

Waking up. Preparing for the day. Practicing. Writing lyrics. Makings songs. Preparing for schedules. Going home. Preparing for the night. Sleeping. Waking up. It was the usual routine. An endless cycle of living and working and just surviving. It wasn’t exactly boring. Life as a celebrity was fun. It’s just that at times, it tends to be full of drama and other tiring things. Unfortunately, today was one of them. And the only breather YS had was playing with his son Yanggaeng or visiting his family at their house or if he really has nothing to do, he would be hanging around his sister Haeyeon’s café. This time, he had to fetch Yanggaeng from his sister since he was so busy with work that he doesn’t have time to take care of Yanggaeng properly. It has always been that way until that day.

He went in to the café ready to embrace Yanggaeng any moment that they see each other but instead found no one. His sister walked in from the kitchen to see that her brother has arrived.

“I didn’t know you were coming today!” she exclaimed as she enveloped him to a hug.

Yoseob chuckled as he hugged his sister back. “I was really free today and I missed Yanggaeng that’s why I’m here.”

“So you went all the way from Cheongdam-dong to Hoegi-dong for your dog and not for me?” she teased.

“Yeah.” Yoseob said simply. “It’s not like it’s far. Besides, I really have nothing to do this week.” He walked towards the window seats which was his favorite spot. “Where’s Yanggaeng anyway? And why aren’t there any customers?”

“Hey,” she smacked Yoseob’s shoulder lightly. “You did not even contact us, your family, for a few weeks now and you’re only thinking about Yanggaengie. Also did you forget that we’re not open until 10AM?” she said walking back to the counter.

“Oh, right. I forgot,” he smiled.

“The usual?” his sister said as she started preparing his favorite drink.

“Yes please” he said as he got out his phone and took a selfie. “So, where IS Yanggaengie?” he asked as he sent the photo to the members to let them know where he is.

“Oh Y/N took him out for a walk. They should be arriving in a bit.”


“She’s a regular here. Always drops by. Said this was the perfect place for her to escape stress from school and write. Yanggaeng’s probably in love with her too. He always runs to her whenever they meet” she walked over with the drink.

“What?? My son has a girlfriend now??” he asked as he took the glass. “And I don’t?”

His sister giggled as she sat down. “Not our problem.”

“Then is that why you make her walk Yanggaeng out instead?” he teased.

“Partly. Yanggaeng’s quite attached to her. That's why I allow her to hang out here before opening hours. She also mentioned something about discovering lots of things on the way because of Yanggaeng? I’m not too sure…” Haeyeon glanced outside the window and smiled. “There they are.”

Yoseob saw a girl jogging across the street, laughing and telling Yanggaeng to slow down. What an oddly nice sight, Yoseob thought, as the girl crossed the road and disappeared from his view.

Moments later, footsteps and barking could be heard from the stairs and then they were both in the café. Yanggaeng, probably smelling his dad’s scent came running excitedly towards him, just as the girl reached the 2nd floor and placed her bag down the nearest chair.

“Right on time as always,” Haeyeon turned to smile at you as she stood up. “Y/N, you probably already know him but I’d like you to officially meet my brother, Yang Yoseob.”

 “Hi. I’m BEAST’s main vocal and Yanggaeng’s dad, Yang Yoseob,” he nodded.

“Hi Yanggaeng’s dad!” you grinned a childlike grin and stooped down to cup Yanggaeng’s face. “Waaahh I finally get to meet your dad.”

“Y/N-ah. You haven’t introduced yourself yet.”

“Ah! Sorry. Yanggaengie’s just too cute, it’s distracting.”

To this, Yoseob raised his eyebrow ever so slightly. I know my son’s popular but it’s to this extent?

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Y/N. I’ve been taking Yanggaeng for walks for a month now,” you bowed.

“A month? How come I’ve never seen you before?” he stooped down, finally giving Yanggaeng attention.

“That’s because you’re never here at the right time,” Haeyeon said. “And speaking of time, you’ll be late for class Y/N-ah.”

“Crap! I forgot I have a early classes today. Thanks Haeyeon unnie!” you ran back to the chair to get your bag and ran down the stairs.

“What was that about?” Yoseob looked at the direction you went to.

A few seconds just after that, they heard steps pounding up the stairs and right on cue, you were there again and running towards Yanggaeng.

“I forgot to say bye to you. Bye boy!” you said as you scratched Yanggaeng’s head. "Goodbye to you as well Yoseob-ssi!” you bowed and ran back down the stairs.

“Well she’s weird.” Yoseob said as he watched your figure disappear at the curve.

“Nah. She’s interesting, that kid. You'll see.” Haeyeon walked back to the counter and prepared for today’s work.

“That, she is.” Yoseob went back to look at his son. “Isn’t she, Yanggaengie?”

It's been a while since Yoseob last visited the café due to BEAST's schedules. Since he now had a freer schedule, Yoseob visited a couple of times and each visit had something...memorable for him.

