A Friend.

The Devil's Number

Chapter 2: A Friend.

And perhaps a few more enemies...

It was early morning; around five-o'clock. Hyun Shik folded the bedsheets carefully and placed it back into one of the drawers. Taemin was still sleeping, so she tried to make as little noise as possible.

She lifted her head as Minho, who was towel drying his hair, came out of the bathroom.

Damn. He was hot.

Hyun Shik sniffed quietly and then stood up; her back was aching and she'd developed a light fever overnight.

Admittedly, the cold, hard floor wasn't the best sleeping arrangement in the world, especially not in winter, but she didn’t want to seem fussy so she kept quiet.

“Hungry?” Minho asked. Finally, someone had willingly spoken to her. She nodded politely and he tapped his quilt. “Sit down,”

Unsurely she walked towards his bed and sat down lightly. Is someone finally attempting to make conversation with me?  She thought wondrously. Although it didn’t show in her expression, she felt content. Someone was finally paying attention to her.

“The manager said you would be older than most of us, what year are you born in?” Minho asked.

“I’m a 1990-er. I think I’m older than all of you, except for Onew.”

Minho nodded his head, “Then can I call you Hyung?”

Of course you can call me Hyung! You can call me anything! Hyun Shik thought happily.

Yet, she ensured she kept her dignity intact and replied with, “Of course,” (and helplessly smiled.)

“You’re not actually that bad.” Minho said earnestly, “I was given the impression you’d have some type of prince-complex.”

She listened to him carefully whilst her mind flooded with thoughts.

“Why did you think that?” She responded.

“The manager said you’d be better than all of us,” He said, as he fixated his eyes on the whitewashed walls. “You are supposed to be more talented than all the members and give us even more success.”

Minho remade eye contact with her. “That’s why, if the members are a bit difficult in these first few days, it’s because they are preoccupied with what the manager said.”

He touched her shoulder gently, “Hyung, let’s have something to eat,” he advised, and walked towards the kitchen quietly.

She nodded and followed him closely behind, her mind preoccupied on this evil manager. Why did he introduce me like that…?  She wondered curiously, No wonder they were all so uptight yesterday…

She watched as Minho ignited the gas and cracked open an egg delicately into the saucepan. The egg began bubbling energetically as he casually flicked hot oil over it.

His fingers are really pretty, they are long, fair and seem soft…Hyun Shik thought absentmindedly as she watched him gently shake the saucepan.

Minho smiled and she immediately broke out of her trance. “Hyung you seem quite hungry,” he said, putting the saucepan away. “You were looking at the egg in so much admiration,” He joked, chuckling softly to himself.

Oh crap, Seo Eun, control yourself! Now you look like you haven’t eaten an egg in ages.

“Let’s eat,” he announced happily, after five minutes, biting into a piece of hot buttered toast and then sipping a carton of juice, thirstily.

They finished their breakfast in a matter of minutes; Hyun Shik collected their dishes and Minho returned back into their bedroom to tidy his bed.

Just as she was leaving, Key appeared at the entrance of the kitchen, his expression flickered to annoyance as soon as he caught eye contact with her.

He really didn’t like her.

She smiled nervously at him, as she attempted to reconcile and perhaps get on good terms with SHINee’s decisive diva. But there was no use, Key walked past Hyun Shik coldly, totally disregarding her existence.

So much for getting into his good books, she thought, miserably and walked off back to the bedroom.

As soon as she re-entered the bedroom she felt Taemin's gaze on her, once again. He seemed quite anxious and nervous about her presence; I wonder what the manager told him, she thought regretfully.

She tried to ignore him for a few minutes, but then he approached her quietly.

"That star symbol you have on your necklace..." He whispered. "It's the sign of the devil in Mythology."

He coughed. "Are you a devil worshipper?"

Hyun Shik's eyes widened in sheer amazement; devil worshipper! What type of aura had she been projecting to make him think that?

She shook her head defiantly. "No, I-I'm not a Satanist, I believe in God..." She stammered.

"Happy now?" Minho asked Taemin, she had forgotten Minho was there. He turned to face Hyun Shik, "This idiot thought you were a devil worshipper and you were going to kill us all in our sleep. You shouldn't make assumptions Taemin, what will people think about you?"

"I'm sorry..." Taemin pouted. "The manager said you would be rebellious and scary,"

"Your manager sure seems to have a lot to say," She stated, rather bluntly. Now I wonder why Key isn't talking to me, did the manager tell him I could cook better than him or something? 

It felt as if there was a lot of burden on her; she hadn't been here for even a day, yet she was having to prove herself to each member. This manager, she thought angrily, what kind of person must he be? Wait till I meet him...

But she needn't wait for long, she was going to meet him soon. Very soon.

Author's Note: This chapter is crazy. I didn't even plan to make Minho talk to her, but here you go, no one listens to the author. LOL. Thanks for the subs! Love you guys~!

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Haha real funny!!! Update real soon kk i'll be waiting!!!
leftside120 #2
@TaeminniSM ^__^ Thanks for your comment! I will update quickly ~ Heh, I hope so :D