

Kibum was possesive. He doesn't like it when other people touch what's his, unless you're close to him, of course. Kibum has an endless list of things he call "his".

There's his apartment and everything in it. 

There's his office and all the mess on his table.

There's his car which he always, always kept clean.

There's Comme Des and Garcons, his dogs.

There's his parents whom he loves dearly.

And there's Lee Jinki.

Kibum never understood why he hated it whenever someone comes close to Jinki. "You're just a best friend", he tells himself. But that doesn't do anything to stop the bitter feeling growing in his guts.

"Lee Jinki must be so damn special", Kibum stated one day. It was a Sunday and he was staring at his wall. He kept thinking about why he felt this deep possessiveness with Jinki. He was supposed to be just a best friend. Do best friends feel that way? Nah, probably not. And so his dilemma went on. Jinki didn't know, of course. Some things must be said later on, Kibum told himself.

As the days dragged on, Kibum felt the bitterness grow stronger whenever someone comes near to Jinki. Like that one time when they were at the park and this lady kept glancing at Jinki. Or that time in a restaurant wherein the waitress was obviously flirting with Jinki (good thing that the man was ing oblivious). And that time when they were at a coffee shop and the guy at the cashier was literally having the heart eyes emoji look on his face. And also that other time at the park when a cat jumped on Jinki's lap and sat there for ten minutes (because no, only Kibum is allowed to sit on Jinki's lap. Although Jinki doesn't know that yet). Kibum felt like he was going crazy, so he asked help from his friends, those whom he deemed reliable and sane enough, namely: Jonghyun, Minho, and Taemin.

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"You're in love with him", Jonghyun declared.

Kibum have only gotten out the words "Hey I have a problem with Jinki-", when he was cut off by his blond officemate.

"What?" Kibum asked incredulously.

"Are you going to say that the problem is that you feel this deep, dark bitterness in your guts whenever you see someone close to your best friend?"

"Uhh.. yes?"

"Well then, you, my friend, are in love", Jonghyun grinned at him. Kibum rolled a thin stack of papers that was on the guy's table and hit him with it.


"Yah! You were asking for my advice!"

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"Yah, Choi Minho."


"I need to ask you something." Minho placed his steaming mug of coffee down, "Go on."

"So you know Jinki, right?"

"Your, best friend, Lee Jinki?"


"Uh-huh. What about him?"

"What does it mean when I really, really hate it when people are too close to him? Like clingy, and giggly, and touchy, and all? I mean his close friends are okay because of course I know them and Jinki knows them for a long time but you know. Yeah I just don't like it when other people do that."

"So you basically dislike it when people, specially those who you do not quite know get too close with him?"


"Does it feel bitter and is eating you alive?"


"Do you want to inflict any injury to those people who are way too close with Jinki hyung?"

"No! I'm not that bad, Minho!"

"Okay then. I know what you feel now."


"Mhmm. Jealousy."


"Because you like him. Or maybe you're even in love~"

"WHAT?!" Kibum stormed out of the lounge after his conversation with Minho. He couldn't believe his friends. 

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Kibum believed that Taemin was the most sane among his friends, despite being the youngest. So he believed that Taemin's advice would be better than those two idiot's.


"Hello, I am Taemin, your personal healthcare companion. What can I do for you, hyung?"

Kibum ruffled the younger's hair. He was cute. Too cute. "I wanna ask for some advice."

"Is this about the same thing you told Jonghyun hyung and Minho?"

"How did you know?"

"They told me. So?"

"Uhh, yeah."

Taemin faced Kibum. He raised his right index finger and smiled, "Diagnosis: you are in love with Jinki hyung."

Kibum just stared at the maknae and walked away. Meanwhile, Taemin sat there with a big smile on his face.

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Did Kibum say that his friends were reliable and sane? He takes it back. They aren't. They're stupid and unbelievable. He stared at his reflection on the mirror. Jinki invited him to go out for a walk and get ice cream afterwards, even though winter was nearing. Kibum was spacing out until the sound of the doorbell echoing through his apartment brought him out of his reverie.

"Jinki, you have a key," Kibum said when he opened the door.

"I know. Just thought I had to be a gentleman," he stated with a bright smile. Kibum felt his heart race, and for the first time after hearing his friends' advice, he wondered if maybe, just maybe, they were right. And then Kibum realized what he was thinking and mentally facepalmed. That was stupid.

"Let's go?" Jinki asked when Kibum stayed silent for a couple of minutes.

"Oh. Yes, sure."

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The walk around a park nearby was pleasant, Kibum dared to day. There weren't that much people outside. But that was understandable since it was a Tuesday. At least there were less people who might flirt, stare, or ogle at Jinki because darn, Kibum would get hella jealous. Damn Jinki for being such an eye-candy.

