
Save Me

Jimin was completly frustrated now since this was the 100th time you guys have talked over the phone and you were crying about Taejoon.

"Are you serious Y/N? He still hasn't contacted you!"

"Jimin, calm down, he'll call when he's ready."

"I'm so tired of this Y/N! Why are you still taking his side anyways!"

"Shut up. If you keep yelling I'm going to hang up."

"Okay, okay, okay, sorry. I'm sorry."

You two talked until 12AM. You were awaken the next day at 3 in the afternoon by the continuos ringing of your doorbell. You lazily walked up to the door still in your indoor wear. Your hair was naturally wavy but not too much. You opened the door of your little apartment and there he was before your eyes. Park Jimin. Your tired eyes brightened up when you saw him standing there smiling with one hand on his suit case and another on a jean jacket thrown over his shoulder. he was wearing a white t-shirt and a nice pair of jeans and sneakers. You jumped into his arms, your arms around his neck and his around you. 

"Jimin! I can't believe you came all the way here!"

"Well, I missed you, and you were having a hard time so here I am!"

The two of you let go and Jimin brought his stuff inside. Once his stuff were in he grabbed you again and spun you around causing you guys to laugh. But he tripped over the borders of your rug and you landed on the couch with him hovering over you. There was complete silence and you two just stared at eachother smiling.

Wow the years really changed him. He's freaking hot! And he started working out a lot more... Wait no! He's your best friend Y/N! Stop that!

You felt the hardness of his abs on your stomache. He naturally got up, causing no awkwardness, thankfully.

"I'm hungry, did you cook anything?"

"Me? Cook?"

You laughed at his ridiculous question.

"Jimin, we both know I'm not a good cook so grab your stuff we can go out for lunch."

You laughed once again and so did he. With that you left to your room to find an outfit and do your makeup. Once you came out Jimin's eyes just lit up.

"You look really nice Y/N"

He smiled causing me to smile back.

"All these pretty clothes, I just never get the chance to wear them..."

You both walked out and you drove to a fancy restraunt. You guys were seated right away once you got there. Both of you scanned the menu and like best friends, you guys ordered the samething spaghetti. Everything was fine until a waitress tripped and accidently spilled water on your skirt. She apologized a million times and you replied saying it was okay. Jimin got up and tried to wipe your skirt with some napkins.

"It's fine Jimin. I'll just go to the restroom. Enjoy the rest of your lunch."

You smiled at him assuring you were okay and you left to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom you decided to use the hand dryer. It took a while but you were finally dry. You walked out and to the right you spotted Taejoon. You were so happy to finally see him. A smile lit up on your face and you were about to walk up to him when a girl sat down at the table. 

No.... no no no no! This can't be happening!

The girl held his hand on top of the table and she leaned in for a kiss. Your heart shattered into a million pieces and you suddenly felt like you couldn't breathe. You watched as he played with her hair while tasting her lips. That's what he always did with you. Tears were forming, you no longer had an appetite, you turned away and walked back to Jimin.

"Let's go... Lunch is over."

I said to him not looking at him straight in the eyes. Without an answer from him you continued walking towards the exit and Jimin tried to stuff him self with some more spaghetti, quickly before following you to the car. You sat in the drivers seat with your head against the steering wheel and Jimin entered the car seconds later. 


Your tears were falling like hell and you turned to hug Jimin. You sobbed onto his shoulder as his arms hugged you back, still clueless as to what happened.

"Save me.. save me Jimin! I feel like I'm dying!"

You continued to cry onto his shoulder soaking his tshirt. He was always there for you. He decided to take the wheel and drive you guys back home. Once you got home you explained everything to him. You sat on the couch with a red nose and wet face. 

"You.. We need revenge Y/N! I'm not just going to sit around and watch you in pain!"

"Then what do we do?"

You asked weakly.

"First, you need some more confidence. Now go to your room and get really pretty because we are going to the club tonight!"

You sighed and you slowly walked to your room. You were still in the room but you were done getting ready. You were just staring at your reflection in the mirror in a beautiful dress but no smile. Jimin knocked on your door.

