When Will I See You Again?

Ill Circumstances


It was a hard week at your international school in Seoul; there had been multiple exams each day and one time you were chided harshly for forgetting to put your name on your homework. What made it considerably worse was that your parents were beginning to argue with each other over little things, though you didn’t blame them because they must have been having bad days at work, too.

Lately, you’d been going to a park close to your home after school, partly to avoid you parents’ arguments and partly to have a little quiet, peaceful alone time.

It was a Thursday and it was your fourth time staying at the park for hours on end. You took your usual seat on the leftmost swing of the swing set, which was slightly rusty with age. You idly swung back and forth for a while, staring up at the darkening sky. After a while, you heard footsteps behind you. You turned around warily to find a recognizable figure approach you.

“I’ve seen you here a few times before,” Sungjong started.

You visibly relaxed, seeing that if wasn’t a or a robber or some sort of criminal. However, it didn’t help the fact that the Sungjong of Infinite was talking to you, the fact that he’d taken notice of you.

You straightened your back before replying. “Yeah, I’ve been coming here. How come I’ve never seen you, though?” You asked.

“I pass by here every day,” his reply.


A few moments of awkward silence passed by before Sungjong spoke again. “So, uh, I was thinking… Do you want to go for some coffee?”


After buying coffee to go from a café, the two of you took a long walk on the side streets where there weren’t many people to recognize Sungjong. You made small talk with him after introducing yourself.

“So what school do you go to?” He asked.

“I go to an international school. My Korean’s not that good,” you replied, chuckling with embarrassment.

“What? It’s perfectly fine to me!” Sungjong objected.

You laughed. “Yeah, right!”

And so the rest of the evening went on similarly, until you got a call from your mom. “Hello?”

“Come to the hospital right now!” Your mom sounded panicked.

Uh-oh, this doesn’t sound good, you thought, alarmed. “Uh, Sungjong-ssi, I have to go!” You called quickly over your shoulder as you ran off in the direction of the local hospital.

“Wait!” Sungjong cried after you. I didn’t even get her number…


Apparently your mom had come home from work to find your dad collapsed on the floor with a bottle of alcohol spilled near his hand. Knowing he was allergic to alcohol in large doses, your mom had called the ambulance and had him rushed to the hospital.

You sat next to your dad, who was lying on the hospital bed and enthusiastically objecting to your mom’s persistent nagging.

“Honey, you could’ve killed yourself! You know you’re so sensitive to alcohol!” She cried.

“You know what? I…”

You zoned out, putting your chin in your hands. You were worried about your dad, of course, but Sungjong was on your mind right now… Suddenly you remembered something. You’d forgotten to give him your number! Oh, no… I knew I was forgetting something. You buried your face in your hands.


a/n: Kim Jong il is DEAD

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