Meeting Childhood Friend

Forever Me And You


~~~~’s POV:


I was buying Americano. When I about to pay for it suddenly someone cut me. “I’ll pay for you then”. It was a boy voice. I was really shocked so I decide to look at him. “MYUNGSOO!!” I shout and then quickly hug him. “Where are you this past  year? I was looking for you, well, everyone did you know!” I smack his head. “Aish! This is my asset!” he whining while rubbing his head. “HAHA. You still the same Myungsoo … from back there~ By the way, thanks for buying me this” I said while show him the Americano. “Your welcome. Let’s sit. I will tell you everything~ Just ask ok” He said. We both get seated at the corner.


“So, what are you doing now?” I start the conversation. “Debuting” he said. “Wait up. Are you telling me you’ve got to be a singer? Your biggest dream?” I said. “Yeah. Something like that. I got the group one. You know INFINITE right?” He ask. “Oh, I heard about that group but don’t see their performance yet, neither heard their song” You said truthfully. “Haish pabo. Come here.” He pull me closer then put his earphone to my ear. INFINITE song were heard. “It’s a nice song. You sing in it?” I ask. “Yeah. Listen listen, this part. I’m singing it” He said pulling me closer. My face inches away from his. “Yah! Don’t be too close. I don’t like to die in your fans hands you know!” I push him. He seems sad.


What are they listening to:



L’s POV:


‘That’s ~~~~. Oh, wait, she got even prettier than before” I though. She’s my crush you know. I always have crush on her and that’s why I run away when I found out that she’s got together with one of my friends hyung. It’s hurt a lot back there. ‘I have to meet her or I will not meet her again’. So I decide to walk to her. She’s buying Americano. She does love that drink when we where a high schooler.


“I’ll pay for you then” I said and passed the money to the worker. She look at me with her weird face and suddenly she shout “MYUNGSOO!!” and then hug me. I blushed. I miss those hug. We were best friend once. We start to talk and I ask her for a seat first. I tell her everything but she even said that she doesn’t heard our song yet. So, I pull her closer to me and put my earphone to her ear. She said it was a nice song. It’s was my line so I was a bit excited so I tell her to listen to my part. Without knowing I pull her even more closer. My face inches away from her and suddenly she push me. “Yah! Don’t be too close. I don’t like to die in your fans hands you know!” She said. I frown.


‘I miss you a lot ~~~~-ah’. “So how was you and Junhyung? Still together?” I ask curiously. “Hmmm.. We broke up already cause he said he fall in love with his sunbae at his workplace, Hara” she said. She seems sad. ‘Does she still love that guy?’ I sigh. “You still have me tho” You said. Both of us laugh. She thought I was playing around. Oh well~ “Aish Myungsoo. I still have work to do. See you later then” She look at her watch and she ruffled my hair and walk away. “Aish! But- I don’t have your contact number!” I fix my hair quickly, then stood up and shout. She then walk back and write his phone number on the tissue then give it to me. “Do contact me ok” She smile. I smile back and wave at her. She wave back. ‘I’m so happy today!!’. “Oh, I need to go practice” I said and I look my watch. “OMONA! I’m late. Sunggyu hyung will kill me!” I quickly walk away.


---------practice room---------


“Why are you late?” Sunggyu hyung ask. “Traffic jam~” I lie. “Ok then, go get ready. We will start in five minutes!” He said to the rest of the member. “DAE!!” everyone shout back. Then we start practicing.


*Practice over*


On our way back to dorm. Dongwoo ask me, “L, you look so weird  today. Did something  happen to you?” in curious. “You remember the girl I told you?” I ask. “~~~~-ssi?” He said. “Yeah, that one!” I said excitedly then continue, “I coincidently met her at the coffee shop!”. “Woah~ cool. So, did you talk to her?” He ask. “Yeah, and I even got her number too~!” I said happily. “Go contact her and good luck then. Don’t loose her again like before ok!” He said. “Thanks” I said and start to copy the number and save it in my phone. “I will put you ‘My Baby Crush <3’ as a contact name. Aww~ cute!” I said slowly.


~~~~’s POV:


I walk home alone tonight. Usually Junhyung will lead me home. ‘I miss you~’. My thought stop when someone block my way. “Hey baby, do you wuuaaant to drink with meeee?” a drunk man said to me. I was afraid. ‘Oh god~! Save me~!’ I thought. “Shiro!! Go away!!” I shout. The drunk man approaching me slowly. I walk back and suddenly bump to the wall. The drunk man got closer and closer “I got you nawww~”, he said. I was really afraid. I closed my eyes thinking what will he do to me. Then, I heard some smack sound. I open my eyes slowly. Someone has punch the drunk man and he landed on a trash.


“Are you okay?” That man ask me. “Yeah” I said still on shocked. “ I will send you home then. Where do you live?” He ask. “At the front and turn left” I said still shock at what happen. He then grab my hand we walk together. He even said, “For the mean time, I will hold your hand. You must be in a big shock” He said and I just nodded. On our way, he ask me some question. “What is your name? Why do you walk here at night alone?”. “My name is Ah ~~~~. I just got home from work. What’s yours?” I answer but curious about his to. “Well nice to meet you ~~~~-ssi. My name is Woohyun. Nam Woohyun. I go to the shop just now, buying something,  this and heard you screaming” He said back while show me what he bought. “Sorry” I said and lower my head. “It’s ok. It is the responsible for man like me to take care for a pretty girl like you” He said and I blush. He saw me and he chuckled.


After a few minutes we arrived at my house. “Thanks” I said to him. “Your welcome. See you again then” He said and wave goodbye. I wave back. I unlock the door and went inside. I take a shower. Wearing my favorite pajama and lying down on my bed. My head continue thinking about Woohyun but somehow I remember Myungsoo. I get up and open my computer. I search for INFINITE video. I watch it. ‘Omo~ they are really cool!’ I start to shout like a fangirl now. Then, my jaw drop when I see Woohyun also inside those video. ‘So, he was in INFINITE group too. With Myungsoo. What a quincident!’ I said in disbelieved. I want to watch more but my eye are getting tired from what happen tonight. I turn off the computer and go to sleep. Still thinking of Woohyun. ‘Nice to see you Woohyun-ssi’ I said and than fast a sleep.



here here here my first update!!!!

OMG! i'm so happy.

i'm in love with Yong Junhyung but i fell for this INFINITE boys. They are super cute and hot too. ㅋㅋㅋ


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