"Come in."

You said still looking at your reflection.


He said as he walked up to you and put his hands on your shoulders.

"You're a goddess. Don't let him ruin the beautiful you."

He smiled and kissed the back of your head. You smiled and look down. It got dark and off they went. After they got in they lost eachother so you decided to go sit at the bar and buy yourself a drink. About a seat a way your boyfriend sat there with his new girlfriend.

What kind of luck is this?

You decided to play it cool. Like you didn't notice him. Taejoon turned and noticed you all dressed up. He soon sent his girlfriend away and sat next to you. You still acted like you didn't notice him. 


Hearing the words made it feel so dirty. You turned to look at him then you tossed your drink at him. He got up and tried to shake off the drink. 

"Okay I may have deserved that. You know I'm sorry right? I'm a buisness guy. Your just a barrista girl you wouldn't understand my busy schedule."

You stood up ready to walk away. You couldn't speak to him. You didn't know why, maybe you needed Jimin there for courage. He made you feel like you were the woman on top of the world. You felt good about yourself around him. 


He walked up to you and put his arms around your waist. Pushing you up against the wall as you fought back not wanting to be touched by his disgusting fingers. His lips were on your neck trailing up to your lips as you tried pushing him but he pinned your hands against the wall. It was no use.

"Save me... save me Jimin."

You said under your breath as tears rolled down your cheeks once again. You felt disgusted but there was nothing you could do. As soon as you finished that sentence, Jimin punched Taejoon's jaw. Causing him to fall on the ground. 

"What do you think you're doing with my girlfriend?!"

Jimin yelled and pulled him up by his collar. You were a bit frightened, you had never seen Jimin like this before. You watched with your hand over your mouth and tears falling down your face. 

"Your girlfriend?"

Taejoon scoffed and threw Jimin's hand off of him.

"We've been dating since high school-"

"I know everything! I know about her! Your a liar! I trusted you! If my whole world went dark, it was okay, as long as I had you! The only person I've had in my dam heart for years! And this is what I get?!"

You screamed and yelled at Taejoon's face hitting him on his chest multiple times. Taejoon grabbed your wrists and pulled you into a tight hug. 

"I'm sorry Y/N. I'll never do it again."

You really wanted to forgive him. You really did, but even knowing about your neglective past he still did this to you. He slowly let go of you. 

"I'm sorry.. I can't... We're.. We're done.."

With Jimin being there, you finally did it. You got the courage to end this horror story. You were sure Taejoon was feeling like an idiot now. You turned to look at Jimin and walked up to him, ready to thank him for being such a great friend.

"Jimin, thank yo-"

"I love you Y/N.."

He said in a low tone. You froze for a bit. Your breathing even stopped for a few seconds, your heart was pounding madly. 

"Jimin, your a great friend. You've been here for me all these years."

He was ready, he already knew he was being rejected.

"I should've known it was you from the start. You make feel something I've never ever felt before. You make me feel beautiful. Please do me a favor.. once more.. save me, save me Jimin."

He picked up his head quite confused, then you leaned in. Their lips slowly work as your hands went around his neck and his arms hugged your waist. You tilted your head deepening the kiss and letting their tongues meet. Slowly dance together. You guys pulled away for air.

"I've always dreamed of this moment, since the first day I saw you."

Jimin said and brushed your hair behind your ear. He held your hand and you guys left the club together. He held your hand the drive all the way home. You two walked into the house and cuddled up on the couch.

"I'm going to miss you when you leave."

You said dreading at the fact his ride was tomorrow.

"No your not. I'm going to transfer to Seoul and come live with you."

Jimin chuckled and kissed you behind your ear. 

"And for tonight, let me save you again."

Jimin crashed his lips onto yours. He straddled you onto him and he carried you to the room. He gently layed you down onto the bed. You carefully helped him take off his shirt and he kissed your shoulder up to your chin as your eyes were closed enjoying the pleasure. He stopped after your chin and picked his head to look at you lovingly then went back to your lips.

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Chapter 1: Awww this is sweet . jimin save her. Taejoon is such a jerk. ...