The Temptations of Sakura: Envy

The Dark Season

Sakura opened her eyes to a dimly stone built room. The only light sources were torches that surrounded the supports of the room. An eerie echoing wail due to how large the place was echoed through out.

Sakura, confused and afraid walked forward through the room. The dim lighting made it unpredictable if something will come from the darkness. Then she saw two figures ahead of her. They were her friends Haruppi and Sashiko. They stood perfectly still like mannequins in all of their unlifeness. Then another figure walked out of the darkness it was in the shape of her.


But the figure was bloodied and it covered her face. The erted reflection smiled at her while it held on her hand a pistol.

"Is this form useful? Will it help me break you?" the figure said. Its voice sounded like Sakura's only it was a twisted and demonic reflection of her own. It walked up behind Sasshi and placed the gun behind her head.

"Everything tells me about you. So will this. Watch.... Look...."

"Are you trying to copy me?"Sakura asked herself.

The reflection squeezed the trigger of the pistol unloading a bullet into the figure that represented Sasshi. Then the reflection disappeared.

"Are you trying to copy me?"

the figure of Haruppi began to move and turn around Sakura while speaking in Haruppi's voice which also sounded erted.

"Haha, being you will be so much fun than controlling the Gimaelics to my bidding. Do you know what your powers are? What you are truly capable of? You'll see. When I am done, I will become a god and rule the universe with you as my physical vessel." Haruppi said.

Sakura soon realise who is in her prescence right now. It was none other than Cebrail's brother...

"Enogant? You think you can become a god? Don't make me laugh."Sakura boldly stated.

"Haha, I know and I want you to serve me like all lowly worms in this universe by dying the right way."

"Keep on talking then Enogant."Sakura pouted.

"I am not a fool that you toy with. I am your envy and I will know you. Tell me White Bishop in your mind. Tell me what you know. Tell me what you do. Tell me how you think."

Haruppi disappeared and in her place a door was revealed from the darkness.

She entered through the door and three more figures appeared before her. Two were soldiers standing in a highly disciplined manner and the one in the center was her. That Sakura was wearing a regal white dress symbolizing of someone of authority.

"The United States will soon fall before us my lady." one soldier said.

"Russian and Chinese lands are now ripe for us to despoil and plunder as we see fit." the other said.

"Our reach matches my ambition. But we will strive for more." the evil Sakura said as she crossed her arms.

"Is imitating what you don't have your only pleasure Enogant? You disgust me."Sakura said.

"Accusing? Trying to find my weakness? Shouldn't it be the other way around? I accusing you of your greatest sins? Is that WHO YOU REALLY ARE? Hahahaha!"

The three figures disappeared and suddenly the room Sakura just entered was now raining fire around her. The scorching heat felt real in Sakura's touch as she struggled to find a safe place from the fire. Remembering her training on what to do in a fire which is to go prone and crawl your way out. Sakura dragged her body fighting the choking smoke. She could barely see the door way that lead her to safety.

"Can't you see how powerful you will become when I take your body as my own?" Enogant said.

"You're hurting and hateful. You need a body to to walk. What happens to the hammer when their is no more nails?"another voice said. It was calm and calculating.

"What are you? Get out!" Enogant said.

Sakura made it to the door way and quickly stood up and closed the door. She inhaled for breath and she felt sweaty due to the infernal heat she was nearly cooked alive in.

"Your Envy is trying to turn you. Reflections and mirrors of memories. His face he can't feel for it is all fake, borrowed from those he stole. I want to help you not your Envy."the voice said.

"Who are you? You sound familiar."Sakura asked.

"It's easy to not know when I can't talk well at least when their was no winter to make me."the voice said.

A person appeared infront of Sakura sitting on a table in the room. It was Ulrich Langobardi. One of her Gimaelic friends who accompanied her. He was a quiet boy whose actions spoke louder than his words as she often remembers Ulrich being a calm dog that you can pet around with due to his Tetike mutations to a full-blown savage in battle.

"Ulrich? What the--- How are you?"Sakura was awestruck to see Ulrich infront of her.

"It's easy to be shocked. But haven't you felt the same for hundred of times? Envy frozen your body so it can take you. The more the snow continues. The more he will try to get you."Ulrich said.

"I am frozen outside? I should be safe then."

"No, your life maybe dangling by a thread but time in reality is like a rain drop falling like a sunset. You need to get out of your head. It is more better this way."Ulrich said.

"But how?"Sakura asked.

"It takes strength to be more. Envy stretches to try and break you. Being one person is hard, being many nigh impossible." Ulrich said before he disappeared into thin air.

Sakura saw another door across her and went through.



"Nations and Empires will tremble before your feet. Like the Endless Empire of old you will bring order through blood, might and strength." Enogant spoke again in a demonic voice of Sakura's own.

"Unless I don't, none of this is real unless I make it real."Sakura said.

"That thing is helping you!?! Get out of here! I AM LEARNING!" Enogant said.



"This is a farce! How dare you desecrate the Basilica of Saint Peter. I demand Justice!" the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church said.

"And Justice you shall have....Kill him...." a twisted reflection of Sakura spoke.

"No one will think it is me Enogant!"Sakura said.

"HAHAHA! Does your friends know you that well? Your GUILT doesn't say so. Not as well as I know you..."Enogant said.

"Where is the White Bishop? I demand to speak with him. I am a leader of the Free-World."a UN secretary said.

"Well your world is free no more. Heresy against the Gimaelic Empire is punished with death." a guard said.

"He is weakening move further."Ulrich spoke.

Sakura continued to move further through the corridor as she continued to keep her mind fortress in shape as all the temptations that Enogant uses with her inner envies.


