually did and you bet my face was reder then a cinnimon tomato drizzled with strawberry sause inside a tub of cranberry jello. Luckily, no one noticed.

"Well, that's a great way to break the ice!" Seunghyun joked.

"Are you kidding? That was some fcking awesome sh.t right then man! Legit." I snor--

0_e..*twitch twitch*...SNORTED?!

He went silent at my comment and my hands with straight to my mouth, covering them, eyes wide. Then...he chuckled.

My life is over.

It may not seem like a big deal, just a little chuckle right? Wrong. A chuckle means that was trying to be polite but I’m such a manly chick and it humored him so much that he couldn’t even suppress his own laughter.

“I--I..” I tried to speak but the worlds wouldn’t come out.

“Aish, you’re adorable!” Seunhyun ruffled the top of my head.


“Just don’t let any fans see you slouching or snorting like that. Your image will be ruined in the blink of an eye.”

Have I been slouching this whole time? I straightened by back right away. The movement was so sudden and over exaggerated that he jumped back in surprise.

What is happening? Jin Ah is suppose to be the clumsy, graceless, clueless one. Not me. Especially lately, her klutziness has been on a major high. Every time she comes home there’s a new bruise or cut or injury. But me? I’m suppose to be the confident, playful, charismatic half of our friendship! One of the boys.

..One of the boys. Is that why --Wait, I never doubt myself! Seunghyun the things you do to me. I’m turning into a dolt because of you.


The nachos arrived and for a while we just ate in silence. I wanted to say something but after making a complete full of myself I don’t trust my own mouth. Gosh, this is painful.

“Hyo Jung-ah.” Seunghyun finally started speaking again “Can I ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“I have something to confess.” He looked down at the ground and played with his fingers. My heart stopped moving. Confess? Is he going to confess his love for me? Did I do something right for once? “I love..”

Omo, it’s really going to happen.

“I have a crush on your unnie, Hyo Jung. I-I love Hyo Sung. A few months ago a met her backstage at Inkigayo and since then I can’t get her off my mind. She exceeds my ideal type. Her sweet, outgoing personality. Feminine style, glamorous body, and baby face. The way she smiles. Her voice. I want to court her so badly, but I’m too intimidated. Please, give me some advice. You’re her sister, you should know what she likes right?

He loves my unnie? ...Hyo Sung. He loves her. N-not me?

“I’m sorry Seunghyun-ssi, but I can’t help you.”

“But I-”

I pretend to talk on my on my phone.

“That was manager oppa. He needs me back at the dorm. Thanks for everything. It was fun, we should do this again sometime...maybe. I have to go now. Have a nice day.”

I hung my head low and tried not to cry. Once I was outside and sure he couldn’t see me, I let it all out.


*Flashback ends*

“And that’s what happen.” Tears were building up in my eyes from just from thinking of yesterday’s events. Everyone stared at me with pity filled eyes, unsure of how to comfort me. Dara, Bom, Jin Ah, and I were sitting in the mall’s food court eating frozen yogurt while I caught them up on what happened. This, ladies and gentleman is our infamous "Kimchi Day". You probably though we were going to sit around in a circle and talk about our feelings while making massive amounts of kimchi and pigging out right afterwards. Ha. Naw, kimchi is just our code word for having a girl's day. Shopping, mani-pedis, sweets, and the occasional pottery class. All of the good stuff. Of course, today you'd probably have to call it a kimchi session considering they usually last all day while this one's only a couple of hours because of Jin Ah's date later on. I don't even know why she and Teddy keep calling their hang out time dates. Everyone except for Jiyong (even though I only recently found out) knows that they basically just use each other as punching bags. The only thing they do is complain to one another. Jin Ah uses Teddy to buy her junk food and in return hanging out with Jin Ah every once in a while makes Teddy feel like less of an old man. It's a fact, even Papa YG has knowledge of this.  Plus, it's out in the open that Teddy has had a long time girlfriend anyway.

"Aww. Honey I feel so horrible for you! Your life is like a cheesy drama." Bom got up from her seat and tried to killed me with a suffocating dramatic bear hug.

"Unnie you're such drama queen." I rolled my eyes and smiled. One unique thing about our girl days is that we don't have mini therapy sessions. Our style is more to have fun in order to forget.

