1. Jackson Wang and The Story Of The Pokemon Boy Who Dyed His Hair

Before You Start Your Day
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 Jackson Wang was sitting in English class where they were watching Good Will Hunting. He found the movie terribly boring so he let his thoughts wander deciding not to disturb the rest of the class. Besides, he had something.. Someone to think about.


"Hey?" Jackson poked his dark haired friend who was sitting next to him with his eyes fixed to the screen. 

"What??" Jaebum sighed trying to turn his focus back in to the movie. 

"Did you see him? His new hair I mean?" Jackson said causing his friend to roll his eyes, "hey you aren't any better than me. You and your thing for his friend?? Pathetic." 

"PATHETIC? Please. At least he is actually cute. And not a ." Jaebum laughed. 

"He's not a . And even if he was. It would be fine.. You left flowers for the boy you've never talked to. I haven't yet decided if you're pathetic or just really desperate." 

"The guy is a god damn ." 

"ING FLOW-ERS!!" Jackson said a bit too loud causing one of his classmates to hush him, "and besides I liked him before he started dying his hair. And whatever dying your hair doesn't make you a . I ing dye my hair." 

"No you bleach and tone your hair, he dyes his red. There's a difference.." Jaebum sighed again, "Anyway you went gay for him. And he so is a . You went gay for a .. Why does that not surprise me?" he chuckled at his friend deserving an annoyed glance from their teacher Mr. Nam.  

Jackson felt like it wouldn't make any difference if he explained to his best friend that the boy he liked, oh so much, had indeed done something different. He had bleached his hair and now Jackson wasn't the only platinum blonde in their school. The boy had stolen his trade mark hair but he was fine with it.  See the thing was, Jackson really had liked this guy for almost two years so he didn't even care anymore when the boy would come to school wearing something that he had worn few weeks earlier, he just thought of them as coincidenses.  


When Jackson had started to notice the boy at first he had just thought that this one kid who stood out with his Pikachu onesies and t-shirts was kind of cute but suddenly he had started seeing him everywhere. At school, at the mall and worst of the worst was when he was at his fencing practice and he would see the cute kid and his friends walking their dogs and honestly, Jackson had lost his mind for someone he didn't even know, but at first he denied it. He denied it for a long time. The most popular kid in their school just could not fall for the guy who wore a onesie to school just because he had felt like it. 

After months of being a the douchiest douche to the guy Jackson realized how bad he had ed up. 



One day Jackson had seen the boy outside their school and maybe it was how the boy had looked like he was about to have a panic attack or something but he decided to ask how the boy was doing. He cared way too much just leave it be.

"Are you okay? You don't look okay." 

Jackson had felt his heart throb in his chest, maybe even miss a beat when the boy had smiled the saddest smile at him, gazing straight into his eyes like Jackson was an angel or some other beautiful non-human being. 

"Yeah I'm fine. Could you like off or something? I really don't feel like talking to you." 

"I just... I don't know I.. You looked like

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Dab7GOT7 #1
petshopxoxoxo #2
Chapter 1: Ohhh pokemon/pikachu Mark...
It is super cute!
Only 4 days, Jackson! U need to move or u gonna miss Mark to dead :))
floralis #3
Chapter 1: Great start :) can't wait to read more ^^
eimnue #4
Chapter 1: Great start for this story i like it <333 and omg mark looks verry cuteeeee i bet jackson is so crazy about him hehehe ~~~ can't wait for the next chapterrr fighttingg and good luck~~<333
Chapter 1: Oh. It's good! I want to see what's going to happen o____o Jackson, fighting!
wangass #6
Chapter 1: how nice to see this one being written. boy i'm excited to see how this turns out^^