Some people would think that a walk around the park was nothing special. But when you work for eight hours - sometimes even more - and with such hyperactive and annoying officemates, things could get exhausting. So Kibum was thankful for this. Just him and Jinki in their own little world. And as Jinki was talking about something (architectural stuff Kibum never understood but he listens anyway because it's Jinki talking and he loved his voice) Kibum thought that maybe, just maybe, he does love Jinki.

"Kibum? Hey."

"Oh sorry, what was that?"

"Was my story so boring that you actually spaced out?" Jinki playfully pouted.

"Sorry. Just tired. What about we head to the ice cream parlor already?" And Kibum had to stop the blush that was forming on his cheeks.

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Kibum was fuming. If this was some kind of cartoon, you could probably see some sort of steam coming out from his ears and his face flaming red. Why wouldn't he get this mad, though. The only person that worked in the ice cream parlor was straight up flirting with Jinki. And the fact that they were the only customers didn't help at all. Jinki already looked so uncomfortable since the lady decided to sit with them and kept touching him.

"So uh Jinki, are you free sometime? We could watch a movie or something," the girl flirtatiously winked at Jinki and Kibum had to resist the urge to puke at this lady's terrible attempt at being flirty. Jinki gave Kibum a pleading look before he answered, "Uh.."

"Uhm, no. I don't know if you're dumb but we're clearly on a date and you're being a ing nuisance," Kibum stood up and went to sit at Jinki lap, kissed him on the lips, then looked back at the lady with a smirk.

"He's mine. Back off."

The lady hastily stood up, her face red with embarassment. Kibum had a smirk on his face because finally, he could have Jinki to himself.......

Speaking of, Jinki was frozen on his seat. He was blushing and he can't even look straight at Kibum. And as Kibum noticed this, he immediately went back to his seat and awkwardly cleared his throat, "Sorry for that, Hyung. Kinda got carried away I guess."

Jinki muttered something under his breath which Kibum didn't quite catch, "I'm sorry, could you please say that again?" He chuckled.

"Can you.. do that again?"

"Do what Jinki?"

"Can you.. come here and kiss me again?"

Kibum didn't even have to be told twice. In a flash, he was back at Jinki's lap and kissing him. At least Jinki was kissing back now. And the lady just looked at them and wondered what the hell just happened.

Jinki pulled back, "Finally."


"I was waiting for this moment for a long time, Kibum."

"Why didn't you ever say anything?"

"Because I thought you only saw me as your best friend?"

"I thought so too," Kibum smiled and pulled out his phone. "Hyung let's take a picture!"

"Like this?"

"Yes!" The two ended up taking bunch of pictures together. Kibum decided he'll choose the best ones later, "Kibum, what are those pictures for anyway?"

"Let's pass by the flower shop okay? I gotta get three white roses. Oh and I'm gonna pick three pictures from those, print them out, and attach it to the roses."

"And.. who'll receive those flowers?"

"Those three idiots who made me realize that I am madly in love with my best friend," Kibum smiled at Jinki, "Wanna stay the night and help me with those flowers?"

"Of course, babe." And with that, they left the ice cream parlor hand in hand.

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The next day, Minho, Jonghyun, and Taemin came to work and found a white rose on each of their tables.

"Hey Minho, did you receive a flower too?" Jonghyun said, eyeing the white rose on Minho's hand.

"Yeah did you?"

"Yup," Jonghyun shrugged as he opened the door to the lounge where they found Taemin sitting with a satisfied smirk on his face and a white rose on his hand.

"What does your card say, Taem?" Minho asked.

"'Your diagnosis was right all along, Taem <3' it says. Well of course it is. What's yours?"

"'I am jealous because I do love him, Ming <3' says mine."

"'Yes, I really am in love with him Jjongie <3' well it's about darn time, right?"



"Yes it is," another voice said. Kibum walked in the lounge with a smile.

"Thank you, guys."

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Chapter 1: My fave part is “can you come here and kiss me again” <3

And Taemin being a cute Baymax ^^
Chapter 1: Awww too cuteeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: gotta love possesive Kibum a lot :)
aoajisai #4
Chapter 1: So have you seen this latest OnKey photo?

I was having too much feels that I started looking for OnKey fics and found "Possessive". This photo and this story. TT^TT TOO.MUCH.FEELS.
Onew8989 #5
Chapter 1: this is cuteeee aaa
chickenmaniaconew #6
Chapter 1: Such a cute story ♡▪♡ thanks authornim awwwe!
Chapter 1: aww this is soooo cute ..looking forward for another onkey story (maybe longer one shot?)