"Boomie, stop acting like a naggy old woman before we kick you out of the group." Dara grabbed my hand and proceeded toward the main part of the mall. "Come on everyone, this isn't Dr.Phil. Let's go shopping already!"

I follow Dara into a cosplay themed looking store with Jin Ah following quickly behind us. In the very back I could hear Bom murmuring, "You all are haters."

Today's gonna be so much fun! Since we only have a small about of time all we're doing today is ice cream and clothes.


Why do I feel like we're being watched?


Jiyong P.O.V

"Ohmygawd! Jinny you make such a hot boy! Dara and you could be the real life Ouran High School Host Club Hikaru and Kaoru and Hyo Jung looks like freaking Miyavi!" Bom jumped up from the couch at the end of the dressing room runway and started squealing all by herself.

I winced at the sound of high pitched laughter. So this is what making kimchi means?

From the bright and early morning I sneaked out of the dorm and drove to the 2NE1 dorm. From there I parked in an alley way nearby and waited for Dara to wake up. At around 11 AM her and Bom walked out of the door of the building and into her car. I followed them which led me to the DDoubleTake apartment. Jin Ah and Hyo Jung came out and the four of them greated each other happily and went somewhere together. It was just as I suspected. They all ditched me to hang out together. The question was where? I continued to follow them until I was infront of a mall and then sneakily walked behind them inside.

No, it wasn't stalking. It's called investigating.

I observed them all day from a safe distance. At this point though, I kind of regret my decision.

First off they squeak continuously with their high pitched voices every 3 seconds. Secondly, we've been in the same store trying on clothes for 4 freaking hours! Seriously, is this what all girls do in their free time? My brain is going to explode. Dara's the worst. She trys on these weird over the top costumes, dances around in them, reciets lines from the anime the character is in, starts spazzing about the anime like a hard core otaku, and then they all squeal. Again. The process just keeps going on and on and on repeating itself. I love my girlfriend and everything. But I hope I never have to see this side of her again.



"I'm so jealous of your body!"

Here we go again.


Finally it's over!

The girls came out of the clothing store empty handed with smiles on their faces. Sigh, I'll never understand women. They spent almost 5 freaking hours of their day wasting their time and not reciving anything as a result and they're in a good mood? I swear females are in a whole different universe.

I got ready to go home. This day has been useless. On my way out though I noticed that Jin Ah was wondering off in another direction than the rest of the group. Hmm. I wonder where she's going? Earlier I heard the other girls comment about some date she's suppose to be going on. Maybe that's where she's headed? Lets find out.

I sneakily followed closely behind her into the enterance of a cake shop. She greeted the ahjumma there very politely and then they talked as if they were really close. She must come here alot because they even hugged. The ahjumma then proceeded to show Jin Ah to a booth and sitting right across from the empty seat was...Teddy Park.

W-What! Teddy and Jin Ah are on a date


So, she ditched me to go make googly eyes with Teddy.

Apparently I'm not as important.


Jin Ah P.O.V

"Teddy Oppa!" I stood up "Sorry for the change of plans. I really needed something a bit more than frozen milk with sugar and artificial flavor. Know what I mean?"

He laughed. "Yup I tottally get it. Basically you're saying that your hormones are acting up so badly that ice cream ain't going to satasfie you no more."

"H-Hey!" I pouted and sat down, covering my face with the menu.

"I'm just playing around. Calm down...Aish."


"It's all good. What do you wanna eat? My treat like promised."

"Uhhh..let's see." My eyes scanned the choices over and over again. Kyaaahh! It all looks so delicious and fattening >o< "Ooooooh white chocolate raspberry mouse  with lemon basil icing. Sounds like the most amazing pastry ever."

I daydreamed about the flurry cream and moist yellow cake melting on the tip of my tounge. My stomach grumbled. This..this is the one. This is my pastry.

"How much is it?"


"For a whole cake?"

"A s-slice." I mumbled quietly. Why must happiness come at such a high price? "I'll just pick something el--"

"Go ahead and get it." Teddy cut me off in a cool tone.

"Are you sure?"

