Chapter 15

The wolf girl
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The king sure kept his words as five days later, a convoy of men left the palace with an army of horses heaving carriages filled with food, blankets and silver nuggets. In the middle of fleet, the princes, Soonmi, Avia, and Salem trotted slowly, bickering as they rode on their own individual horses.

"Why did we need to tag along!! I could've been enjoying a long nap if it weren't for you, Salem." Avia whined, kicking Salem's leg.

"I just don't trust that girl to be alone. Next thing you know, she will return with missing limbs." Salem said, causing Soonmi to sneer at him.

"She didn't even listen to me when I told her to take the coach!" He finishes, shaking his head.

Just as Salem says this, a loud, pitchy voice echoes through the troop of men.

"Oppa-yah!! Wait for me!! Can you insolent sacks of meat move any slower?" Daesom screeches, waving her fist at the poor men carrying her coach.

Ignoring the irritating exclaims of Daesom, the group continued to rid into town. Before long, they enter an opening which seemed to be the centre of the little town. Banging a loud gong, men from the fleet gather the citizens to the town centre, giving orders for them to line up to receive a bag ration consisting of essential resources. Upon hearing this, people began cheering, praising their lord for finally coming to their aid.

Watching the boys googling over Soonmi who was innocently handing out the rations, flashing each person with a cute smile, Daesom feels her blood boil in jealousy. She angrily stomps over to her carriage and kicks the unfortunate horse pulling it, as she fustratedly pulls at her hair. Before she had time to make yet another complaint, she was interrupted by the loud squeal of the horse as it stands on its hind legs, neighing in pain. The horse then begins to race frantically down the street, causing people in its path to hurriedly jump out of its way. As it gallops into the opening to the central area of the town, a little boy stands frozen in front of the horse's path.

"Wujin-ah, hurry up and run!" An elder woman yells in tears, trying to limp her way over to the child.

Without sparing a second for hesitation, Soonmi hurls herself in front of the horse, wrapping the boy in her arms as she squeezes her eyes shut, bracing herself for the impact.

"Soonmi!" the boys yell as Jungkook quickly mounts the horse, pulling its reins to bring it to a halt. Rap-monster and Jimin are among the first to run to Soonmi, quickly checking her for injuries.

"OMO, Soonmi are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere?" Jin asks worriedly as he searches her face for any pain.

"Soonmi, does it hurt to think before you act? That was so dangerous!" Salem sc

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Who should Soonmi end up with?



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Chapter 14: Author-nim, please update soon.
RachelHoon #2
Chapter 12: I'm sry but jungkook seems closer to her :P. Thx for updating!
RachelHoon #3
Chapter 11: Idk y but I'm feeling kinda sad S.Coups gone hehehe
RachelHoon #4
Chapter 9: Aish y must they interfere?
RachelHoon #5
Chapter 6: Haha ur wlcm ur story is rilly gd that's y ;)
RachelHoon #6
Chapter 5: I bet they r the wolves or smt XD
RachelHoon #7
Chapter 3: Thx for telling me! Hwaiting author :)
RachelHoon #8
Ur story is rilly good! Pls update soon! But soonmi was only 6 months old rite? So who did she learn from to talk human language? Or the wolves know? I'm sry for asking so many questions but yea...