
L.U.V (Love Again)

Ever since this morning,I had this weird feeling that hunting me.I couldn't explain why either,The feeling that I couldn't comprehend either myself.It felt like something bad will be happening.Im not either a negative person or superstitious person,yet,this feeling creep me out.


I checked on my phone screen,it's 2:53 , It's time to fetch Byul,we have a date for today.We haven't met for almost 2 and half weeks,We both separately have a busy schedule.Plus,she knows that I'm in my period of searching inspiration for my new song,she doesn't want to distracted for it.The song that I will be selling to other entertainment company for their idol group comeback album.During this moment,I find an inspiration through our relationship.It had inspire me to write something fluffy yet romantic and a little bit sentimental song,I had named it as one of the song that will be in the album,'I Miss You'.


"I'm sorry for make you waiting,"I had speed up my own pace but still being late for our date.Byul had seated there and order some beverage .I felt sorry for her for keep her waiting for me."It's okay,oppa.I just came as well,"she shook,instead of like other girls who complaining ,Byul just forgiving me and didn't blame me for being late.

"Here,I have order your favorite beverage,oppa,"she even had help me order my favorite drinks,she is such a considerate girl.Sometimes,I was thinking of myself,what have I done in the past to have such a nice and considerate lover instead of being parent less since I was young.Nothing had seem to be that going smooth and nice for me.After I met Byul and my precious friends,my life is like a déjà-vu,changing from down to up.Nothing I can do to repay them.


"How about we go to shopping today?"I want to rewarded Byul  because since I started composing a song,I had neglected her by leaving her alone.I just want to have a lovely day today with her,forgetting everything and gifted my whole self to her,spending our preciously day.

"but,oppa,don't you need to compose a song for the entertainment and-"I lifted my index finger,touching her lips gently."Shh...let's a unforgettable date today just the two of us.Forget about everything ,"I interrupt her statements.She obediently nodded and a curve on lips form on her.The smile that melted me.


"Let's go for a movie.What do think about that?"I suggested our first destination to the cinema.Its been a while now since I last watched a movie.The time didn't allow me to do it ever since I promise to help the entertainment company to compose a song.

"You be the guide today,oppa.I will just accompany you where ever you want to go,oppa,"Byul didn't have any objection about it.I hold her hand tightly,I just felt like it,I don't want to let go of this hand of this person right next to me right now.


As we reach to the cinema,there weren't so crowded,we can grabbed our ticket easily woo it any problem."How about we watch romance comedy today?"I ask her but her eyes was eyeing on the poster next side,"Do you want to watch that?"I asked her,she nodded."Since when did you enjoy watching sci-fic genre movie?"

"It's just that I started to loving it when oppa you mention how much you love this genre of movie,so I started to watch it as well to know what is so enjoyable about this kind of movie.Since then,I don't know how did I fallen for it already.Its so interesting that I want to watch it more,"she changed,she used to love rom-com movie but because of me,she is willingly to change.I don't know what can I do to repay here,her consideration is over my expectation.I want to appreciate her for whatever she had done,so today date is worthy ,and I should not tense myself with works anymore,I should spend more time with her from now on.


No words can explain how happy I was right now,I caressed her,"Let's not waste time,oppa.We still have so much to do today.We have to spend our time properly,"she smiled.

"It must been so hard for you all these days since I don't have much time to spend with you due to my works,but,from now on,I will equally divide my time.I promise you,Byul"I embrace her right in front of the public.I don't care where we are right now,I just want to embrace her.


"Oppa,we are I public,let's not-"I tighten my grip as she paused.



It had been pass a few hours now after we finish our movie from the cinema,the movie is quite interesting,I didn't expect that Byul enjoy as much as I do.I check on my cellphone to see if any missed calls since we were in cinema just now,we have to keep it silent in case distracted someone else.

"Who is it,oppa?,"she checked out with me.

"It's Peniel,there are 30 missed calls from him since 4:44 .I wonder what so urgent,"I slide the screen of my phone,found out that Peniel left a few missed calls to me.

"Call him back,maybe there's something urgent he want to tell you,"she urged.

