*long way to go*


I woke up early and checked my schedule. There's only a few classes that I have to attend this week, (go to room number 1,2,3...)

I don't have idea where the rooms are and what class it is exactly... Anyway, it's breakfast time!!!

Since it's my first time being around here, I'm really nervous! I entered the dining area. There are many boys and very few girls. That's kind of strange isn't it? I found a vacent chair and sat there. My breakfast was simple but delicious! I saw that guy who saved my life with a handsome guy by his side. Maybe it's his friend? They were quiet but, it looks like they're enjoying their food.

I had a class soon so I left to find the class. My right hand went up to knock on the door. A second later, I entered the room. I was suprised at what was in front of me. The classroom only has one person in there and it's an old guy.

*: Hello. My name is Kim Minseo, and I'm a new student. I was told to attend this class. Am I correct?

?: You speak a lot. Come here! Sit down, and be quiet.

I did what he told me to and sat in one off the seats. I waited... and waited... and waited even more... my waiting went on for for 30 minutes. {what's going on?! I can't bear it anymore! Is this some sort of waiting class?! My goodness... This school is strange. This man is even more strange! He's strange to the point where it's actually scary. I can't say anyhting and I can't leave! Oh God! What am I doing here?!!}

?: It''s only been 30 minutes... You can't handle being quiet in your seat for 30 minutes!?  oh my GOD. You have a long way to go. I heard you grew up as a normal human. That may be the reason. Anyway, because you don't know what your power is, we should try to figure it out. What we do in here is concentrate. Oh yeah, I have one more thing to say. I'm not scary and this school isn't strange at all.

{O.M.G! What is he talking about?!}

?: Can you stop this? Do you always talk to yourself? FYI, my power is hearing and being able to read people's thoughts.

*: Oh! Uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. So, what sould I do? Stay quiet and focus? What exactly do I have to focus on?

?: All of us have to spend some time to undrestand ourselves, and find the answers for our concerns. First, just think about your past, and if you feel bad about it; solve it.

{He probably doesn't know that I wanted to kill myself huh? I feel awful about my past! How can I solve it?! I came here for help!}

?: I know everything. Don't think about the solution. If it's really hard, you should learn to not think about it. I'm here for this exact reason; Helping you to not be like this anymore. 

You should think about your life, find your mistakes, and stop being like this. Start a new life without them. 


My first class went pretty good even with that scary teacher... 

I was lost in my thoughts when I caught a glimpse of that boy who saved me.{OMG! I have such poor memory! Why can't I remember his name?!}

!!!!: Hello! I heard you came here yesterday... And about you coming from the human side...... You had a class with SOM right? 

*: Hi there! Yes, I arrived yesterday. And you're right! I had a class but, I don't know what is was really... Anyway, who is SOM?

Before he answering me, his friend ( I mean that handsome boy who was eating breakfast with him) whispered something into his ear. 

!!!!: Oh! You're right! I think it's better to introduce myself first! My name is Kyung soo! D.O. Kyung soo, and this is my best friend! Kim Jongin. But, all of us have nicknames so, you can call us whatever you want. I'm D.O., and he's Kai.

*: I'm Kim Minseo. It's nice to meet you guys~

D.O.: SOM is his nickname but he doesn't know it! We gave it to him. SOM means Scary Old Man. 

I couldn't help but to laughed a little. 

*: And why you call him SOM?

kai: Cuz everyone who sees him for the first time thinks he's a scary old man! Didn't you think so too? 

*: Hahah! Yeah, I did. I thought he was like that because I'm new here. Or, maybe it was because I talked a lot... 

Kai: No~ He's always like that. He told D.O. that he's quite talkative as well! :D (He laughed when once he finished his sentence.)

D.O: Anyway, if you don't have any class, you could join us!

{There was a strange looking sentence written on my schedule so, I should probably ask them about it.}

*: Uh... I do have class... Maybe I could join you after that? I have something to ask you. 

D.O : Okay. We can show you where to go!

*: I don't know what class it is though. It just says go to room number 1. Do you have any idea what that may mean? 

Kai: Oh god! They're starting it too fast!! 

D.O: Yeah... I agree. Sorry, we can't tell you what it is but, we can guide you there. 

*: I'm a bit scared now... Please tell me?

Kai: There's no need to be scared. It's nothing to worry about! We really don't know though! They always change their numbers so we don't know which one number one is... Hope you have a good time~

D.O: Here it is! You can do it! Hwaiting~

The two left me alone. I entered the room.

Inside was dark. There aren't any lights. I heard a noise behind me, then a huge screen in front. Someone began to speak. 

???: Good morning kid! Welcome to the challenge room! After I finish talking, you will have 20 minutes to get out of this room or else you'll die... It's pretty simple actually. You can use whatever you'd like to but, remember, you only have 20 minutes. I wish you luck! 

The screen showed a timer. 

