Selfish thoughts

Wishful thoughts

There are times where I wonder what goes through your mind. The more I wish to know the more selfish I become, as I watch you from afar walk through crowds.

As I see you work hard everyday, with your busy schedule and the world watching you. I wonder in those moments of silence where you go, where you are and what you are thinking of.

As you walk out onto the stage, perform and smile for all those people watching, although you may not be able to see them as the stage lights are too bright. What do you think? 

As each day finishes and schedules are done, you move to backstage or in the car or home where its silent. Do you hear the silence? How does it make you feel? Do you run from it? I selfishly want to know.


The more I know of you and the more I find out...

The more you share and the more you show, means the more I learn means the more I want to know.

Like why do you take night walks? Does it help? You dont need to feel the silence and you dont need to be surrounded by fans as they would be asleep. Its just you and the street and you can be however you like. 

Is this your escape? Is this the world you go to, to get away? How I wish to ask all these questions. Why? Because I want to escape with you, to another world, where only me and you could be to comfort each other and be ourselves. But this is just a dream right?! Would this happen? No. I just selfishly dream to get my hopes up, because this dream is my escape, in the times where hope is needed, you're there.

If only you knew...




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