And Us

Me, You and Us
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"And, we're done!"

Baekhyun sighed in relief. Finally. He has been standing, unmoving like a mannequin for the past half an hour. He quickly waddled his way to the nearest chair and ungraciously flopped himself down on it. The pregnant man heard a chuckle beside him and turned just to see Chanyeol with an amused smile playing on his lips. He glared at the taller man darkly before huffing and turning away from the man.

They just finished taking measurements for his wedding suit. He and Chanyeol were to be wedded in three weeks time. It may seemed rushed to other- no, there was no others. It's only me who didn't know. A kick came from his inside. Fine. It was only the two of us who didn't know. The pregnant man and his baby.  He only learned about the wedding yesterday. The wedding was planned by none other than his partner and friends. It had been going on for more than a month now and it was almost completed, only waiting for his part to be readied. Not that Baekhyun was complaining or anything but he wanted to look in his best, not like a ball ready to roll down when he will be married only once in his whole life.



"But Yeol..."

"Baek, you are in your best. Trust me. This..." Chanyeol paused, placing his big palms on the taut skin of Baekhyun's belly. "This is the prove, Baek. Our love that growing inside you makes you more beautiful. More beautiful than you already are."

"Don't you trust me, Baek?"

"Yes, I trust you.."


Baekhyun felt blush started to creep up his face. Recalling that talk made him remembered their activity after that. It was their first time since he was officially announced to be pregnant. It was intense, nothing like they had before. He could feel the intense love in their gaze, in their touch, in their kiss and in their high. Chanyeol really proved him that he was beautiful. He really could not grasped what was happening on the taller's mind because that night, the taller was like a perfect lover he wished to never let go. But now, he was like a dumb boyfriend Baekhyun wished he never had.

"Aww baby. Don't be mad. I'm sorry." Chanyeol said apologetically. The man then kneeled in front of him, making his best puppy face. "Forgive me?"

Baekhyun just huffed while crossing his arms.

Knowing he was forgiven, the kneeling man brighten up. "I love you, Baek." He straightened his body towards the sitting man, quickly placing a peck on the man's lips before standing up again.

"So how long is it gonna take, Luhan?" Chanyeol turned to talk to the said man.

Luhan. Luhan was the doe-eyed man Baekhyun served at the convenience store back in Bucheon. He was Kyungsoo's friend, the supposed celebrated man that night at the party. He was also Chanyeol's friend, that happened to be dating with Chanyeol's foster brother. They were all friends and interconnected to one another. A small world in deed.

"Don't worry, Chanyeol. I'm a professional. This won't take too long. Just give me a week." Luhan assured.

As the plan was among themselves, apparently Luhan was appointed as the designer for their wedding suits. He was not the office worker like Baekhyun had thought before but a known fashion designer in Seoul. Kyungsoo and Jongin were appointed as their wedding caterer. Sehun was in-charge for invitations and venue, along with Yixing and Minseok. And of course, Chanyeol was the mastermind. But still, the pregnant man did not know how his two ex-coworker could be involved in the plan and he was thinking hard for the possible reasons only to be cut off with Chanyeol calling for him.

"Baek. Let's go home. You must be tired."

Baekhyun wanted to scoff an of course but he let out an Ah! instead. His baby just kicked, really hard. Maybe she realized her appa's stupid intention to hurt her daddy.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol was back on his knees in front of him in a flash. Luhan also had an alarmed expression on his face.

The pregnant man took a deep breathe as he rubbed the taut skin of his belly to calm the baby down. "Yes... Yes. I'm okay now."

"Are you sure?" The taller put his own hand on the bump, working it simultaneously along Baekhyun's. He could feel the wild movement of the living inside the smaller gradually turned to a fluttering feeling.

"Yes." He breathed.

"Luhan, we'll be taking our leave now. Thank you for your help."






Chanyeol had his left arm encasing the small frame of his lover when they slowly made their way to the car. The latter had his right hand tightly holding on Chanyeol's. In every step they took, the taller man could see the huge effort his little lover made. His every movement required large amount of energy that sometimes left him breathless but Baekhyun never complained he was tired of it. If anything, he was proud to showcase to the world the evidence of their love. Although the smaller never really asked for assistance or support, Chanyeol willingly lend his hands because he himself was proud of Baekhyun. That was why Chanyeol chose to be tied to the man while he was still carrying their baby so that he could also showed the world how proud he was.

The wedding plan started right after the five days of his fruitless attempts of searching Baekhyun after their fateful encounter. Kyungsoo, maybe looking at his hagard appearance, finally opened his mouth to disclose the latest condition of Baekhyun. He said that the pregnant male was doing no better than he was although the baby was doing too fine as she was growing exponentially, finally developing into the supposed size. Kyungsoo told him to never lose hope because Baekhyun was still very much in love with him. Hearing that, Chanyeol remembered the plan he had in the very back of his planner book. Since then, he had been executing the details one by one with the help of his friends. The day at the park was also a part of the plan and only God knew how grateful he was when it worked out well.

There was still quite a long way towards the car but Chanyeol patiently guide his pregnant lover. He smiled fondly when he felt soft movement of their baby on his left palm. In three weeks time, they would be married to each other and by that time, Baekhyun would be in the early of his 9th month. A little three weeks after that, they would have their baby safely tucked in their arms. He really could not wait for those moments to come.






Baekhyun threw his gaze outside as he leaned back on the car seat. His palms find their way to the large belly that sat on his lap. He could see Seoul displaying before his eyes. The ever-so-busy capital never seemed to rest even late in the evening. Although the drizzle earlier had covered the city with moist and wetness, its citizens were unaffected by the aftereffect as they still moved forward continuing their pace, still hurrying and rushing. The buildings were skyscraping and intimidating but those features were brilliantly masked with colourful lights. Seoul and Bucheon were same in all these prospect, but to him, he would pick the former if ever he was asked to choose. Seoul might had scar him once, that he felt dead with no purpose of living but it was also the only one that had parch him up again. Seoul is where his home is. Seoul is where Chanyeol is.

They were heading back to their home, the home that Baekhyun thought that would never had a place for him again. It has been a week since Baekhyun moved back into Seoul. Chanyeol insisted him to be move back because I want to repay all my the time that I lost being away from you two, he reasoned. And he did repay them. Chanyeol had turned his Rilakkuma bears collection room into a baby room and it has became Baekhyun's most favourite room. He always spent his time there. The room was painted in soft pink colour with all the bears arranged on the wall shelves installed on one the walls. A white cushioned rocking chair was placed on one corner, with a matching diaper table just beside it. The floor

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Chanbaek is love


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Chapter 3: This is beautiful especially for someone like me whose a er for angst with a happy ending, thank you authornim
Beau1996 1370 streak #2
Chapter 3: I was so worried that Baek had died!! I like happy endings 😃
Exo11loves #3
Chapter 2: This is so beautiful:3 I love this
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 3: I love it so much.... That was a beautiful love story....
Chapter 3: So cute!!
Chapter 3: Soo cute
Chapter 2: No no nooo
Chapter 1: Awww
Chapter 1: It's good anyway,