The light from the screen helped me see the room better. The door that I came from had a metal bar blocking it. One side of the room were full of stuff like old chairs, desks, cartons. The other side was full of heavy goods and it seemed brighter. 
Behind the heavy side was a door and behind a light side a channel! That's when I saw the timer. 
I had 3 ways but only 15 minutes left!!! 
{I have to choose the best way because I don't have much time! Time is going by too fast!!!}
I became so nervous! my hands and legs start to shaking and I can't breath! 
{Using the saw can be good but would take too long! Which way will lead me out!? How did I come inside?! OMG! I was talking to those boys so I didn't notice! Ugh!}
I wanna cry~ I remember we came from the left side and there was stairs! If I stand like this..... okay! There was another room on right side. I can remember! It took my attention because it was room number 5 instead of 2. Going left would be correct! It was on the lighter side, but I have to use the channel.
I acted fast and put away those stuff then opened the channel. It was so messy! Ew, it's dirty too. I feel queasiness but ignored it. so I entered! I had to craw in and do best to go as fast as I can. something in my head said if it was a right way, it should be cleaner other another students used this before. It makes me more nervous. The channel wasn't long at all. I saw a light at the end and got out just to find myself in a diffrent room. A room with no door nor window.
I was scared as hell! I don't have time and I'm ... My eyes beame full of tears and I ....
{I should't give up! I have to go back and try the other side! I have 3 mins left. If I'm fast, I could make it.} I said it loud to comfort myself. I tried to enter the channel for the second time but suddenly, someone came in. How? There was a door in the wall... If you looked closely, you could see it.
?: Stop now kid. Your time is up!
*: No! Please, give me one more chance! please! I only need 5 more minutes! 
?: Kid...
*: If not 5 then 3 will do! Please! I can't give up like this! 
?: Listen to me. We won't give you another chance. Life won't give us another chance. We only live once and if we do something wrong, we have to accept it.
I could feel tears running down my cheeks.
*: So... What should I do then?
?: Go and take a shower. After that, go for lunch! Oh yeah, one more thing. Go and celebrate your first win!
* : W.....wh.......what?
?: Kid? Are you doing okay? Do I speak a diffrent language or something so you don't understand me? The mission was to get out of that room.Look around. Does it look like you're still in the room? Nope! We didn't say go to your room. You should probably look in the mirror. No one would like to be seen like this at their first day.
*: OMG! This means I did it?! 
?: Yes! amission success! Congradulations kid.
I went to my room, took a shower, then went to the dining area for lunch. I was looking for a vacent chair but I saw D.O. instead. He wanted me to join them.
I got my lunch with a little chocolate cake! They didn't give any to the others though!!!!!
D.O and Kai they both congrated me once I joined them.
*: How do you know? 
Kai: They gave you a cake. That means you won! But, what was the mission?
*: I had to escape a room.
D.O: What did you do? Which way?
*: I used the channel. Why do you ask?
Kai: Cuz it isn't the same for everyone.
*: What?
D.O: You have to get out no matter what.
Kai: For example, someone melted the metal bar! Another person freezed it and then broke it! 
*: What!? How?
D.O: With their superpowers of course! 
*: You must be kidding me... Superpower?!!
Kai: It seems like you have no idea where you are.
*: I'm trying my best to undrestand but... it's kinda hard. I saw these in the movies and now! They're true!
D.O: Wait, you don't know what your superpower is?
*: Unfortunately, no. They said we're going to find out though. Anyway, what did you guys do?
Kai: Kyunsoo broke a wall and I returned to my room!
D.O: My power is earth.
Kai: And mine is teleportation!
*: Woah! That's cool! This means you can go anywhere?
kai: No. Everyone has their limits. For example, SOM. I thought he could read my mind forever!
*: He can't?
Kai: Nope! You can control it! It depends on you.
I divided my cake and gave piece to them.
D.O: So, are you free?
*: Yeah, why do you ask?
Kai: We have meeting! If you want, you can join us! You know it's not good to be left alone here. The meeting starts at 8 so you can rest a little. We'll come and get you.
*: Oh, that sounds great! I'd appriciate that! Thanks!
We separated ways then I went back to my room.
{I feel great! I was able to find friends and I won a mission for the first time! This school is strange but, I can't deny that like it a lot.}

thank you for reding! hope you enjoy it :)

please wait for next chapter cuz I didn't start the main story yet! :D





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Mimimimmimim #1
Chapter 3: Cool they're in a different dimension! I hope she meets kyungsoo again. Oooooo whos gonna be her lucky roommate??? Assuming that it's probably a girl, I have no idea lol
Mimimimmimim #2
Chapter 2: What does it mean when you say Mr.song lied? If she's going on the trip, then Mr Lee might have some complications. The parents are literally trying to pressure her with her own guilt... that's messed up
Mimimimmimim #3
Chapter 1: Thank gawd he saved her just in time. But what pain was she feeling in her body? She didn't get hit or did she fall? I think this us one of the most carefree suicidal thinking process I've ever read, not that it's bad, but it doesn't go in depth and it's just her trying to kill herself
Chapter 3: BIG FAN OF EXO...LOL...first one who comment here.... Update okay.....FIGHTING....
Chapter 3: Cool...I like it....Hope you update soon enough...can't wait for the next chapter....(≧∇≦)...Read my story as welll....okay...
Chapter 2: Finished chapter 2....The OMG part is funny.... They sound like kids....but kinda like it though....I thought it was minseok (boy).... so minseo is a girl.. that makes sense....
Chapter 1: Hi...reading this at 2:51 AM..LOL.. Anyway....I really think that min seok is really2 annoying(first chapter). Good starting....Like it...remind me of someone's life.... Don't worry...there are just a few mistakes.