Chapter 4.

That time the Maknae turned Invisible.
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"I DO" Daesung spun his head towards the door, shifting Seunghyun's hand off of his thigh to get up, grabbing the cups of coffee his maknae was holding so Seungri could close the door behind himself.


Daesung took a quick glance towards his hyungs. Seunghyun-hyung and Youngbae-hyung had looked up towards the door, eager to finally receive the coffee they had been waiting all morning for. He was sure Jiyong-hyung had been staring out of the large glass window of the booth, waiting for the moment that their maknae would enter so he could watch the scolding Youngbae-hyung would start suffocating the maknae with. It didn't go unnoticed by the two prankers however how all 3 of their expressions changed in a millisecond. How his hyungs had witnessed the door bursting open by itself only to welcome in 5 levitating cups of coffee,  and how Seungri-ah's voice had bellowed from the unoccupied space. He desperately tried not to laugh as the plain faces his hyungs wore promptly shifted into gaping expressions. He was sure Seungri was having the same issue as he was. Their shocked looks were too amusing, they all looked stunned, as if they were deer startled by headlights on a forest road. Daesung coughed to try and regain the seriousness of the situation, to prevent himself from bursting out into laughter and ready himself to start going through the script the two had rehearsed not 10 minutes before.


"So would you like to explain to our lovely hyungs as to why you were so late this morning Seungri-ah?" Daesung initiated, holding up one of the cups of coffee towards his maknae to mimic an interview.

"I thought you would remember Daesung-hyung...first the car broke down, then I was speaking to the WINNER kids. They had a few questions and I couldn't deny them the opportunity of asking their favourite and most beloved-"

"Seungri-ah!" Daesung quickly interrupted, he couldn't bare to hear that line again for the umpteenth time, it might cause him to puke. "I meant why were you not here on time this morning? Why did I have to go pull your lazy out of bed?" he continued, smirking at the silence that had coated the room.

"Ah." Seungri tried to make his voice sound miserable, playing along in their role-play of punishing the disobedient maknae. Something he had grown familiar with over the years. Daesung wondered if Seungri could become a voice actor should he ever be forced to leave the stage. His voice was convincing to even him, who was fully aware that they were only acting that his dongsaeng felt apologetic for waking up far beyond the time he should have. "I stayed up late drinking last night and didn't fall asleep until 4am, and I forgot to set the alarm clock due to my drunken nature." Seungri bowed instinctively from all the times he had to apologise before in front of his hyungs and Daesung could hear the sound move down. It hadn't occurred to him how good his hearing was before today, he presumed the amount of times Seungri had yelled into the in-ears on stage would have bust his hearing long ago.


Daesung took the opportunity to spin around and position himself back onto the sofa that he was sitting on before right next to Seunghyun, passing him a coffee he had grabbed. Seunghyun however was in no mood for coffee. Neither were the other 2 band members who were unaware of the prank. A couple of bottles of wine may be better in this scenario. At least then there was an explanation for the levitating coffee that Seungri was holding in his hand.




Floating Coffee. Jiyong didn't miss the sight from within the recording room. But the slightly tinted windows made him sceptical that he had actually seen it. He swiftly ducked out from within the room only to find his eyes placed upon the vacant space from where Seungri's voice was apparating from. He glanced quickly at the other band members to ensure he wasn't the only one that couldn't see his maknae. He was almost relieved to see they had the exact same expressions plastered to their faces of shock and bewilderment that he assumed was also shown on his own. He was less pleased to find that Daesung seemed perfectly content with the mysterious goings on, expecting him to have the most bizarre and freaked out reaction of all. But he didn't. Only himself, Youngbae and Seunghyun-hyung had such guppy-like expressions.


His knees buckled when a pen started flying off the desk and twirled around, doing spins in the air. A small squeak from the usually calm Youngbae sent his nerves into overdrive. Even Seunghyun's eyes seemed larger than normal.


"So as I was saying I'm sorry and in return I bought you all new coffees." Seungri's voice materialised from near the door.

He snapped. His brain had melted and the only words he could stammer out were "WHAA...WHATS GOING ON...HOW...WHAT?!" He scanned all the eyes in the room and noticed Daesung's puzzled expression.

"What's wrong Jiyong-hyung?"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHATS WRONG DAESUNG-AH! CAN YOU NOT SEE THE FLYING PEN?! WHAT ABOUT THE FLYING COFFEE?! WHERE'S MAKNAE'S VOICE COMING FROM" He shouted. How could Daesung-ah not see the flying items. His eye's weren't that small and his hair was tucked behind his ears. He should be able to see the fact theses OBJECTS WERE ING FLYING!

"What do you mean hyung? Seungri's holding it."


Nope, he was so done with this. He needed to wash his face with icy water or get some fresh air or do somthing. Do anything to help reclaim his sanity. He gathered all the courage left in him before standing up on shaky legs and declaring, "Daesung-ah, I don't appreciate being made a fool of and if this is some kind of

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tomginger #1
Chapter 8: Please continue this story. Love to see u updates.
Chapter 8: Author-nim...when will you update this one T_____T I'm not if it just my bad luck for I find it really hard to search a story like this T__T please update if you're free OTL
Loverbroken1 #3
Chapter 8: Can't wait for the next chapter and please update when you can
indila22 #4
Chapter 8: update pleaseeee
Chapter 8: An update pleaseeee....
atiqUmaie #6
Chapter 8: Wanna know wht happen next.. So excitedd
XenoZaraZaron #7
Chapter 8: Can't wait for the next chapter! Love the plot so far (it's like crack but it's not) <3<3<3
XenoZaraZaron #8
Chapter 3: I'm dying from laughter!
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would - this sort of plot would normally be completely crack, but it's well written, and funny without being overly ridiculous :) I look forward to reading more :)
allie10 #10
Chapter 8: Ohhhh this is interesting!! I didn't see it coming!! Why can he see him?? Good chapter ^^