
Nothing Special

November was rather the huge breakdown between January and December. It was the time of not only midterms, but when people would work their butts off on even just the little assignments for the teachers, even without directing it to us, was the whole 'break it or make it' scene.


For some students, it was clearly a wake up call for what they were doing in the past two months going into the semester. What is T.V when you're in your bedroom studying pages of notes for a surprise quiz? Or that casual get together with your friend that is now canceled because you had to finish a small assignment due for next week? The only answer you get is: actually put in the effort or none at all. Sit and do the work or limit by procrastination.


I sat on my desk re-writing on some notes instead of eating lunch, until soon enough Hoseok comes by along with Jungkook. “Ugh. Are you seriously doing homework?” he scrunched up his nose in disgust as he sat down, putting his bag on his lap.


“Yes I am,” I replied in a matter-of-fact tone. “Yuna is gone for 2 days for a student council retreat so she asked me to get her the notes that she will be missing.”


I continued writing and as soon as I made it to the end of the page I sighed for I had two more pages to go. Jungkook spoke up and asked if I had eaten to which I shook my head. Not realizing this until afterwards that soon I see a packaged cream bun land on my desk.


I looked up at Jungkook who motioned towards it. “Take it. I wasn't going to eat that anyway.” he said.


“You really didn't have to,” I mumbled, unraveling the plastic and taking a bite. My stomach really was happy upon it though. After finishing the whole thing in just 5 minutes I gulped it down with some water and continued to write.


“By the way Mio, will you still be able to go to my house today after school? You know, helping me with the dance.” Hoseok piped up. He was joining this small dancing contest where first place gets prize money, and I know Hoseok was pumped about it for weeks.


“I'll be there.” Jungkook said. They both looked at me in anticipation until finally I broke with a nod.


“Of course I'll be there. After all I promised I would anyway.” with a huge grin on his face he gave me a thumbs up and mouthed a huge 'thanks!' before the bell rang and the teacher came in to resume the next lecture. I couldn't help but chuckle by Hoseok's expression from before. He's so strange sometimes.


By the time school was over I was waiting outside the gates when I saw Hoseok dragging along Jungkook, one shoulder over the other and laughing. I stood up straighter from the wall and tried to get their attention by waving a hand in the air, which worked – they saw me right away.


We walked alongside each other until arriving at a rather suburban neighborhood with simplistic architectural houses. Jungkook and I followed Hoseok cautiously into the house just further down the street which at first, seemed like there was no one in the house at all.


“Noona! I brought my friends home!” he yelled out so suddenly that I flinched. Jungkook noticed and smirked inwardly by the reaction before taking off his shoes and heading to the main room.


Sitting down on the couch and hearing some noise in the kitchen Hoseok left us for a moment before coming back along with a rather tall woman with similar looking features, which took my off guard albeit. “Noona, these are my friends. Guys, this is my older sister.” getting up I bowed and she did too, giving me a warm smile. Even her smile is almost the same as Hoseok's.


“It's nice to finally meet you both in person.” she chuckled. “if you guys want any snacks, feel free to ask.”


“We'll just be in the basement practicing, thanks!” and soon he already dragged us out of the living room and descended the stairs. I put my bag down to the corner of the room and so did Jungkook’s as we helped Hoseok set up his things from his laptop to the outward speakers attached on the walls.


The first song he played was a remix by Snakehips called 'Gold'. We helped him with a few of the moves he could improve on or said which he was lacking there of. “Maybe you can try this,” Jungkook got up from leaning against the wall and came up in the middle where he soon jutted out some interesting popping move and spin with his legs. My eyes widened.


“What the- Jungkook! I never knew you were good at dancing like that!” I say. He looked at me and shrugged, smiling sheepishly. Even Hoseok, who was in awe as well.


“I-I used to take dance classes for 8 years, since I was 7.” he replied numb; now seemingly embarrassed.


“Why didn't you tell me?!” Hoseok wrapped his arms around him. “if I knew you had some dancing skills I would have recruited you as part this choreo! We both could have a chance in winning this contest!” Jungkook seemed hesitant at first, mumbling a few 'I don't know’ under his breath (at least that's what I heard).


“You really should, Jungkook. It could be a great opportunity – you never know unless you try.” first an artistic kid and now a potential dancer? What is he not good at? After finally taking a few moments he finally gave the decision and gave it a try. First Hoseok taught him a few steps to the dance but it seemed that he got the hang of it already. It was really cool to see them both dance; the two friends of mine.


At first it became all serious; the whole business of practicing and rehearsing for a good 45 minutes into the hour. But as the hours stretched further soon they ended up goofing off to the point that I had to remind them not to, but then I end up joining in their little fun and dancing to girl group songs, giving some woots when I tried to (very badly) dance along with Wonder Girls Nobody.


By the end of the day it was time for us to go home. We briefly ate some tuna sandwiches that Hoseok's sister made for us and we told Hoseok we'll be seeing him the following week at school. Jungkook asked if I wanted to get a ride for his mom was going to pick him up at Hoseok's place, but I refused for I said that the bus stop was only a walking distance away. With that being said I said my thanks to Hoseok and a farewell before heading off the opposite direction where the stop was.


