
The Girl Who Read Minds.
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2. Reality.

Krystal woke up the next morning rubbing her eyes lightly before her fragile eyes flutter open. Staring at her ceiling she thought of the things that happened the night before, it was a dream after all wasn't it? She wondered. It was way too impossible. Powers? Born with powers? Nonsense! Krystal sat up and chuckled lightly. "What a silly dream", she said to herself out loud before she headed to the toilet to take a quick bath; brushing off the incident from the night before as she was convinced that it was nothing but a silly dream. She washed her hair and came out feeling fresh after a cooling bath.

Once she dried her hair and got comfortably dressed in a denim fitted skirt, a lose black long sleeve shirt and a pair of white socks; thinking maybe she should go see Amber, Luna, Victoria and Sulli. Her best friends in other words. Maybe they'll laugh listening to her ridiculous dream too. Headed down to the kitchen, Krystal found her sister heading into the study room where Krystal would study and Jessica would do most of her work over the weekend. Krystal assumed that she hadn't had any food yet and so she followed her to the study room.

"Are you going to start working already?", Krystal asked leaning against the door while Jessica placed her laptop on top of her papers on her table in the study room. Jessica shook her head, "Just placing my things before I come up to start working on some designs after brunch. Let's go see mom, I smell Kimchi fried rice", Jessica winked as she approached Krystal and threw her arm around her shoulder before Jessica dragged her along to the kitchen downstairs.

Jessica was right. Their mother was cooking up some delicious brunch for all of them as usual. "Oh my daughters are here. Help me set up the dining table will you?", their mother asked and the both of them got on to it without another word being said; it was their usual routine. As they began having brunch together, Jessica shared some stories from work. They also talked about Krystal's examinations that had just came to an end too.

"Actually, there's a funny story. I think all that studying finally got to my head", Krystal began saying and both Jessica and her mother looked at her confused. "What do you mean Stal?", Jessica asked and Krystal smiled lightly; almost laughing. "Well, I had a dream. You found me out back in the backyard and... ", Krystal began talking but got cut off by Jessica almost immediately. "But I did found you out back last night. You said you were out of some fresh air...", she said and Krystal paused looking at her with her eyebrows furrowed although she was shocked when she heard Jessica's reply.

"Why were you in the backyard? Why didn't you go out to your bedroom balcony for some fresh air instead?", her mother asked and Krystal looked at her mother a little shock. "Oh... I guess... I was sleep walking then... I thought it was a dream...", she said covering up what she was about to say before Jessica talked over her. "How silly of you Stal", Jessica laughed along side their mother and Krystal faked a laugh quickly although her mind was in fear. 'It was all real? It wasn't a dream? If it was all real... is he waiting for me at the park then?', Krystal asked herself. She grew more curious and curious. She was always the kind who needed answers to everything, She didn't understand which made the curiosity in her grow bigger and bigger to the point she had a strong desire to find out.

Krystal went back up to her room after brunch with her mother and her elder sister. She closed her door, her curtains and stood in the center of her room. She waited; waited for her head to be filled with voices but nothing came. Was she trying too hard? In fact, it was as if she had never heard them before. This confused her. What on was going on? Why couldn't she hear the voices in her head?

She went up to her window and pushed her curtain aside. Could this guy named Lay, be waiting for her like he said he would? Was this really not a dream? Does he really have the answers she's looking for? Krystal grabbed her small brown leather sling bag; putting her phone and her card holder inside. She went downstairs and headed straight for the door after informing her mother and sister that she was heading to the park. She put on her black Vans and immediately ran out of her house; making her way to the park nearby her housing area.

The nearer she got to the park, the more Krystal hesitated about what was going on. Maybe she was going crazy but maybe Lay is really waiting for her after all. She wasn't sure what was she to do but the minute she took another step, she found herself looking at the guy who was in her backyard the night before; standing across the street. Lay. He was standing right in front of the park's entrance gate in a white inner shirt with a dark blue denim outerwear and a pair of plain black jeans to go with his black shoes. However, he wasn't looking around looking for her. He was busy using his phone as if he knows that she would come. Krystal knew then, this was reality and not a dream at all. She had to accept it. She knew that now.

Krystal crossed the street; taking her time to get to Lay. She was terrified on the inside; she was but she did not allow her face to show it. The closer she got to Lay, she finally caught his attention which made him lift his head up to look at the person walking towards him. He smiled and Krystal felt even more confused. How was he so calm? Is this normal to him? She wondered. At this point many questions filled her head and there were yet to be answered soon. She hoped.

"You came", Lay said soothingly with his calm voice as if he thought she wouldn't appear which contradicted his appearance from before when Krystal saw him afar, Krystal was sure that he knew she would come. "I thought last night was a dream...", Krystal said still standing a distance away from Lay; a rather awkward distance too. Lay scratched the back of his head as he chuckled, "Well, I hoped you'd come", he said motioning his arm towards the park. Signalling that they were about to take a stroll before he began walking himself.

Krystal began walking as Lay began taking the lead into the park. She watched him from the side; looking for a flaw that he wasn't human but there wasn't one. He has a pair of ears, a pair of eyes, lips, nose, hair, arms and legs. He even has a mole on his ear. She didn't understand how was it possible that he has "healing" powers like he said the night before. He was completely human looking.