Usually, 6pm is a busy time for Chokom café but tonight must've been one of those nights when people preferred to stay home and rest. Yoseob entered the 2nd floor café and immediately spotted you at the corner with your laptop screen dimmed to a low, with a troubled expression on your face as you stared off to nothingness.

It was an amusing sight to him, seeing how serious your face is and how your eyebrows are knitted together. It was such a contrast to your childish grin that you wore the first time he met you.

"Yoseob-ssi" you spoke so suddenly, making Yoseob flinch. How did she know I was here?

"Yeah?" Yoseob moved closer.

"Do you know how small you are?"

Is she trying to pick a fight? "I'm sorry, what?"

"I mean," you said, facing towards him, "have you seen the size of the sky? From right where we are, the clouds look sooooo big. But that's just here! What more if you look at the clouds on the whole city then the whole country and eventually the whole continent of Asia??" you said with your hands animatedly showing how large each was. "Compared to that, we're just like ants! Just imagine how small the ants feel!" you concluded, your troubled expression still on your face.

Seconds passed as Yoseob stared at you then started to laugh. It was a muffled laugh at first, but as you turned to face him with an expression that seems to be asking why he's laughing, the laugh grew louder.

“Yoseob-ssi...” you started smiling. “Why are you laughing like that?”

More laughs.

“Heyyy” you started laughing yourself. “I’m asking youuu...”

Yoseob wiped a tear and calmed himself before speaking. "Sorry, it's just that at first I was confused and thought that you were picking a fight. And that your realization is such an obvious thing but I only thought about it know."

"Really? I just realized it now though?"

"Well, thank you for sharing that thought to me" he smiled as he pulled the chair across you and sat down.


Another time when Yoseob visited to fetch Yanggaeng, he caught you and his son having an intense and, apparently, a two-way conversation. Something about how sad it is that whenever you take pictures of the sky, there will always be an electrical wire in the way. To this, Yanggaeng barked several times, probably because he wanted to play rather than listen to you.

Other times, it would be about really random stuff that you discovered while you were out walking. Everything, you told either Yanggaeng or Haeyeon with Yoseob just listening in amusement.

One night, when Yoseob said that he'd be spending the night at their old house because he'd be gone for a while, you were all walking towards the station when you stopped.

"Y/N-ah?" Haeyeon stopped and turned to your direction. "What are you looking at?" she said as she too, looked up the sky.

"I feel sad."

"Sad?" Yoseob asked.

"It's just that, the night sky look so pretty with all the stars and it just feels so nice to look up and stare it. But not many people do. It's like they're taking this beautiful thing for granted. Everyone's too busy with their lives that they forget to take it slow and enjoy the beauty in little things."

At this point, all three of you, hands stuffed in your pockets, were just taking in the beauty of the night sky in silence. Even Yanggaeng was silent. Maybe he was appreciating the silence too.

"You're right." Yoseob smiled at your direction. "It feels nice to appreciate these things that we usually take for granted."


Since then, Yoseob's life had a bit more excitement in it. He took notice of the little things in life. Suddenly, it wasn't all just the normal old black and white with a bit of color routine that he used to see.

Because of the positive influence you shared to Yoseob’s life, he kept on visiting the café even when Yanggaeng has been with him most of the time, provided that he didn’t have any practices or schedules. Fans started to notice the increase on his visits as there were fans who visit the café as well. Netizens have been noticing it too. He thought, I’m with my family when we all hang out so I guess this is fine.” But he was wrong.

For his last few visits, you were almost never there. You either had too much school stuff to do that you had to leave earlier than usual or you were too busy to go to the café at all, and Yoseob noticed.

“This is bad. I totally feel like she’s avoiding us even though she probably isn’t,” Yoseob told his sister when you left. “Did something happen?”

Haeyeon shrugged. “You know her. She’s very free-spirited and just goes on life at her own pace. I’m sure it’s nothing of that sort.”

In fact, she knew. Not exactly, but she knew you were avoiding her brother. You were fine whenever you were there but whenever Yoseob visits, you suddenly have to be somewhere. Haeyeon tried asking you once but you just smiled.

“Nothing’s wrong. I just…don’t want the people at the dorm thinking that I go out and play too much,” you faked as you packed your stuff.

“Since when did you care about them?” Haeyeon asked with worry clear in her voice.

Instead of an explanation, you shrugged and let out a sigh. “Besides,” you turned to her with a smile and a regained energy, “I have to focus on my exams now. Summer vacation’s just around the corner and I have to…prepare stuff.” You picked up your bag and bowed to Haeyeon. “I probably won’t be able to visit as often as I did. Please say hi to Yanggaeng and Yoseob-ssi for me,” you smiled and left.


One night, Yoseob was checking BEAST-related articles he missed during schedules and an article from Pann caught his eye. Not only because his name was on the headline but also because it had a photo with him, his sister, and you in it.

It had a harmless title and content, talking about how sweet it was of him to constantly visit his family and help out. But the comment section was another thing.

