
Run Baby Run
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Luhan thought he could be a lot of things. At the age of 9, he thought he could be an engineer since he liked playing with his fathers radio, open it up and get them together again. Of course the radio never worked the same and for some reason it only allowed AM stations. Needless to say he breaking his mothers Motorolla mobile phone -a new one may i add- was the last drop for both of Luhan's parents. 

At the age of 11 Luhan had realized there was a fine line between being overly lucky (like how he made that old clock of his grandmother work with a few kicks) and really being capable of doing something. After getting over with the fact he was overly lucky, not a genius, he tossed that thought over to the trash bin and started to draw the pieces of the radio he had broken years ago. Maybe the reason he was able to create a different kind of radio was the fact Luhan had the memory of the pieces but he was just trying to make them even more beautiful by changing their places. So Luhan thougt he could draw the pieces one by one to help other engineers build them. And apparently that was a job too! 

13 year old Luhan was drawing more and more as days pass and he was walking with strong steps to electronical engineering. He was sure of what he wants and how he was going to get it. He was going to study math and science in highschool then get into the Seoul University to study electric and electronical engineering then he was going to master the construction. That was the plan until a huge handicap stand on his way.

He hated science.

14 year old Luhan who had just started highschool was trying his best to understand the subjects about physics and solve the equations in chemistry but the chemistry between Luhan and science was as strong as the link between Van Der Waals equation, which is pretty non exsistent.

Luhan tried to get over the fact he doesn't like science and tried his best anyways, but with the every single low point he get, his ambition was starting to disappear too. 

Luhan ditched the idea of becomming an engineer but never stopped drawing until at the age of 16. That's the age his visual arts teacher called Luhan to her office and told him to never stop drawing because the drawings he gave to her for their art project were the most original pieces of art she had seen for the past 10 years. Luhan didn't tell her the fact he draw those between classes just to get away from detention but he was overjoyed anyway.  
Maybe that was it, all of those journeys he get through about engineering was to only help Luhan realize he loved drawing no matter what and yes, he would infact love to draw for the rest of his life like how he did draw for the past 6 years. He was getting better at filling the blank pages with his imagination and then making his black pencil move across the white to get those imaginations real. 

17 year old Luhan had different thoughts in his mind now. Drawing only on itself meant nothing on peoples eyes, at least that's what he thought at that moment. Needless to say when a senior student came up to Luhan with an idea he jumped on the oppurtunity. She was a writer and although she wanted to write a comic book she had no talent, even for drawing a house. That's when Luhan get into her equation. Apparently when she, Heyin, talked about it to their art teacher the first thing she suggested Heyin to do was go and talk wit

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296 streak #1
Chapter 2: I love this chapter xD
Seriously, they're so sweet <3
Can't wait for the more xD
296 streak #2
Chapter 1: ohhh Luhan's bestfriend cheating with his soon to be husband, Kris,,,,
oh myyy thats so sad,,,,I understand why he want to move on and living alone by himself,,,
but he's have Oh Sehun now,,,I am so excited :D
anaha10 #3
Chapter 2: This is so good. Hope to see more of their moments maybe some ;)
Update please
trappedinjunhwan #4
Chapter 2: eh? im pretty sure chapter one was there, the story before luhan and sehun dating. but i couldnt find it ... or was it other fic? ugh, anyway, nice chapter! luhan and sehun are so cute here <3
Chapter 2: Their bickering is so cuuuute it seems realbut still so cuuute!!!
chamomille #6
Chapter 2: Love this to the end of the earth!!!!!! This chapter is so good with sehun as super boyfriend n lulu trying to play hard to get asdfghjkl definitely anticipating your beloved next chapter <3333 have a great day 6ω6
Chapter 2: Welll its great omg i was enjoying it honestly and i can just picture all of those playful banter between couple and it does a nice thing to my deprived heart bcs u know 'NBSB' lol XD u should update this more frequently omg and i think im gonna smash someone in my dream tonight bcs i reread back the first chapter *hints*kris*hints*his--cuz-i-forget-her-name*hints* >< i love u <3
Chapter 2: It was adorable fam. Absolutely love it and can't wait for more ;D
Chapter 2: Sehun using his charm to win over an argument with Luhan is something I can see happening in their real life. Hahaha... this is a great chapter. Thank you for the update.
ruhanlu #10
Chapter 2: I love their arguments, agree with it is being realistic. Can't wait for next!