I knew the bus came every 12 minutes, so while I sat there I put on my earphones and waited, mind you I was the only one waiting.


It wasn't until later that another person came by, and glancing up from my eyes peered at the ground I almost did a double take. The person looked at me surprised too. “Park Aeri?”


“Oh, Kim Yerim.” my voice echo with equal bafflement.


“It's been a while.” she gave me a grin. I nod. Kim Yerim was an old classmate of mine back in elementary school, and she was known to be the one student that joined the talent show every year with the incredible singing voice. She moved around the last year of elementary school and haven't seen her as we entered high school.


"How are you? I never saw you since like, what? Elementary?" she gushed.


"I know, it's been that long. Speaking of, how is everything at the school you're attending?" I then asked curiously.


"Oh, it's fantastic! I went to the Musical Fine Arts academy you know."


"No way! That's amazing," and really, I was very much surprised that she would. I remembered she would always tell our class that she wanted pursue in the career of singing, so I guess her dream is slowly coming true for her. She asked me then how was everything so far for my senior year, to which I plainly stated "stressful, but I'm managing" to which she chuckled alongside with me.


I heard the bus roar from the distance and as it stopped we both got on and walked to the back in which we ended up resuming with our conversation.


We talked about things such as our school life and any new friends we made. I replied that I am still very much good friends with Yuna still. "She's part of the student council now, so we don't have that much time to hang out as often." I say truthfully.


"Still, I'm glad you guys are still very much close friends." it was silent after a while, as the people in the bus too have slowly decreased less with the stops.


Finally, she turned to me and said, "Kim Myungsoo. Do you still talk to him?" as soon as she said his name my blood ran cold. I felt my throat getting tight. My breathing also became more shallow.


"Ah, Myungsoo? I never had a class with him once, so I hardly ever talk to him now." I say with a mumble. It was then that her face sort of fell, but she tried to hide that expression with a somewhat smile put on her face.


"Oh, is that so?" and she chuckled rather lightly. "Well, I guess not everyone can still be friends after so long." she stood up just when the bus stopped at a particular area.


"It was nice meeting you again, Aeri. See you!"


"Nice meting you too, Yerim. See you." as soon as the bus drove on I couldn't help but stare out the window that is the opposite of where Yerim could be seen. Our conversation left me with some sort of nostalgia, yet a rather bitter one to my stomach. I wasn't expecting, out of all people, she to be the one asking about Myungsoo. In fact, I knew well enough that Myungsoo hated Yerim for whatever reason in elementary. And I (most probably) am the only few most people she told about her secretly having a crush on Myungsoo.


Now, I'm not really sure if she asked because she still had some lingering feelings; but I guess it's too late to know for sure.


By the time that everyone left the bus it was only me left. I had to get off the bus route and walk back home. Alone. With just my racing thoughts.




That memory still makes me ponder to this day. I always told myself that it was some sort of coincidence seeing an old classmate of mine. It was also something that many people never really think about. When they come to this conclusion of after seeing someone for so long you would think that they wouldn't remember you, when you still know quite fond of them.


But for some reason, those kinds of instances, somehow, make me happy.



Because at least someone out there in the world, hasn't forgotten about my existence. 


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Chapter 39: Finally I’ve come around to finish reading this story! :3
I was so happy that she ends up with Yoongi because I’ve been lowkey shipping them together even when she’s crushing hard on Namjoon
Idk but these accidental and unexpected moments with Yoongi is kinda heart fluttering in a way <3
Chapter 35: My bias changed to freaking Suga because of this fanfic! I love it!
Chapter 40: Thank you for this awesome story!
It also made me think aboit some personal stuff and figure that out a little.
Can't belive the story is over :D
Chapter 40: Thank you so much for this wonderful journey of memories during Aeri's youth. I had fun while reading and for me its good if you'll put yoongi's pov bc i really loved his personality here. I want to know how he saw things back then. Anyways thank you again and good job authornim!
Chapter 39: I cannot believe this is over ;-;
The feelings for this story is so real, because once I finished reading the very last chapter especially the quote I just felt felt a warm fuzziness in my chest (lmao does that even makes sense) and I got so emotional over these characters and oh man I really will miss em. Thank you for the wonderful story <33
Chapter 37: I always end up coming back bc i love ur story so much and since im a yoongi stan, i really love how u portray his character here I AM SO DEEPLY INLOVE WITH HIS PERSONALITY HERE i think the min yoongi here has become my ideal type, him being observant and quiet that u wont notice every moves he'll show to u makes it more lovelier :)
Chapter 38: I got chills from the last sentence! Oh my goodness you're killing me here ;~;
ChanSang #9
Chapter 37: Your story gives the bittersweet feeling you get while listening to Agust D. It touches deep down. Perfect slice of life. <3
Chapter 37: this story is so good i cant stop reading and i was so immersed i kinda shipped aeri with namjoon tho they're so cute but as i read every chapters i also noticed yoongi's little movements towards her that i found it very suspicious then bam u told the revelation and i said to myself "I KNEW IT THERE'S SMTH" and i was so happy I LITERALLY SCREAMED AND SQUEALED when aeri finally realized things. it makes me want to read it from the start and focus on every scene where there's yoongi.