Just a Thousand Expectations that Never Met


"You dress like a hobo."

"Your room is too messy."

"You don't study hard enough."

"Your hair is a mess"

"You talk too much"

"You talk too little"

"You're too loud"

"You're too quiet"

"You never listen"

"You never help"

"You never try."


"Why do you live? You never do anything right. Just go ahead and die why don't you!"













exo member: #15



I'm writing a lot of Sehun one shots.


I was actually gonna make CL the mc. But then, while CL does fit in this story, I feel that Sehun would fit in a lot better.

I don't know why.

I'm pretty sure if I just think a little harder I could find another female celebrity that fits in this story but like nah.

I'm too lazy.

And though it would be so much easier for me if Sehun was born with a instead of a , I'm still gonna stick with Sehun.

And just hope for the best.






Ok enough about why I chose Sehun. Let's talk about how I came up with this idea.



Recently(actually prob since like day one) my mom always tells me to stand up straight, study harder, etc etc you know, normal mom things right? But she's been going on and on about the stupidest things like 'you dress like you've just been picked up off the streets' or 'what the is your hair you look like you belong in a mental institution' or 'you're too fat start exercising' and I could go on but that'd take too long also it'll all be in the story. I'm pretty sure some of you can relate. It's just been really annoying for me and I know that if I don't let this out somehow then Imma blow and mess up real bad and up my life. So, yeah. That's just it.




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