Prologue: Don't Lose it...

Monster Academy

Yo! So I started the story all over again... MIANHE!!! The plot doesn't change so much so please enjoy the fanfic all over again! ^^

Jae Hwang: Currently in the Demon World


What was once a Palace full of energy and noise was now turned into a dark hole full whispers and murmurs. The children were all kept in safe places and all those who could protect themselves continued on with their tasks and duties. While the news spread to all ears in the Palace, the lively atmosphere quickly disappeared and was replaced with fear and anxiety.

Meanwhile a displeased Princess has been informed by the Queen’s maidservant of the news and was now being escorted down the dim halls of the Palace. The Princess was followed by her 3 ladies-in-waiting, their faces full of worry yet their beauty has shadowed it. The 5 women made their way swiftly and gracefully, their heels making a tapping sound on the marble floor. Out of all the tapping sounds there was, one was the most deafening, the Princess’s.

All 5 women are amazingly beautiful, but out of all of them, the one who stood out the most was Jae Hwang, the one and only Princess of the Demon world. Her silver hair flowing down her back, her light lavender eyes which naturally glows even in the dim light and her slim yet curvy body can make almost anyone stop to stare at her. Too bad her stubborn and short-tempered personality clashes with her other-worldly looks.

The Princess’s poker face slowly turned into a scowl as they made their way to the Main Hall. As the great doors of the Main Hall opened the girl’s scowl only worsened. While the 5 women walked their way forward the failingly loud whispers of the Palace Elders only added fuel to Jae Hwang’s rage.

“As to be expected the Princess is in a foul mood...”

“Hehehe... as always the Princess shows no respect...”

“The Princess isn’t very graceful is she...”

Those were only a few of the many words that the Elders have said.

All you old hags better know your place before I burn you all to ashes!Jae Hwang thought irately.

At the front of the Main Hall there sat the Queen and King on their thrones. After the girls have curtsied the Maidservant disappeared as well as Jae Hwang’s scowl, the ladies-in-waiting stayed a few steps back. Jae Hwang’s scowl however was only replaced by a fake smile.

“Jagiya~ how have you been lately?” the Queen asks Jae Hwang.

A farce...

“I’ve been doing fine Umma, Appa...
My training has been quite hard but I’m getting used to it” Jae Hwang answered with a fake air of kindness.

"It’s good to hear that my ttal is getting used to her training very quickly" the King compliments.

"Kamsahabnida Appa" Jae Hwang smiles (fake).

This is all...

"Have you learnt anything new?" the King asks.

"I've learnt Levitation and Teleportation Appa" Jae Hwang answers.

"Omo! Really? In 3 days you've learnt Levitation and Teleportation? What an incredible ttal we have!" the Queen praises.

It’s just all... a stupid farce!

“Umma, Appa would you be kind as to...
Tell me why I’m here?” Jae Hwang asks, her rage slowly slipping out.

Demon Tip:
Demon Aura shows how strong the Demon can be. It can’t be hidden but since powerful Demons have crushing Auras they can tone down their Aura to make it comfortable for the people around them.

"Aigoo~ our ttal is getting curious now isn't she?" the Queen teases.

"It appears so Chung Ae" the King quipped.

"How many times have I told you not to call me by name, Dae Hyun" the Queen said teasingly.

As the large room filled with their laughter they seem to be clueless of the fact that Jae Hwang’s Demon Aura is rising.

“It is said that the Princess is a cruel and merciless monster who thinks nothing but of herself. In a great fit of rage she has destroyed the Palace 4 times and has left the Palace servants and all its inhabitants in fear....”

Of course such rumours like that are fake, maybe except for the part where she destroyed the Palace 4 times.

In truth the Princess doesn’t have so much control of her powers and when she feels great emotion her powers suddenly release, whether it be good or bad. Powerful Limiters have been cast on her but they all break into pieces once they’ve come into contact with her skin. Another true fact is that the inhabitants of the Palace are scared of the Princess because of her lack of control with her powers, therefore leaving them in fear. Another fact is the first sign of Jae Hwang’s rage fit is when her Demon Aura starts to rise.

“Umma, Appa you are both testing my patience!” Jae Hwang angrily pronounces.

As her Aura rises everyone in the room, including the King and Queen, stiffened in fear.

“You know what’s funny? It’s that every time we’ve ever talked in seriousness you would always test me! And yet when I hold all my emotions back and I’m in pain you always expect me to fulfil your crazy wishes!!!” Jae Hwang yells, her voice growing louder as she speaks.

“Choi, Jae Hwang! You know that we’re only doing this for-“ the King yells.

“My own good?” Jae Hwang interrupts.

“I’m sick and tired of hearing this every single time!! Just hurry up and give me my so called ‘good’ and you’ll be expecting me to burn this Palace to ashes once again!!!” Jae Hwang continued on.

At this point everyone’s fear was showing. Jae Hwang, who despite her great anger, still looked beautiful yet scary. Her eyes were glowing in a bright purple colour, her fangs protruding and loud lavender sparks were flying everywhere.

