
express lane.
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express lane.
2/2. 2866w.

(04:37 pm) do you kno anyone named sehun??

(04:45 pm) no

(04:45 pm) actually, maybe

(04:46 pm) kinda tall, black hair, stupidly annoying

(04:46 pm) i might know a guy

(04:47 pm) what’s in it for me

(04:50 pm) seungwan i’m not trying to make a deal with you

(04:51 pm) oh?

(04:51 pm) that

(04:51 pm) then i don’t know anyone

(04:53 pm) i’ll buy you like.. cake mix or whatever

(05:05 pm) sounds like a good deal, kang seulgi.




His name is Oh Sehun.

He’s a junior in the same major as Seungwan, and according to Seungwan, basically has his own fanclub at their university where they call him ‘The King’, which explains where he got his larger than the Pacific ing Ocean sized ego from. Seulgi learns that his dad’s bank account is also larger than the Pacific ing Ocean and that he was offered to be on The Bachelor just because he’s hot. On paper, he’s the typical born and bred for success rich kid who’s a 7 on a bad day, but also a , and because he was raised with a silver spoon in his mouth and drives the latest BMW, he therefore has an essentially bulletproof excuse to be a narcissistic, condescending to whoever he damn pleases and Seulgi cannot stand that.

So, yeah—

Seulgi thinks he’s insufferable.


But also insufferable.

She hasn’t seen him in well over a week, which she’s generally glad about, but he’s somehow managed to stick himself in every part of her consciousness because she’s thinking about him when she should be studying for her midterms, so she’s more than a little bit annoyed when she pictures him and his perfectly combed hair and nice clothes and god, she just wants to ruin him.

So, she puts down her brand new Muji gel pens and closes—slams—her notebook, and finds herself in her car, driving to that stupid grocery store.

It’s then that she realizes that she’s probably a masochist.

And things change.

Sort of.



(08:32 pm) uh

(08:32 pm) did someone murder you

(08:32 pm) or is there another practically sane reason why you’re not in your apartment

(08:32 pm) when i TOLD YOU that you should be studying

(08:40 pm) and ur not replying??

(08:40 pm) you always reply???

(08:56 pm) seulgi cmon

(08:56 pm) ???

(08:56 pm) dude calm down i’m just out to get some pringles

(08:57 pm) ugh

(08:57 pm) that’s like,

(08:57 pm) infinitely worse than being murdered




She slowly walks towards the store’s automatic sliding doors and immediately braces herself, takes a deep breath, and wishes that the doors wouldn’t open so she wouldn’t have to face utter humiliation in this same store for like, the third time in the past week.

She’s definitely a masochist.

She goes to the chips aisle, spots a worker and asks him for help, and gets her Pringles. Sour cream and onion. Finally. She’s about to go pay for her food when she stops in her tracks, almost runs into a rather hyper little boy with her shopping cart, when she realizes that everything seems completely and utterly normal. Her stomach churns like butter and the thought. Something is missing. He’s missing. Literally. Nowhere to be seen.

Seulgi sighs and apologizes to the mother of the little boy, who’s been glaring at her for at least a minute, and goes to pay for her things, and doesn’t even realize that she’s frowning when she gets to her car. And then she starts frowning even more. Less? Who knows.

He’s parked right next to her, leaned against his yellow BMW, with a smirk evident on his face.

“What’s with the pout on your face?”

“I’m looking at you, obviously.”

She stops right in front of him and her eyebrow hikes up, “What are you doing here, anyways?”

“My dad owns this place, remember?” he replies nonchalantly and she rolls her eyes.

She points to the ground and looks at her surroundings, “I mean here. Like right now. There are a million other parking spaces and you coincidentally choose this one.”

“Who said anything about coincidentally?”

The smirk on his face grows wider and she doesn’t know if she’s creeped out or . She settles for creeped out, mostly because it makes her feel better about herself.

“Are you stalking me?”

“We have security cameras and I may or may not have reviewed the footage to see what car you came here in,” he shrugs and drops open.


“Are you stalking me?”

“What the he-”

“I mean you’re here an awful lot.”

He raises his eyebrows and starts walking towards her.

“You’re not into me are you?”

She backs up.

She gulps.

“Why the hell would I be into you?”

He scoffs.

“Why not?”

She backs up into her car and he’s like, inches away.

She wants to scream, or slap him, and then her eyes wander to his lips for half a second—half a second too long, because he notices—and has the biggest eating grin on his face. She mentally slaps herself and looks away from him, “This is not a Korean drama. This is not actually happening to me right now.”

“If it were, they’d usually kiss by now right?”

“Right,” she says slowly and looks at him briefly. Oh . Her instincts are telling her to run away, flee for the hills, change her name and possibly get a new birth certificate, but her body is frozen in place and is basically telling him to take her, because even though he’s a narcissistic , he’s an attractive narcissistic . And Seungwan says that’s totally her type. He stares at her and their faces are inches away. She bites her lip. She doesn’t know what to do, so she does the first thing that comes to her mind.

She hits him with her can of Pringles and almost runs over his foot when she drives away in her car.




(10:01 am) sehun came into class this morning and he looked defeated

(10:01 am) what’d you do to the poor guy

(10:02 am) he’s not wearing a bandage is he

(10:02 am) or like

(10:02 am) a cast on his foot?

(10:05 am) no he’s fine

(10:05 am) physically speaking

(10:06 am) what’d u do to him??

(10:10 am) nothing

(10:10 am) im sure that’s the case

(10:11 am) ???

(10:11 am) do you think i’m lying??

(10:12 am) i think he looks like a sad puppy dog

(10:12 am) and when his friend asked him if he didn’t get laid last night

(10:12 am) he was like

(10:13 am) “i got ing pringled dude”

(10:13 am) and his friend was so confused but i was like??

(10:13 am) o wuddup that’s my girl kang seulgi

(10:15 am) i don’t believe you

(10:16 am) if you’re trying to bait me into saying “why don’t you see for yourself”

(10:16 am) it’s working

(10:16 am) i’ll see you at lunch

(11:23 am) btw ur paying



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sehun voice: "that's right my type"


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Chapter 2: Coming back to this story again because it's so cute and make me having a butterfly on my stomach asdfghjkl
wingod_ #2
Chapter 2: first reread of 2020 lets go
windlovingbear #3
Chapter 3: i re read this :””) this story is sooo nice
Chapter 3: please write a jaehyun x seulgi fic
Chapter 2: how is the second chapter even better than the first?? dying from laughter hahaha this is so good!
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: beautifully written, you’re one of the best writers here i swear, hope to see more seulhun from you :)
Chapter 3: can u make another seulhun fic? Pretty please :))))
i'll never tired of reading this°°°
This comment doesn't have anything to do with this story, so I apologized in advance.
I was bored and don't have anything to do (or want to do), so I re-read all your complete stories in one sitting and suddenly remember something. I've read somewhere, think it was someone's ig stories about seulhun ff rec, that you wrote this fic 'youth in retrospect'(?) but I can't find it. Did i read it wrong or you have this story published somewhere else?