Plan Nine - Nice to know you

Gods Plan
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You don’t know what get on your mind,but after spending two hours of crying on your room you finally decide to go search for Jungkook. Ignoring his warning for not run after him. You refuse to let him go from you. Jungkook always being selfish with himself. Eventhough you know he only want to keep you safe, he forgot to keep your heart for being hurt. Losing the one you love the most is the most painful wound for you.

That night when you sure Jin is already sleep, you quietly get out from you room and go outside the house. You are about to get the door knob,but one sound coming from behind you completely surprise you.

“Where do you think you are going?”

You turn your head toward your back and see Jin standing not far away from you.Since when he was there? Jin look directly at your eyes and it send shiver to you on how intense he look at you. You gulp nervously but brave enough to talk to him.

“Im going to search for Jungkook.” You said to him.

“He said to you to not after him.”

“He is. But I wont follow his order! He have to talk to me face-to-face to.” You said again before turning your back on him again,about to grab the doorknob again before you feel his hand on your shoulder and turn you toward him violently.

“You really are an idiot sometimes you know? Why don’t you just follow what he said and escape safely,without hurting yourself or even worst get yourself killed? He is already opening a path for you to escape so just do it and be safe, life happily!” Jin yelling infront of you. His face is red because of anger he just burst toward you,but the look on his eyes are not anger. It was a confussion and worry. You look at him bravely and then answer him with confident.

“I might be alive if I choose to escape with you or by myself. But im not truly alive. Because I let one part of me being killed somewhere I don’t even know. And I will regret it all my life if he died because I don’t even try to reach him eventhough its his wish to let me unharmed.At least if he is fated to be killed,I still want to be by his side.” You said to Jin,and you see his face turn from anger into annoyance.

“That just really stupid. You are born alone in this world so why bother to die together.”

“It is. But loving someone is not a sin,Jin. I dont know what happen to you to make you thinking like that and I wont force you to believe me. But I know you are not a bad person…I know you understand me somehow.” You said to him while smiling a little before finally turn the knob and open the door to go outside.Leaving a still silent Jin inside.

Once your figure is disappear from his sight, Jin let out a heavy breath he keep inside and ruffle his messy blonde hair. He look at the outside from the broken window inside the house.

“….woman are a stupid living things…too stupid sometimes..”

You walking through the small road Jin bring you before and arrive in a small abandoned village that place not too far from secret base.

You walk carefully and cautiously to find Jungkook.Maybe he was here. You keep searching for him and sometimes calling his name.




You stop on your spot. That sound like someone footsteps and its coming toward your direction. You look behind you and found no one standing there. Is it perhaps Jin that decide to come after you? No way. That’s impossible. Quickly you hide behind the wall of one house and waiting for whoever showing up from the dark.


Your heartbeat is beating more faster each time you hear the footsteps getting closer.


Its close..








The footsteps suddenly stop,but you didn’t see anyone or anything from there. You try to look more clearly but found none. That’s weird. You clearly hear the sound and it getting closer to you,but nothing coming out from the dark. You then deicide that it was okay to come out from your hiding place.

Oh.How wrong you are.


”Found the lost bunny~~”



Your heart feel like it stop working and you cant feel anything except for the chill that coming through your body when heard that voice. You didn’t dare to look behind you and your mind screaming loudly for you to just run,but your foot just glued to the ground. Unable to move.

“I though I was looking for the other bunny but looks like I found the female one first.”  The voice is getting close and close.He is walking toward you now. You really have to run now but there are somekind of aura that holding you. Bloodlush.After some second,you finally got enough courage to turn your body around.Deep inside your mind,you really hope that it was either Jungkook or Jin. But of course that voice isn’t belongs to any of them.

That voice only belongs to V.


“V-…V….” your voice sound really weak and full of fears. Of course. There infront of you stood the member of Bangtan that famous with his brutal murder and masacrade. He even the one who tried to kill you and Jungkook by planting a bomb inside your plastic bag. You took a step back each time V start getting more close to you and it make the grin on his face becoming much more visible than before.

“Are you afraid? Why? I just want to play with you. Isnt that what rabbit used for?” his voice is really deep and dark. And now you realizing that there are a trace of blood that forming on his forehead.Perhaps that’s what makes him in a really bad mood and you unfortunately stepped on the mineland.

“V…where is Jungkook?..He is with you guys right?” you bravely ask and V expression quickly turned sour and dark.

“That ? Oh. He just ran away after giving me a brain knock out just some hours ago. And im on my way to find and ing kill that kid right away eventhough Rapmon hyung order me to not kill him.But sinc

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qwnaveedilshani #1
Awesome story
Great job
Chapter 24: I misss youuuurrrr storryyyy. Damn i like this so muchhhh..
MarkShiki #3
Chapter 24: Woooooowwwww
kaykay1432 #4
Chapter 20: Wow this story is so sad
KirariOdayaka #5
Chapter 23: Eonni.... What did you do with my heart? I think its hurt but not bleeding. *crying*
BTS-bunny #6
Chapter 23: This is soooooo amazing i have waited for this for soooo long!!! And it was definitely worth it!!! Well i do se so many gramatical errors but who cares THIS WAS FREAKING AWSOMEEEE!!!! its official i love your ff!!! Its the best ff EVER!!!
Chapter 19: Beautiful story!! It made me cry so much ㅠㅠ
BTS-bunny #8
Chapter 22: Holy cow!!! This was so unexpected! Truly amazing chapter. Loved it! Cant wait for rapmon, jin and Jungkook cinematic record! Now we already know Jhope, V, jimin and sugar.
Still some few grammatical errors but that can be fixed :)
Im so gonna read all the ff you write im a big fan of yours!!!!
HappyWawa #9
Chapter 22: Omo jinjja daebak !! *two thumb up*