"And announcing the number #1 Senbatsu Position and center for the 51st single........Miywaki Sakura!"an announcer said.

The parodied Sakura stood up from her chair.....of corpses of people.....her friends.

"Thank you! I couldn't have done it without the 'help' of all of my senpais." Twisted Sakura said.

Sakura couldn't take more of this. Enogant is trying to twist her mind to do evil and she won't accept it. She walked through the cheering crowd of the stadium where Sousenkyo's usually happen and marched stubbornly to the next door.

"UNFAIR! UNFAIR! THAT THING KEPT YOU SANE-----RRAAAGGHHH!!!!" Twisted Sakura grabbed Sakura by the neck and pinned her to the wall.

"What could you gain by being me?"Sakura asked.

"What could you gain? Your body! Your power! Your......RAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!! We start again more torment!" Twisted Sakura said. , eyes and nose dripped of blood as she conjured a Dust knife from her hand prepared to stab the real Sakura out of her sanity.

"He is frightened of you."Ulrich appeared behind them.

"I told you to get ooouuuu------"




"Aaaagggghhhhh!!!!" Miyuki screamed.

Sakura rosed up from her dreams to see a gray spectral wraith appear in the middle of the tent that the girls sleep in. Miyuki's screams woke up everyone in the tent which got everyone suprised.

"It's a Yokai!"Churi shouted. She grabbed her shotgun and blasted a shell that simply went through the specter as it made its escape out.

Sakura grabbed her new Nonorite sword from her side and gave chase. She dashed her way through the camp that was slowly making its way from Ghoghthal to Vanoran. It just caught up with some refugees from the ruined city and are now part of a mass migration.

Sakura cornered the spirit in a dead end and uses her White Dust powers to trap the evil spirit in an arena like trap that no Dust spirit could escape from without killing the caster.

"You were selfish in your glory, now I am no one!" the spirit said.

"Dark and desperate, killing to make your self feel alive. I used to be like you.... I don't want to anymore."Ulrich said appearing next to Sakura.

The wraith rose up on its hinded legs to over eight feet tall. It had razor sharp claws and his width was like of a pile of sticks. The wraith blinked towards Sakura only to get double slashed by both her and Ulrich. They fought the evil spirit together in tag-team fight to slay it.

(Credits to the Witcher Wiki)

Meanwhile Cebrail and the rest of the girls were outside of the arena sphere that seperated the spirit from freedom.

"What the hell is that?"Yuki asked.

"Its a Dust Hym. It is a way of White Dust Mages can project themselves from afar so they can use their powers to affect other people. And my brother Enogant must be tormenting her already as I feared."Cebrail said.

"Can you do something about it?"Takamina asked.

"I cannot risk the Hym to flee so Sakura must do it alone. I fear since you are not natives of Auriga and haven't develop a resistance to the Hym you will most likely have them visit you in your sleep."Cebrail said.

"Ahh...."Miyuki said. She collapsed on the ground with and d her pregnant belly.

"Its....breaking!" Miyuki said.

"What? Now? Like really now?"Cebrail asked.

"Yes!" Miyuki said.

"Damnation! Tak, Churi, help me grab Miyuki up now!"Cebrail ordered.

"Hai!" they said and carried Miyuki who was now expecting to give birth to her late beloved's child.




"You were selfish in your glory. Now I am no one but I will break you. I will have you!" the Dust Hym said before it disappeared.

Sakura was fighting with the wraith for awhile now and she triumphed thanks to the help of Ulrich. They worked together and finished the wraith and banished it from the prescence of their camp.

She could barely contain her breath as she panted for air. She leaned forward to catch her breath.

"Sakura! Sakura! Takamina needs to talk to you now!"Isiaja the Antesignani ran towards her.

"What is it? Hey, have you seen Ulrich?"Sakura asked.

"What? No, I don't know what are you talking about. Isn't he a Gimaelic?"Isiaja replied.

Sakura looked at her surroundings and Ulrich somehow mysteriously disappeared after she took down the Hym.

"Never mind, take me to her."Sakura said and she followed Isiaja to Takamina.


When Sakura arrived to her tent, she was greeted to a wail of a crying newborn baby. Miyuki who was setting and pink eyed from her delivery cradled her child infront of her friends.

"Oooohhhh!!!! She is so cute!"Yuki said.

"What a beautiful girl."Churi cooed.

Miyuki blushed and here eyes felt heavy as she cradled her child.

"I am thinking of a name."She said.

Infront of the girls a relieved Cebrail talks to Rena  whose body he posses.

"And that's how you deliver a baby."Cebrail said while throwing a bloodied knife to a barrel.

"I think I am going to need to stay away from the food for now...."Rena said sickly.

"Cebrail! What happened? Miyuki gave---"Sakura was about to say when Takamina tapped her in the shoulder.

"Miyuki gave birth!" Takamina said.

"I was about to say that."Sakura said.

She walked over her friend who was resting aside with her newborn daughter. She looked at the girl and felt in awe at how beautiful the child was. She lightly patted Miyuki's head. It had been all non-stop insanity for awhile now and to see life flourish instead of perish was a temporary sigh of relief and a beam of hope to the AKB girls. She coul feel a tear of joy shed on her eye.


Sakura walked out of the tent to fetch a pail of water and she found Cebrail washing his bloodied hands with the water supply.

"I know what it you fought awhile ago and I need to tell you something."Cebrail said.

Sakura stood there siletly as Cebrail patted Rena's wet hands on her shoulder.

"It's only going to get harder from here. Do not let him win. Too much will be lost if you do."Cebrail said.








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OMG how did I miss that this story came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really good keep up the good work