This moment

Officially together
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Jaebum sighed for the nth time. Walking out his thoughts since he was forced to go out by s to the park.

Thoughts like writing a book on how to kill a Jackson Wang in a hundred different ways.

Though, why would the leader of got7 want to kill the wild and y of the group? Simple, he was planning to sleep the whole day since a day off is considered now as quite rare. Especially, with their hectic schedule.

But, no. Of course, the Jackson Wang, the wild and y of the group decided that it would be fun to play when it's hot and burning at 30 degrees outside.

Ahh, the perks of being the leader of got7. "Stupid Jackson," he mumbled. "Forcing me that we go outside when they don't even need me here."

And Jaebum kept on mumbling things like playing by themselves and inconsiderate members and of course, hugging my teddy bear.

Though knowing Jaebum, he's probably killing all of s inside of his head, and probably, they're dead right know.

Oh, if looks could only kill, then the people that catches his gaze sometimes would've been dead even if they only caught a glimpse of the eye contact.

But of course, it's Jaebum we're talking about. Even if he kills everyone and everything with his eyes, and even if he buries everyone alive, there'd still be that one specific person he couldn't afford to be mad at.

"Hyung!" Someone called from behind, running to catch up to his hyung.

Jaebum, without the need to look back, already knows who the owner of the voice is. Unconsciously smiling--though, even he didn't want to, his body would betray him. You really are a love fool, Jaebum.

Speaking of that specific person,

"Hey," Jaebum voiced when the ball of sunshine of the group finally caught up, walking beside him.

"Hyung, why'd you leave?" Asked the younger, pouting with no intention. Which caused Jaebum to be in awe. Cute.

"Ah, sorry. Just wanted to take some things out of my mind."

Youngjae just hummed, understanding. When suddenly, he grinned. Teeth showing, like a cheshire.

Jaebum broke out in a cold sweat. Knowing the look on the youngers face, something was up. And surely, he can never bring the other down so he tends to do stupid things just to make the other happy. Which is a bad thing, because how can he still be oblivious to my feelings with the amount of the stupid things I do for him?!

"Hyung," Youngjae started. "You know, in these kind of places, couples play hide and seek."

Youngjae looks at him and smiles. He flashes Jaebum his signature bright smile that can lighten up the whole world with it.

How am I still not dead?

But, Jaebum of course had to hold himself back from hugging and kissing the guy. And the only way that he could think of was,

"I'm not doing this, stop looking at me with those eyes." He said, making a face.

Youngjae smiled mischievously and jogged ahead of Jaebum.

"Hyung!" He shouted, still smiling, while looking back at the said man. "Catch me if you can~"

Jaebum looked in disbelief because, of course, who can ever stop Choi Youngjae? Seriously, this kid is impossible.

"Come on, i'm not going to do that." Which caused the other to frown.

Dammit, Jaebum! Now you made him sad.

"Hyung, you're no fun." Whined the younger.

"Maybe later?" The older tried to cheer up the other.

"Really?" The other perked up.

Which is quite effective. I'm seriously in love with a kid.

"So, hyung. What were you thinking of earlier?" Question

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Chapter 1: THIS made me laugh so much especially the pinching YUGYeoms s off comment. It was not stated who said it but i can imagine JINYOUNG telling yuggy off hahahah.z zz ..impecable timing wang jackson hahaha and lastly 2jae is so real. 333def333
Chapter 1: I love the humour in this fic :)
jesusandklife #3
Chapter 1: Aiiiii that was short and sweet :))))
cute one shot and I'll pray for Jackson lol
_acee_ #4
Chapter 1: Hahaha I really loved this. And it was so funny and sweet! Hope to read more 2jae from you.
Chapter 1: Hahahaha, that was cute and funny <3 Keep up the great work xD
Hunterxhunter1004 #6
Chapter 1: Lol this so cute and funny