Final Part

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" This is all my fault." Jiho said, breaking the silence. 


"No, don't start." Binnie warned her. 


"Man, but we started this together and we promised to end it together as well, remember?" Binnie clearly remember their promised but there's nothing much they could do. "We started as strangers with two different personalities but we were able clique instantly. We worked hard together and pulled through everything to be where we are right now, if it's not for my selfish act all these won't happened. It will be our last performance in this high school and you not being there I ... I don't know how can I continue."



"Binnie, I know I have been really petty these days." Binnie didn’t give any response even though she badly wanted to roll her eyes. "Today's incident finally hit me, you're the only one who understand me so whatever news I got bad or good I always wanted to share them with you first, so whenever you're not around I felt empty and lost which confused me a lot at first because I didn't realise you were that important to me but when I saw you back at the field on the ground with your face so pale, I was terrified. I thought I would lose you."


Binnie was too flustered to say anything. She just stared at Jiho in disbelief. So that was how Binnie is to Jiho. 

Now that she knew, slowly Binnie felt her cheeks get warmer as she covered her lips with her hand trying to hide her sheepish smile.


""Why are you laughing, I'm being serious right now." Jiho said with that cute pout Binnie couldn’t resist but to laugh harder. 


"Gosh, you're so cute." Binnie then took a few steps closer to Jiho and hugged her. She breathe in and let out a sigh of relief. "Finally, for the first time in the long time I'm happy again." 


"What are you talking about." Jiho murmurs through Binnie's hair, Binnie could imagine Jiho was still pouting. Even though Jiho didn’t return her hug but she leaned her chin on Binnie's shoulder instead and that's good enough for Binnie. 


"I'm just happy you feel that way." Binnie said. When she pulled away Binnie placed her hands each on Jiho shoulders. "Because I felt the same way with you." They just stood there in silence gazing at each other eyes, absorbing the genuine moment before Arin came back suddenly with a loud voice.


"Binnie! I've decided!" Both Jiho and Binnie jumped, Binnie briefly threw a glare at Arin for ruining their moment. "Decided what." Jiho said with a slight annoyance in her voice. 


"Be my teacher for the next two months, I want to do my best and make you guys proud." Realizing what Arin meant, both of them gave a look at each other and held out their arms, pulling Arin into a hug. 


"Yes, let's do our best." 


Mingyu came in not long after and looked more confused than ever, "What's happening?" Binnie looked up and rolled her eyes, without explaining she pulled him as well to join in the group. 








The day had finally arrived. The anticipation waiting for their performance were nerve wrecking. Even though Binnie did not perform but she knew how it felt like for every of their performances. Binnie had seen them before the performance start to give them a few more encouragements. She was now at the audience area, waiting patiently for the event to start. It was her first time in the audience instead of being over on the field to perform. Honestly it felt weird but the roaring of cheers and support from the other students in the audience area hyped her up.


30 minutes had past and the moment Binnie had been waiting for finally started. The buzzing noises among the audience got louder.


The cheerleader girls came out jumping and waving to the audience which get them all pumped up even the parents in the audience started to get up on their feet. All ready for the big performance. Binnie searched for Jiho when she found her, Jiho was already looking at her. Both of their of eyes lit up when their eyes met and both waved at each other excitedly. She then continue to look around and found Arin who look more worried than excited. 


As if reading her mind, Jiho moved over to Arin and tapped her back. She then whispered to Arin's ear and she looked up to look for Binnie. When their eyes met, Binnie mouthed 'I believe in you.' Arin pursed her lips together and nodded, determined to pay off all her hard work for the past months of intense trainings.


The announcer then started to announce the commence of the event. The girls got on to their position and seconds later their school cheer anthem blasted through the speakers and once again the crowd roared. 


The event only happened at the end of every year, it’s like a school tradition where the cheerleaders will perform the school cheer anthem therefore all the students in the school know every cheer that the girls made. Hence, the feeling that Binnie felt right then was beyond wha

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Chapter 5: Awww don't cry authornim. The ending is great and satisfying enough like this. Good for Binho to get back together. Come to think of it, I sorta ship MingyuXArin. No Wonwoo here so Arin come to the rescue then. So yeah i'm actually blessed
Chapter 3: Its so interestingggg. Looking forward to the next update
Chapter 3: What?!?!? How can you just end it there? Author-nim you're killing me >.< ..... Loving this fic though! Looking forward to the next chapter :)
DumaTrz #4
Chapter 3: Oh nooo D':

Btw thanks for the update haha
DumaTrz #5
Wah, poor Mingyu TT TT I feel bad for laughing. (And even worse for wishing Wonwoo or someone can be in this story to be with him XD)
This story may not have the most complicated and elaborated plot, but it's really comfortable to read and have a good laugh! :33
Waiting 4 the next update
Chapter 1: Looking forward to your update, author-nim:)