The Last Girl

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Two decades have passed, and their generations are still playing with countless of lifeless girls with gummed blood stick around their revolting soul. Women, girls, they are all nothing but only their bloodful relievers. There will always be a little but in everyone's dictionary of fate and so does Kris Wu, the leader of the hunting spirit when he has unexpectedly met up with a queerly gorgeous girl in a typical convenience store.

Her name is Grace. 
Grace Wang.




Though I am not really creative with tittling and since this is my first attempt, I hope you guys can bare! 
This story is inspired by a song that I tend to forget what the tittle is (I am always like this haha) 
Urm, thank you for reading and I hope you will be happy with my writing. I will try to be the best 'your-personal-favorite' author. 
<3 I will leave this just here, don't forget to subscribe if following~  





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I don't care if you're good or not. As long as it's Kris. I'mma read it.!