

She tapped on her cup of latte gently along the soft ballad that was playing in the background. Gazing out of the floor window from her window seat at the cafe, Taeyeon watched the traffic and random strangers walking by mindlessly. It was a cloudy day and the drenched floor served as a reminder of the earlier downpour, slowing down both traffic and innocent passerbys. 


"Yah, Kim Tae Yeon! Are you even listening to the conversation?" Sunny lamented at Taeyeon, who quickly looked back at the table.


"She must be thinking of her mysterious chin lady." Sooyoung teased, evil grin hanging by her lips.


"I knew I shouldn't have told you about my dreams, Soonkyu." Taeyeon groaned. 


"Yah, I am sorry okay, I didn't mean to out your secrets but I was so drunk out of this universe!"


"Wait," Sooyoung interrupted. "Dreams? As in plural? I didn't know about this! How many times did you actually dreamed about her?"


Taeyeon groaned even louder and sunk into her seat.


"Come on, I am already in the loop, tell me more!" Sooyoung edged forward towards Taeyeon, excited eyes apparent. "So what's she like?"


"Utter blur." Sunny replied nonchalently.


"What? That's it?"


Taeyeon sighed as she sat up. "Yeah, all I can recall from my dreams is her side view, like I was looking at her from below."


"Hmmm, looking from below huh?" Sooyoung smirked. "Sounds like you are dreaming of lying on a pretty woman's lap, you ert."


"Yah! I can't help it, okay, its just a dream."


"It's not just a dream if you have it numerous times. It's called recurring dreams." Sunny deadpanned.


"Surely you can remember more if you have that same dream again and again?" Sooyoung asked. 


Taeyeon glared at Sunny before putting her hand to her chin and pondered. "She has long black hair and seemed kind of sad, gazing at the night sky. Everything is quite hazy to me but my gut feelings tell me she has a nice features."


"Would you be able to tell if you ever meet her in real life?" Sooyoung probed.


"Come on, dreams are what it is, nothing is going to happen in real life." Taeyeon reasoned.


"Who knows," Sunny said. "Aren't dreams an extension of your subconscious? Maybe you have already met her before but you just don't remember."


"Maybe." Taeyeon sighed and relented. A loud honk at the intersection drew her attention to outside the cafe and her gaze somehow landed at a girl who was waiting at the crossroad for the traffic light to turn green before crossing. Taeyeon felt a sense of familiarity and she froze.


It can't be.


Taeyeon stared hard at the girl and Sunny noticed the sudden quietness.


"What's wrong?" Sunny asked.


"It's... her." Taeyeon muttered in disbelief. 


"Who?" Sooyoung asked, confused.


Taeyeon stood up abruptly and dashed out of the cafe, leaving Sooyoung's question unanswered. 




Twenty years flashed by as if it was insignificant, nothing but a small mark in her eternal life. Tiffany waited patiently at the crossroad, wondering where should she head to next. She had just arrived in town, having travelled round the country aimlessly. There was nothing much she can do to find Taeyeon but to leave it to fate. Somehow, the laws of the universe always managed to bring her to Taeyeon. However, the universe has no concern of time. It was irrelevant to the universe when Tiffany gets to meet Taeyeon and her experience tells her that all Tiffany can do was to wait.


Just as the green man flashes, a shadow flew past her and a girl stood in front her, stopping Tiffany in her steps. Tiffany raised her brows in surprise as the girl tried to catch her breath.


"Hi?" The girl said hesitantly and smiled shakily.


The moment the girl looked up, Tiffany knew. She just did. However, what caught Tiffany by surprise was that this was the first time Taeyeon came to her first. 


"Have we met before?" The girl blurted out before panicking. "Sorry, I didn't mean... I mean, I am not trying use that as a pickup line or something. Gosh, what am I saying?"


Can it be? You remember me? Tiffany smiled, happiness bubbling out from beyond her comprehension. It has been quite some time since Tiffany smiled so brightly.


"Let me start over, hi, I am Taeyeon."


Taeyeon, you go by the same name again. Tiffany noted, amused.


"I swear I mean no harm, I just want to know you." Taeyeon quickly added when Tiffany didn't respond.


"Tiffany." Tiffany offered her name as she reached out for a handshake which Taeyeon gladly accepted.


"Tiffany," Taeyeon repeated smoothly, as if it was a name that rolled off her tongue countless times. "Can I buy you coffee? Just a friendly thing, no obligations."


"Sure." Tiffany nodded, couldn't wait to get to know this Taeyeon. 


Taeyeon's smiled even wider, if that was possible.


Just then, a couple of girls yelled Taeyeon's name from a distance.


"Taeyeon, are you coming for class or what?"


"Coming!" Taeyeon yelled back before looking at Tiffany again.


"Sorry I have to go, meet me at the Starlight cafe just down the street at 5?"


Tiffany nodded with a smile.


"Awesome! Wait for me!" Taeyeon added as she ran back to her friends.


"Always," Tiffany whispered to no one as she watched Taeyeon disappeared into the crowd.


Perhaps you have found me first in this lifetime but that's all the headstart you can get because I have already fallen in love with you before I met you.




A/N: Why so angsty? Why not? Up & down are norms of life. It can a good thing. Night folks!

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Chapter 2: soulmates through countless lifetimes OMG PLEASE IM SO EMOTIONAL
Chapter 2: Jvzjsnxbaksngdjasbs im screamiiiing tgis is too cute!, k jsksnxjzj
Chapter 2: so cool story !!!
Chapter 1: waw enternitiffany right ?
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 1: Aww TT
Chapter 2: Awwww... always. She'd always wait for her, and always fall in love :)
Chapter 2: amazing TT<3
Chapter 2: You made me cry lots for this. :( This is beautiful. Waiting and loving and seeking the same person in different lifetimes eternally is both emotionally exhausting and beautiful. I love it. The idea of timeless and limited love.
NessieW #9
Chapter 2: Reincarnation and immortality so beautifully paired. Two presentations of energy that is neither created nor destroyed, just packaged differently. Well done author.