

After dating for three years, Jongin decides that it is finally time to propose to Sehun. And he plans to go all out for his boyfriend, but for some reason nothing ever seems to go right for him. Sequel to P.J's


Sehun had noticed that Jongin had been acting weird for the last week or two, but had merely brushed it off as a rough time at work, due to his busy schedule as a top model. But strange hours and evasive questions begin to deter his reliance that this was all for the work Jongin claimed it to be. 

This is my Sequel to P.J's, this story might make more sense if you have read that first. I hope you enjoy~


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Chapter 2: It’s so cute! I can’t aksjjd
Chapter 2: seriously this is so cute!!!! I need this in my life gosh thanks for this cute fic!
Chapter 2: LOL cutest story ever k bye. btw it released my stress XD blame addmaths for that
oshkay #4
Chapter 2: This was so cute!!! Kai is so sweet and shun was adorable and this made me feel all fluffy and happy inside
zengkelly #5
Chapter 2: Could u pls make one more chap bout their wedding or them being a parents maybe with a preggy hun^^
knitapple #6
This was such a cute story, I absolutely loved it :)
Chapter 2: ohhhhh thaaat was awesome like cute and fluffy and lovley
thank you ❤️❤️
CuTAEpie #8
Chapter 2: This was so cuuuuute omg the proposal down to the Kim Property teehee adorable
BubbbleTeaaa #9
Chapter 1: yaaay I can't wait