"Considering the way you attempted drowning me in all that aegyo a few days ago, you must be desperate right now. Pick anything you want."

"Excuse me but you were the one who went along with it." I walked towards the counter. "What are you getting?"

"I dunno, order for the both of us."


"Hi there honey. What would you like today?" The ahjumma who'd I seen so many times before smiled kindly.

"Nice to see you again! I'll have a slice of the special and--" I paused. Someone was watching me. Behind the plant next to me, a man was hiding and he was watching me. I can feel it.

Who is it though? I slowly sneaked a look out of the corner of my eye. What if it's a creep?...Slowly..carefully...OMO! Jiyong Oppa?




Hehehe. He's never gonna hear the end of this.

"-and a slice of chocolate cake."

Chocolate is Jiyong's faviorte and I'm pretty sure Teddy's not going to eat whatever I get for him anyway.

"Alright honey I'll have those out for you as soon as possible."

I thanked her and walked back to the table. Teddy was on the phone screaming at someone."

"I don't care. Stop complaining and get it done. Maybe if you stopped whining and got to work you'd have it complete by now...You need my help? With what?...What's that suppose to mean! I showed you the fcking basics already...Go back home then! Don't start something you can't finish..I don't give a fck what Kush said, he's not the one in charge...Woman you best stop bothering me and get your done!..No..Shut up!..I said shut up!..Yeah, yeah..I'm hanging up now."

Teddy hung up the phone and a smile appeared back on his face again as if that whole scene had never happened. "Sorry about that."

"W-Who w--as..that?"


"The new intern?"


I sighed. "You really shouldn't be so hard on her. The Big Bang oppas told me she's a really hardworking and down to earth girl."

"She annoys me."


"Everything! Her voice, her personality, the sound of her laugh, her appearance, all of it drives me crazy."

"Is there anything you do like?"

"Her face is nice, her hair is pretty, and she's got a hot body." Teddy stated bluntly.

"E-Excuse me?"

He chuckled. "She's all cute and petite with some nice junk in the trunk, ya know?"


" hate her guts but you find her y?"


..Okay then...

I rubbed my temples. May I don't know who you are but I feel sorry for you. I'm not sure how you put up with it but hang it in there. Maybe he’s just acting up because his girlfriend’s out of town. It'll all pay off I promise...HWAITING!

"Tell me what's wrong with you? Why you have a stick up your lately?" Teddy asked changing the subject.

"Umm.." I took a deep breath. This had been bothering me for the past few days. Chewing at me like a parasite. "He keeps calling me non-stop."


" K-ii."

"Have you answered?"

I shook my head no. It's tooken all of my will power and stenghth but I've managed to avoid him.


*Hot tugotugo hot tugotugo hot* *Hot tugotugo hot tugotugo hot*

Teddy stop talking and answered his phone. "Yoboseyo? Hey man, wassup?...She was being a b!tch about it..Naw, Danny you don't get it...Why you gotta take her side?..I know but--right now? I'm busy man..Aish fine. I'll be there as soon as possible. See you."

I wonder what's going on? It must have something to do with May. It sounds like Danny's defending her. Phew, atleast she's got the handsome one protecting her. Maybe Teddy won't be as harsh now.

"Jin Ah I gotta bounce." Teddy apologized and hurried out the door.

"No problem. Go fix your love hate problems." I teased.

"There is no love, just hate!" He yelled as he exited.


Ah, I'm so tired.

I cradled my head in my arms and closed my eyes.


Oh, almost forgot!

"Jiyongie Oppa you can stop hiding now! I bought you some German chocolate cake. Come eat it before it gets dry."

I heard him gasp in surprise and shamefully make his way from behind the plant and sat infront of me.


"H-hello there Jin Ah. What I suprise to see you here." He mumbled nervously like a kid who got caught stealing candy.

"I know right? It's such a weird coincidence." I rolled my eyes "Stop making yourself look like a fool and eat. The sweets are amazing here."

I continued to close my eyes and make peace in my mind, ignoring Jiyong completely. It was working until--

*annyong nae sarang sarang sarang jalgayo nae sarang sarang sarang .*

My eyes were wide open now and my palms started to get sweaty. He was calling again. I assigned the ringtone to his number alone. My self control is getting weaker and weaker everytime he calls. How much longer can this go on?