[+ 72, - 56] Who’s the ugly girl (not his pretty sister that looks so much like him) that keeps on appearing?? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+ 58, - 39] Is she a sasaeng? She’s always there. Why does she act too familiar with a celebrity?

[+ 21, - 11] Where is this? I’d like to visit and see her for myself.

Yoseob continued to read more comments that were practically hating on you over nothing and with little proof too. Although there were more B2UTYs who protected you from the haters, Yoseob still can’t help but think how nasty and groundless those comments were. What if you read those comments? Unfortunately, he had little time to worry about it. He just hoped that you were too busy to take notice of this.


Days passed and meeting in the café became less and less. Yanggaeng’s mood got affected and in turn, affected Yoseob’s as well.

“Do you miss her too, boy?” Yoseob asked, petting his dog. “I miss her. It’s like I’m back to this black and white routine like before.” Yoseob laid in silence, contemplating what he should do. Suddenly, his phone vibrated as he received a message from his sister.


Come visit tomorrow. 

I have something for you and Yanggaeng.

“Looks like we have an excuse to go visit tomorrow,” Yoseob smiled.


Like before, Yoseob came before opening hours.


“You’re here… It’s right over there,” Haeyeon pointed at a small box on top of the table near the window.

“Right down to business, huh?” Yoseob chuckled.

Yoseob sat down and opened the box. Inside was a simple dog collar with a little black bow tie on it and an envelope. “What’s this? Isn’t this for Yanggaeng?” he asked, picking up the collar and putting it on his dog. “You look classy, Yanggaeng-ah,” he smiled.

“I don’t know. Y/N visited yesterday and asked me to give you that.” Haeyeon said. Well, that and a goodbye gift for me as well but I’m not going to tell you that.

“She did? Why didn’t you call me? It’s been a while!” he whined as he opened the envelope and pulled out a handwritten letter. It was so you: the designs, the box, the gift…Yoseob can’t help but smile at the thought. But the smile he had only lasted for a moment as he read the letter.

                           Oppa annyeong!

(It’s kinda weird calling you oppa now since I’ve always called you Yoseob-ssi.)

Btw, sorry I haven’t been coming there for a while. Well, I should be telling that to Haeyeon unnie instead but I just felt like apologizing to you too. Anyway, how have you been? I hope the collar looks good on Yanggaeng. Did you put it on? Go put it on!

“I already did Y/N-ah.” Yoseob smiled.

Ahhhhh I wasn’t sure when we will meet again so I hope this letter’s alright. Actually, one of the reasons why I haven’t been showing up lately was because I’ve been studying hard for this scholarship that I’ve been eyeing and guess what? I GOT IN! I’m awesome, right? Heh! But actually, it’s all thanks to you oppa. I know that you’re an incredible singer and obviously, you love singing so much that even non-fans acknowledge you! And that made me realize that if I continue to do what I love and put my heart into it, my feelings would come across to other people too even to those that hate me. That’s why I’ll work hard, just like you! That way, haters won’t be able to do or say anything about it! Ah…I hope none of them has been bothering you lately. It would be troublesome if they did… Well, I have no space anymore so I’ll end it here! Let’s meet again someday! I don’t know when but we definitely will. Take care okay? I’ll always support you!


“Well that was something…” Yoseob said as he put the letter on the table.

Haeyeon walked towards him and to beside him. “What did she say?”

“She said she got into a scholarship she wanted and how I inspired her or something.”

“Just that?” Haeyeo raised an eyebrow.

“Well, there’s also that thing about working hard and haters and meeting again someday. What does she mean by that?”

“Yoseob-ah,” Haeyeon started. “She’s… moving away.”

“Moving away? Where?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t say exactly. But she’s going overseas.”


“She told me yesterday when she dropped by. She said that she’s okay and that she’d been planning to move even before the issue about her.”

“Issue? What is she------,“ then he realized. She saw it. She saw those comments. She probably even met one of them. That’s why she mentioned haters! “It’s those people! It’s because of them!”

“Yoseob-ah. Calm down. I know what you’re thinking. But she said it wasn’t because of that. While she did admit that it was completely new to her, she didn’t mind them. She told me that we were more important. That’s the main reason why she hasn’t been coming over lately. She was sorry and thought that she would be protecting us from those people…”

“But still…noona, she didn't deserve that.”

“No…she didn’t. But we didn’t know that us hanging out for fun would be turned to an issue like that.” Haeyeon moved closer and put her hand on Yoseob’s shoulder. “Besides, she wouldn’t like it if we were like this. She’s safe now, now that she’s far from them. So…just support her decision, okay?”

Yoseob wished he could. He wanted to whole-heartedly. But he felt guilty as well. He already knew about the things that could’ve gone wrong but he wasn’t able to stop it. He knew you did nothing wrong but in the end, you did the saving and ended up getting hurt. You, who brought color to his black and white world is now gone. And he can’t even ask you to come back in fear that something would go wrong again. He knew that all he could do now is to support you from afar and hope that someday, you’ll meet again.

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