Pretty Woman..?

It's true that were idiots.. T 3T;;

Narrator's POV•}

Amber snuck out her window outside as carefully and quietly as she could. She then quickly grabbed a taxi and asked him to drop her off near the restaurants inside the public town. 

Onew waved a little good-bye to 'his family' and walked into a cute-like restaurant and greeted the boss and manager of the restaurant.

IU and a friend of her's looked around town where most ladies clothing shops were. They looked really happy..

Joon's POV•))


"Appa Joonie!! Look at the pretty unnies!" HyeMin pointed at them with her bright smile enough to make you fly in the air and not care about a thing.  

"Ahaha.. HyeMin.. I bet your gonna look pretty.. But much more than them!" I said with a soft smile.. She then giggled and hugged me by the shoulders since I was sitting on the floor.

"UNNIE!!" SeungYi called out to the pretty woman. I tried "shooshing" him but he ignored me.. :L [Stubburn kid..] I thought to myself.

He continued when the woman turned around to him, "Do you have anything I can have to eat~~!?"

I then shot up like that guy from.. [Whats the Japanese anime called..? Oh yuh.. School Riddle or was it School Rumble..? @-@;] and carried him away and came back to apologise. "U-Uhm.. S-sorry for having to be.. d-disturbed.." Dx

Thought I'd die from being embarrassed..


IU's POV•}} 

[Oh my.. This cute guy is living on the streets with adorable children~?! I feel so sorry for them!! TT n TT;; ]

I thought worrying about what'd happen if we left them in the middle of two stores a--."

Before I could finish my sentences YuJin elbow-punched me lightly in the stomach seeing that I was daydreaming by the obvious and visible unicorn prancing around my head.. :P

"Ehh.. Uhn.. I-t's fine!!" I said

"And about you and those children.. Are you.. Home-less?" I simply asked.

"Uhm.. Well yuh..? So?.."

"Well.. You know it seems pretty hard having to take care of all 5 of 'them'." >___>;;

"They aren't 'them' their called 'my family.."

"U-Uhm.. Yes, yes i-I'm sorry.." I bowed as quickly as I could..

I felt how my heart felt so annoyed it was from me.. n-n;

"Well actually.. I'm not the only one!" he took a few steps and looked behind and made a 'stop and stay there' sign at 'his family' with a unbearable, innocent, forceful face at them. He then twirled around with a smile and said

"Come.. I'll show you who it is that is also taking care of them.. :3 I just stood there admiring his looks and heard YuJins phone going, "PEEW-PA-PA PEEW PEEW PEWW!!!" -.-"

Which made me ask him, "What was that..?" with a forced smile..

"Sighh.. Just follow.. You... PABO.." I heard him have a small chuckle to himself.. I admit was pretty cute.. x3

I then pushed forward YuJin still with her eyes onto the phone's screen with me walking as slow as a turtle cause of her.. T.T;;

Onew's POV•|]


I walked around waiting for my turn at the backstage..

It was too boring there..

So I decided to exit the area and get water.. Which was free.. That was a good thing..

"Thank you, YoungGu for that amazing.. Dance of yours!! Now, give a-round of a clause for ONEW!!~~" The Manager announced.

So I ran up the stairs behind the stage and posed stupidly just for fun..

I then walked over to the keyboard that sat..

I sat down rushing through my head thinking what to sing and play..[ONEW YOU PABO!!]

Then I saw Joonie Appa with two beautiful girls.. [ Wait.. When did he start to cheat with me..?... YAH! JOON WHAT ARE YOU DOING MY HUNNEYYY CHICKUHHNN!! ] ;-;""

I started to play Genie on the keyboard and sang along slowly. I was happy of such talent I had. If it weren't for me, our family would starve and die.. But HORRAH! Manager gives use nice food for me to bring to our family!

:DD the chickens nice by the way.. #Genie for you girl~ Sowonie maeru wa!~~..

My hands disappeared from the keyboard. I stood up and smiled brightly as I could and gave an evil stare at my Joonie which made him surprisingly jump.. O:

And as soon as I got of the stage, I ran as fast as possible to Joonie..

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME~~! Don't break up whiff meh!!!" I sniffles and fake cried dramatically.

"What the heck~? I was never yours!" he laughed.

"Oh and.. Who's are you..? oAo;;"



Heyoo!! :DDD THIS IS SHIRO!! Yay CAPS~~~!! >~<;; ehehe.. And how do you like the failing fanfic~?

:S it's pretty stupid eh~~? and boring.. TTATT;;


Please comment about the story! And tell me anything to improve the story!!



Joon: Onew! -3-;"!

Onew: Wae..?

Joon: Im yours!! ://DDDD!!

Onew: Why..? I already have chicken..

Joon: *Puts a chicken costume that had abs*

Onew: That ain't y.. At all.. My chicken is full'a flavour 'n' oil and stuffs.. *Winks and kisses his chicken and ran away*



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_._; Sowwy.. I hate my gibberengrish.. Yus.. Both of them together.. But.. Thanks :L
review chapter 1:<br />
even from the first chapter, your story concept is unclear. however it is enjoyable because of the mixed characters. You also have a few gramatical errors but apart from that i think your story is alright :)
hm just read the forword, sounds interesting. I shall keep reading :)
onew and chicken, match made in heaven~<br />
the storys great so far!!
wohoh from the description alone this makes an awesome fanfics, u could really make this into a drama!
LOL Onew and Joon XD <br />
suggestions? uhmm... I'll PM you ^^ keke
weee first subscriber! LOL