"It's okay!let's put it aside.It might be just a small matter,"I rejected to call back since today is a special day between Byul and me.I don't want to get distracted by anyone not even my friends.

"But,are you sure about that,oppa?"she frowned like worriedly.

"It's 7:19 now,perhaps it will be too late already ."

"Just go on ,oppa.I felt like there's must be something going on that he had been calling for your so many times,"she insisted me to call back.Sometimes,I couldn't understand girl's six sense,they just have the extra sense to sense that something will be happen and almost 85% of their sense are right?For the sake of her to stop worry,I just have to call back.

"Okay,okay,I will call back,"I dialed his number,it's just go to the voice call.I try and try but still go to the voice calls.

"See,I told you.Its nothing urgent if he doesn't pick up right after I call back,"I said to make her give in.She is still frowning.

"I don't know how to explain but oppa I really felt something about this,"she still insisted.

"Okay,one last call and if he still didn't pick up then we should give in and continue our date,okay?"I redial before I heard an audible voice from behind,it was so crowded that I couldn't really sure about someone is yelling my name."Hyunsik hyung!"i think someone did yelled my name,I couldn't adjust my vision since it was so crowded at the street.

"What is it,oppa?"Byul asked when my eyes wander around to find where was the voice came from.

"I think I heard someone yelling my name,"I still not very sure about it,the voice seem familiar to me.It sounded like Peniel.

"Hyung!Hyung!"again I heard the voice but see no one since there are so many passer by.

"I heard it too,oppa,"it wasn't just me,it is not my illusion but Byul heard it too.

"it's Peniel!"I pointed out as I recognized him out of the crowded,he seem in a rush that he ran in speed."Hyung!Be careful!"be careful of what,what did he mean?


Before I could digest what did he mean,Byul suddenly came to be in front,"what are-"before I open my mouth to ask what is she doing,I felt liquid drop on my hand,a red stain covering her white dress that became wider ,everything is out of my sight,before I could gain my conscious about what was happening as I heard one of the girl screaming,"It's Blood!"It was all screams and footsteps running around that I could heard.

Byul fall into my arms ,I blinked staring at the image that in front of me right now.

A guy fall on the ground with blood stain next on his lips,"I told you that leave my hyung alone!If you want to revenge just get it in me.Why are you even do this?!I will kill you for doing this,"Peniel's voice is next but Byul who fallen on my arms,I still in grieve.


"Hyung,Let's sent Byul to the hospital now!"Peniel urged ."Hyung,come one,hyung,the knife is still on her chest,let's go to the hospital now!Maybe we can save her!"

Somehow,I felt everything became grey,the blood that stain on the white dress,I couldn't see the color,I just see grey liquid flowing from Byul's chest,the voice around me I couldn't hear anything but just Byul's breathe,her eyes was closing,I just heard her last breath.

"No!"I pushed him away from Byul.It's useless,it's too late,Byul had leaving without even have her last words.

The phone that laid next to me showing 7:59 ,there's a minute in between.The minute that I want to save.No tears flowing out from me,it's either weird.But ,everything are just colorless right now.The sound of ambulance siren and police car,I couldn't heard anything.I just want to accompany Byul until the very end.

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Hyun2837 #1
Chapter 17: This FF actually has a good storylines. And I really like it. However the more I read the more I get frustrated by how the story has so many sentences with wrong grammar. It’s very annoying to read, tbh. But, I decided (forced myself) to read it all bcoz I dislike to stop reading FF in the middle. It’s such a pity bcoz the storylines is actually a good story. But, the way it’s written ruined the good storylines. This is my honest opinion, anyway :)
btsxbtob #2
Chapter 17: Honestly i just cried
AileeAloya #3
honestly i love the cover for this do u make it? mind to share it with me?
MelodyPanda #4
Chapter 12: This is seriously the saddest fanfic I have read! It's literally making me cry! Good job.
annisandri #5
Omg you updates untill 16 chapter hahha
annisandri #6
Chapter 13: Ah feel bad ㅠㅠ Byul ㅠㅠi can feel you hyunsik