
Silver Archer
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Walking on the street after her morning jog, Jisoo got the chance to glance at the new family in their neighborhood. She looked for the boy who might be the new face in their class.

Embarassment was written on her face when someone poked her lightly. She thought she looked like a creepy stalker waiting for her crush outside. She turned around and was faced to a boy way taller than her. "Uh-"

"Hello. Are you lost or something?" It was an unexpected question from the boy. She thought he was going to say that she looked like a creep.

"I.. I was just strolling around."

"Okay then. I am Song Mino by the way. I live in that house." He pointed at the house she was just staring at and offered a handshake. Realization hit her that the guy she was talking to was the guy they were talking about the other day.

"Oh. You're our new neighbor! I'm Kim Jisoo." She accepted his handshake

"Hahaha, yes. Do you want to come inside and be our first visitor?"

"Um, that-- I need to go now. I will visit on the other time. See you around?"

"Make sure you will do. See you around, Jisoo-ssi." Mino said and Jisoo just gave him a curt nod and a smile and she turned around to go home. She still have class later.




Later that night, she cannot sleep. Well, she does not sleep at all in this situation anyway. Getting ready to begin her duty for the night, she prepared all the necessary equipments. Hoodie, check. Mask, check. Duffel bag with complete things inside, check.

Her brother was already gone, doing his own tasks. A house without people at night. Instead of sleeping comfortably on their bed

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Blubber7 #1
Chapter 3: Im so excited!
Im really looking forward to see Jisoo and her 'powers'
Chapter 1: Jisoo's character looked realistic! I love it!
Im sick of "a goodie-goodie-near-perfect-princess" or "a clumsy-idiotic-troublesome girl"
And its funny how she interacts with her closefriend
Days ago i watched twice in weekly idols so i know about them a little bit, i like daehyun and nayeon so far, they are looked cute
That "jichuu" of her here is cracked me up succesfully
And idk why but i always imagine jennie as a cold and untouchable, but i like that she just like normal teenage girl in here
she is so cute when fangirling jinwoo but i ship her with mino so sorry i dont support jen-woo kk
Its gonna be bobsoo fanfic rite? So i guess their new neighbour is bobby? Waaaa cant wait for their interaction
The silver archer thing is still mysterious so im gonna wait maybe for some clues (?) in the next chapter
Thanks for updating authornim
Im sorry that im late on leaving my comment
But pls pls update very soon :p

ps. if you dont mind, pls include hanhi and minjen? lol
Chapter 1: Im waiting for the next chap :) fighting!!
Wooowww it sounds promising!
Im anticipating alot
I ship bobby with jisoo, hayi, and suhyun but recently im really really falling in love with bobsoo
Pls update soon, like a real soon, kk
Fighting authornim ^^