"Jae Hwang! Please calm down! Mianhe, we were just joking we didn't know that we were taking it too far!" the Queen pleaded.

"You're both past the point of 'Too Far'." Jae Hwang states furiously.

"Jae Hwang we will tell you our request and you can change some things about it so you're comfortable with it! So please calm down!" the King said, frantically finding a way to calm her down.

As soon as the King said those words Jae Hwang immediately calmed down.

"I'll accept that, and you can't go back on your word" she smirked evilly.

The Queen and King were dumbfounded.

Once everyone was calmed down the King finally talked.

"Please try not to lose it when we mention these 2 requests" the King pleaded.

"I'll try..." Jae Hwang said snidely.

"First of all since you're now 16 and we still haven't shown you to the demons outside the palace, we decided to start your debut in Goemul Academy. You will be staying there for 1 year in the dormitories" the Queen started.

"Secondly we would like you to find a fiancée during your year there" the King finished.

Jae Hwang didn’t really mind the first request but the second request is what hit her, hard.

Choi, Jae Hwang stay calm or else you’ll lose to them...Jae Hwang thought bitterly.

First of all I would like to bring my 3 ladies-in-waiting.
Secondly when it comes to choosing my fiancée you have no say to whomever I choose.... And lastly...
I would like to have my freedom” Jae Hwang stated.

The Queen and King looked troubled and Jae Hwang knew that she hit them twice as hard. The Queen hesitated before talking.

“Alright... but what do you mean by freedom?” the Queen asks nervously.

“I don’t want bodyguards, spies, maids, butlers and so on. If I so much as spot anyone that was sent by you without my knowing I will make sure you regret doing so” Jae Hwang threatens.

As Jae Hwang said that the King was starting to lose it as well, but before talking he calmed himself.

“Alright then... would that be all?” the King reluctantly agrees.

“Well, that’s all for now. You should expect me to ask for more in the near future” Jae Hwang answers uncaringly.

“You’ll leave for the human world in 3 days” the Queen informs Jae Hwang.

“You’re dismissed” the King simply states.

The girls curtsied and then gracefully made their way out in a ‘not-so-obvious’ fast speed.

Jae Hwang's POV

When the 4 of us finally made it back to my chamber I collapsed onto the bed with a great sigh.

“So...” Aria trails of.

I lie down on my side and rest my head on my palm.

“What?” I ask as I stare at Aria.

“How’d you manage to control your powers?” Aria immediately asks.

I sat up and looked at my 3 friends.

“I still can’t, I’m using a power limiter right now” I breathed out.

All 3 girls stared at me.

“I used the ‘Bloody Rose’ spell” I said, answering their mental question.

I then pointed at the jewelled headband that I was wearing. 


“Bwoh?! That’s a forbidden spell!” Soo Hee exclaimed.

“I know that, but I’m Royalty. Since Royalty made the forbidden spells in the first place I can use them” I said dismissively.

“Something bad could’ve happened to you!” Min Jae exclaimed worriedly.

“I could’ve died but it still worked” I shrugged.

“Doesn’t that spell need the blood of 3 people?” Aria asks, worry clearly shown in her face and voice.

I stayed silent for a moment.

“Lets just say that I used Umma’s, Appa’s and my blood for the power limiter” I mumbled.

All 3 girls shook their heads in disbelief.

“Your parents... you almost have them around your finger. Why do you make it look so easy?” Soo Hee smirks.

Soo Hee’s smirk affects all of us.

“They’re scared... do you know why?” I evilly smile.

“Aniyo... wae?” Min Jae asks in mocking innocence.

“Because they’re not the strongest Demons anymore... I am” I confidently announce.

“I’m starting to feel sorry for your future husband” Aria jokes.

“Well I need a man who isn’t like my parents... not to mention someone who will be able to control my powers” I smiled.

In other words my very own living and breathing power limiter... and my true love.



Hey!!! So this is my second fanfic, I'm still doing my first one which is called 'Love Knocks You Down'

If you're a new subscriber please also check out my other fanfic:

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Nice storyline and you'll update on the 26th cos it's jaejoong's b'day rite?? :P
BWOH?! Did Aria just got scolded????<br />
Yah! you should make an application to know your character's characteristics<br />
and oblivious???
If there are any mistakes in my story please inform me! it's embarrassing when i don't notice it >.<
This is so interesting! The storyline is different from other fanfics! Please update soon! I can't wait to read the next chapter!=]
:) This is really interesting. ^-^ I haven't really read any fics on here that are supernatural. So, I'm looking forward to it. :) I'm glad you said there was going to be NO . (bleck) Anywho! Update when you can~
Waaah~!Intresting:)) Loving the poster xpecially Jae's pic!
ahahhaha... wat a meanie!!! <br />
Yah! JAE HWANG! what do u think u're doing eh?<br />
leaving ur friends like that aigoo this kid
whoo! awesome!<br />
update soon please. <br />
im wondering... wat should i give u to get that big of a writers block off your brain? LOL