Part three

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Binnie decided to chase Jiho. "Please listen to me." Binnie nearly raised her voice as she tried to explain to Jiho the truth. However, it only pissed Jiho more.


"Great so you planned all this, now I'm the idiot for believing that I did something wrong." She spat, as she continues to stomp away not looking at Binnie since they left the Cheer room. But Binnie didn't give up, yet, even though her mind had been screaming at her to stop.


"Please, Jiho you need to understand that I didn't mean all this to happen."


"Stop following me!" Jiho finally looked at Binnie in the eyes. Jiho's eyes were full of anger and tears started to build up in her eyes. "I had enough nonsense from you, Binnie, this is why I … forget it." With that Jiho stomped away not even looking back when Binnie called out to her.


The next few days were quite a torturous for Binnie. At first, Jiho was equally mad at Arin for being involved with the plan as well and Binnie seems to learn to start letting go of things, like not being worked up over every little thing.


However, Jiho was more forgiving towards Arin than her. Not surprising.  Hence, they were back to normal, having lunch, chatting and giggling together. Binnie was upset at first but she understand why but that didn't ruin her new found friendship with Arin, in fact, they grew closer. Arin would once in a while update Binnie on how things going with Jiho and sometimes she tried to convince Jiho but she would either glare at her or ignored her every word.


Mingyu understands just by watching Binnie suffered jealousy because Jiho paid more attention to Arin, just like he suffered too because Binnie seems to have eyes only for Jiho. If only she could tone down her ego and be more direct with her feelings for Jiho, things would have been a lot easier and he would have long move on from this unrequited life. 


"You should try and talk to her." Mingyu prodded her in the cheek to get her attention as she was in her own world while playing with her lunch with the spoon.


"I did, Mingyu." Binnie flatly said as she continues to poke on her food or more like stabbing them.


"Again, talk to her again." He repeated.


"How about you go and talk to her." Raising an eyebrow as if challenging him.


Mingyu sighed, "You girls have practice, later on, right?"


"Ugh, I don’t feel like going." Binnie pushed aside her unfinished meal and stood up. Mingyu grabbed her wrist and firmly pulled her back down.


"No, go." He said, sternly.


"What's wrong with you, why are you so pump up all of the sudden to make me and Jiho be better?" Binnie finally looked straight at Mingyu. He didn’t say anything but just gave her that look - that he had a plan.


Like a Deja Vu, Binnie crossed her arms and didn't say anything but that's all it took for Mingyu to understand that his cue to continue and explain what his plan was. It was not an evil plan. It's more like a mission.






During cheer practice later on that day as usual Jiho avoid Binnie in all way possible. Is it bad to say that she started to feel used to the cold treatment? It felt like she's giving up already but if Mingyu's plan would be a successful one as how he claim it would be, she wanted to give a try. She swore to herself if this plan doesn't work she's going to stop trying or do anything to save their friendship anymore and move on. But that was probably just a compulsive decision. 


Mingyu was having his practice as well, so Binnie would keep a look out for any cue from Mingyu. Binnie was sitting on the bench, tightening her shoelaces. Just

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Chapter 5: Awww don't cry authornim. The ending is great and satisfying enough like this. Good for Binho to get back together. Come to think of it, I sorta ship MingyuXArin. No Wonwoo here so Arin come to the rescue then. So yeah i'm actually blessed
Chapter 3: Its so interestingggg. Looking forward to the next update
Chapter 3: What?!?!? How can you just end it there? Author-nim you're killing me >.< ..... Loving this fic though! Looking forward to the next chapter :)
DumaTrz #4
Chapter 3: Oh nooo D':

Btw thanks for the update haha
DumaTrz #5
Wah, poor Mingyu TT TT I feel bad for laughing. (And even worse for wishing Wonwoo or someone can be in this story to be with him XD)
This story may not have the most complicated and elaborated plot, but it's really comfortable to read and have a good laugh! :33
Waiting 4 the next update
Chapter 1: Looking forward to your update, author-nim:)