I sat up and saw that Jiyong had already put tip money on the table. He was standing up ready to leave with a serious expression on his face. "Come on. I'll take you home." He took my phone and I followed him to the car obideantly.


We were parked outside of my dorm building. The whole ride here was absolutely silent. Not in a awkward way but more like a tense way. We just sat there in silence and stared forward into the empty space that surrounded us.

*annyong nae sarang sarang sarang jalgayo nae sarang sarang sarang *

There it goes again. He's calling. With the simple click of a button I could be hooked once more. Just. One. Click.

Jiyong still held my phone, except for this time instead of ignoring it..he answered and put it on speaker phone.

"Jin Ah? Hello? You there?...Jin Ah?"

The sound of his voice struck me like an arrow shooting through the middle of my chest.

"Shh.." Jiyong hushed me.

I stayed silent, curious of what he was going to do.

Then, to my dismay, he moaned.

"Mmmm Jin Ah you feel so good!" Jiyong said loudly and clearly into the speaker in a husky voice.

OMFG. What is he doing!

"Opp--UGH!" I groaned in pain when he jabbed his elbow into my stomach. "Jiy--ong that h-hurt!"

My voice was barely above a whisper as pain spread from my stomach into my chest.

"Oohh Baby! Just like that.." He moaned again this time in a even huskier and heavier voice."

"Jiyo--AHHHHHH!" I shreiked in pain as Jiyong tugged at my hair roughly.

He joined me in my screaming and banged his fist into the door at the very end making a loud thud noise.

His voice was now a small whimper in tone that was both so deep and airy soft that I didn't even know was possible. "No one has to'll be our little secret."

And with that he hung up.

I frowned. "What was that! He's gonna get the wrong impression."

Jiyong just laughed at my anger. "Well, now he'll know you've moved on an he can't just have you whenever he wants."

"But it was a lie!"

"Hong Ki doesn't know that though."

I sighed. "I hate it when your right."

This cracked him up even more. "Always am monster. I thought you'd realized that by now. You ready to come back and be my student yet?"

"Only if you'll take me." I smiled

"Duh. We start tomorrow 8 AM sharp. Just promise me no more ditching me for Teddy or Taeyang."

I grinned "Araso. Araso. Don't be jealous Oppa. Everyone knows Teddy's with Hye Sun unnie and even if she’s in China right now, from what he said earlier, I suspect he’s developing the hots for that new intern of his. And as for Taeyang...No need to stress. I won’t touch your precious Bae Bae.”

“I-I’m not jelaous!”

“Uh Huh...”


“Fine. I’ll go call Youngbae-oppa then.”







Thanks for reading ^^ I know I don't get to unpdate very often but I really appriciate everyone reading and commenting :) Just to let everyone know I made a few changes that aren't that important to the plot at all. First of all Bom is the only one that calls Jin Ah, Jinny. Second of all, I've changed the chapter titles to the "rule" number or in this case what's going on in the story. So, what did you guys think? :D In this chapter you get to know more about Hyo Jung and Teddy's character as well as Seunghyun's.


Any suggestions or critizisms? 


Comment and Subscribe <3 






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Ohhhh love the story definitely hooks in the reader ^.^ great job update soon I'm looking forward to it :)
Chapter 7: there's gonna be an update? :D whoo~
I thought this chapter was it though xD
RinaStar #3
Chapter 1: it's a very interesting story!!^^
selliryn #4
Chapter 7: I seriously like your story. A LOT!!!!! It's so entertaining, haiz, it's just that I don't want Jin Ah to be the 1 to ruin GD and Dara relationship, that wouldn't be nice to her unnie. But I guess, I'll have to be patient and wait to see how things turn out right? Oh, and thanks for updating too.
cutexcupcake #5
Chapter 7: I hope so :( im waiting for the next chapter, and im not patient :P hehe i rlly like your storyyyy !!
dubdub #6
Chapter 7: YAY! so glad you're back :D
ELFishxeunhae #7
are you going to update soon? I miss reading this ><
suyeeaung #8
More Update.
1st paragraph and I'm hooked!
MangoKittyCat #10
Interesting maybe jiyong could help her friend too