Chapter 2

The Rebels

Chapter 2

                About half an hour passed and Areum was starting to become extremely bored. The questions were incredibly stupid and most of them weren’t even educational based. The exam was more of a common sense test, if anything.

            Let’s see, what stupid is question next. What is your mythical identification, please answer truthfully: a) vampire b) werewolf c) mermaid d) centaur e)… what the hell? They really have every possible creature. But shouldn’t this be on our file anyways? Areum almost groaned at the stupid question, but nonetheless tapped ‘a’. What’s next? It asks for our parent’s job? She stated sarcastically before tapping the ‘continue’ button. To her surprise, the next question actually asked for her parents’ occupation and she was close to slamming her head against the desk that her monitor was on.

            No longer caring about her results, she randomly selected answers just to get things over with. Just as she finished, she heard the bell in the room ring loudly causing the people who were focused on the test jolt in surprise. The instructor then walked forward and informed them it was their lunch break and that they had to come back for part 2 of the exam. “Those who didn’t finish part one of the exam will have to stay back after dismissal to finish it. Okay, everyone dismissed for lunch.”

            Obediently, everyone marched out the room and into the cafeteria. Areum simply passed the cafeteria and went outside to the gigantic tree that stood across from the cafeteria doors. Just as she sat by the tree that provided her with shade, she heard her name get called.

            “Areummieeee!!!” Running towards her was her best friend, Kira. “Areumie! That test was hell!!” Kira complained as she tackled her friend to the ground.

            “Yah, get off me!” Areum sat up and pushed Kira away.

            Kira frowned cutely and pouted, “Always so mean to me. Anyways, how do you think you did? I hope I get a job I like. Maybe I could be a nurse! Or a surgeon!” She exclaimed with a wide grin.

            Areum frowned, “Are you stupid? Of course you can’t, you’re a vampire. They’d never allow a vampire to handle blood. Besides it’s stupid for us girls to even take the exam. Practically every woman is told to become a house wife while the guys get the jobs. The only women that actually work are those in the Capitol.” She stated truthfully.

            “I know” Kira said sadly, “but there’s nothing wrong with hoping.” Areum sighed and pulled her best friend close to her.

            “I’m sorry, I just don’t want you to be disappointed when you see your results after you obviously tried so hard.”

            Kira pulled away and gave Areum a smile, “Thank you bestie, you may say hurtful things, but I know it’s because you love me.” Areum returned the smile and nodded before and idea popped up in her head.

            “Hey, since we’re taking the exam the guards were told that we can be outside longer than usual. You want to go out for ice cream?”

            Her best friend’s eyes brightened, “Yes! Please yes!” With a chuckle, Areum nodded then pulled out her lunch, to which her friend did the same, and started eating.

            After finishing the second half of the exam, Areum stretched her back with a small yawn then got up and left the room after submitting the test.

Thank you for taking the Capitol’s Occupational Exam

Results will be delivered tomorrow.

Enjoy your day.

-Head Chairwoman of the Capitol

            As Areum waited for Kira, she thought back on the questions of the second part. Weird, none of the questions involved school or what is important to know for jobs. Most of them were just about me.. My favorite color, author, movie… Just what the hell is this test? “Areummie? Areum? AREUMMIE!!!” Jolted from her train of thought, Areum looked up to see Kira looking at her worriedly. “Hey you okay?”

            “Yeah yeah, just lost in thought.”

            “About what?” Kira asked as they started walking towards the ice cream shop.

            “Don’t you think it’s weird that none of the questions involved work? Most of it was just about us: our hobbies, likes, dislikes, all that stuff.”

            Kira giggled, “You’re so cute when you ask weird questions, Areummie. But seriously why worry about that? We finished! Just be grateful for that.” The girl cheered before running into the ice cream shop excitedly. Areum sighed but then shook her head at her friend and smiled before following her into the shop.

            Later that day, Areum turned her TV on as she dried her hair from the shower she had just taken because of her brother’s decision to spill some blood onto her accidentally. Sitting on the foot of the bed, she listened to the news. “Breaking news, rebels have made yet another mark by burning down Kim Seokmin’s, the Head Secretary of Real Estate’s, house earlier at 7:30 this evening. Thankfully no one was hurt, but none of the rebels were physically captured. However, surveillance cameras caught a glimpse of one of them and has matched them with their profile. If you see this man, report him immediately-” Areum paused as the picture of one of the culprits appeared and her breath hitched.

            “He’s beautiful…” she unknowingly mumbled.

            “Noona I’m sorry fo-” Quickly, Areum turned off her TV and looked at her brother who had just entered. “What were you watching?”

            “Just the news, what do you want?”

            Jun raised an eyebrow but simply shrugged at his sister’s weirdness. “I was just apologizing for spilling my drink on you. I didn’t see you.”

            Areum nodded, “It’s fine, now get out.” Jun lingered no more. Once he shut the door, Areum released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding then turned the TV again and stared at the picture. With a sigh, she turned it off again and stood by the window with the towel hooked on her crossed arms.

            The moon illuminated her face and her features became more prominent with the help of the moon’s light. Unknown to her, a hooded figure watched her across the street, a few houses away. Soon, you’ll be with us. When Areum turned her head towards his direction, he vanished into air.

            Areum turned her head to look around the street, feeling she was being stared at. When she found no one, she shrugged and headed to bed with the rebel’s face and name in her head.  


A/N: OMG she saw Baekhyun! 

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Bye! <3

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Misstwilightfan1416 #1
Chapter 2: Not Bad so far, i like it, please up date soon^^