"How did you get your... powers...?", Krystal asked; breaking the ice between them although she felt that it was weird to ask such a question as it wasn't something we humans ask one another unless we see it in movies that are also man-made. What we see in movies are fake and made to look real. Krystal looked at Lay and he had a calm smile on his face and something about his smile made her feel like she could trust him. Or maybe it was a feeling that she knew she can trust him. Like she could believe his words as he wouldn't lie. Like he would be damned if he ever tell a lie.

"My mother was a mutant and so I was born with it. You were born with your powers too Krystal. They don't just magically appear", he said and Krystal furrowed her eyebrows. Again, it didn't make sense. No one in her family was a 'mutant.' "But no one in my family... has... powers...", she exclaimed but Lay shook his head. "I guess your father never told you about his powers", he said and Krystal stopped walking immediately as she recalled her father. Her father was a mutant?

"My father?", she asked and Lay nodded his head. "He had powers that controls metal", he replied before he initiated the both of them to continue walking. "How come he never told us? How do you know about it?", Krystal questioned Lay once more and willingly Lay replied. "Your mother knows, I believe she didn't tell you because your sister wasn't born with a gift like you. Therefore, they thought that you weren't born with a gift too. Your father was a mentor in our school once before he decided to retire and live his life like a normal human being", he explained and it made Krystal rather speechless. Her own mother knows? How did this all add up and make any sense? She tried hard to understand but before she could, Lay spoke again.

"We're here", Lay said stopping his tracks and made Krystal stop too as she looked up and found them standing in front of a forest that the park was connected too. There was even a sign that said the public are forbidden to enter as it was dangerous without a guide. "We're going in there? We're not allowed to", Krystal said looking around to see if anyone was watching them. Lay chuckled lightly, "Don't worry. No one will see us. I'm sure of it", he said climbing over the fence and showing Krystal that it was completely safe. Krystal looked unsure but she climbed onto the fence as turned to face Lay after letting out a heavy sigh.

"Here", Lay said opening his arms; ready to catch Krystal so that she could jump down. Krystal took a second to decide what to do but jumping was the easiest way and so she did. Allowing Lay to catch her by her waist and landed safely on her own two feet. Lay stepped back immediately and continued leading the way. "Where are we going?", Krystal asked looking around as there was nothing but trees everywhere. Who knows where the forest would come to and end?

"The school", Lay said confusing Krystal again after he did before. "School? What school?", she asked and Lay stopped walking. "This school", he said holding Krystal by her wrist and took two steps ahead while pulling her along. At this very moment, Krystal looked down to their hands and found herself passing through a force field that passed them by smoothly. Lifting her head up, she found herself looking at the sight of a grand ancient school that wasn't standing proud ahead of her a second ago. It was nothing but trees and more trees.

Lay smiled. "Come", he said letting go of Krystal's arm and walking ahead; leaving Krystal wondering to herself how did that just happen. Quickly, Krystal chased after Lay as they walking through the front garden of the school; leaving them to the school's entrance which was a massive wooden door with gold metal wares. Krystal was speechless. She was at awe seeing how beautiful the school was yet how it was possible that such a place existed in the 20th century.

Opening the grand door, Lay led Krystal inside. Through the massive hallways and straight to the grand meeting room. Everything was so grand and spotless that Krystal felt like she had traveled back in time to where there was still Kings and Queens and castles were still the home of the royal families. She was amazed by all the beauty. "We have been expecting you Krystal", Lay said which snapped her back in reality as they stood in front of the grand meeting room. "What?", she asked and Lay opened the door in front of her; revealing a room with 11 men sitting around a huge oval table made out of pure marble.

Krystal walked into the room looking ahead a little scared now. There were all men. Was this all a scam? Were they going to her? She had to come up with an escape plan quick before it was too late. She was dumb. She was indeed dumb. She should've have seen this coming. Krystal began bashing herself on the inside for being a gullible teenage girl that just followed a man into the forest where no one can find her body if she doesn't get out of here alive.

"Welcome Krystal Jung", Suho said which made Krystal look up with her eyes widened as she let out a heavy breath since she was busy thinking of a way to escape if this was what she was actually thinking. He smiled, "We have been waiting for you", h

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troubledme836 #1
Chapter 5: Ohmygosshh why did i just see this now? This was amaazzinggg, will anticipate your next update :)
who_me #2
Chapter 5: How sweet of Lay, protecting Krystal even when she has lost her memories of him. Sometimes it's hard to do so, helping someone when you've been forgotten by the person:(

Btw sorry for my english tho I comment to much without knowing proper grammar xD
rougenail #3
I'm hooked! Eager to see how it'll develop further! Also more Laystal developments:)
Hantot07 #4
is this completed?
who_me #5
Chapter 4: Wow.. Krystal is hella strong it worries me:( Because she's untrained, her power overwhelmed her. Thank god Lay saved her. But, how? Because they have some 'special connection' maybe? ;) *my laystal heart goes dokidoki*
Anyway I love this chapter so much! Finally I can see Krystal interacting with all twelve boys^^
keybey #6
Chapter 3: What happen???? omg dont leave us hanging but its a great chapter! cant wait for the next chap btw :))
Chapter 3: Wait, what's happening??? Don't do this to me!!!!
Zareenakhaulah #8
Chapter 3: Great update..cant wait for the next chapter;)
who_me #9
Chapter 3: WHAT'S HAPPENING???!!!! I love the laystal moment here and they are both so cute i want to squeeze them but you left us with cliffhanger so you better update the next chapter asap!!>< Tehee~^^
keybey #10
Chapter 2: wow its great! cant wait for the next chap!