Why am I so nice?

I'm Impossible To Hate!

Stupid Jonghyun. Stupid Jonghyun. STUPID JONGHYUN! I hope no one’s around. I wouldn’t know, because both of my eyes are squeezed shut and yes, my is still on the floor. STUPID JONGHYUN! Doesn’t he know anything about being a gentleman? Ugh, he really gets on my nerves all the time.

Okay, I should probably get up now….

NO. Jonghyun has to be the one who helps me up. I mean, he pushed me, right? It’s only obvious that he has to help me up. If he was a MAN.

…Damn it Jonghyun, are you going to-


I gave a long sigh, furrowed my brows, gritted my teeth, and held my palm up towards the voice.

“It’s about time, Jo-“

Oh . It’s that tall guy from before. Startled, I gave an awkward smile, withdrew my hand and tucked some loose hairs behind my ear.

“Oh. It’s you! Haha, I’m fine really.”

I forced myself up on both feet and dusted my uniform. Oh my god, is that a bruise on my thigh? . . I swear I’m going to kill Jonghyun for leaving a bruise on my flawless skin.

That tall dude nods towards me with a concerned look.

“You sure? You have a bruise on your leg… Do you need any medication?”

That guy magically pulls out a tube of cream from his back pocket, reaches for my hand, placed the tube on my open palm and curled my fingers close.

Oh. Wow. That was… uh… wow.

I looked up at him with the best eye-smile I could muster, then squinted at his name tag.

Choi Min Ho. That’s a nice name. It means goodness or something right? It really fits him.

God, he’s making me feel guilty for hating on him earlier.

I blinked. That tall du… I mean, Minho, had just disappeared. What is he, a freaking ninja or something?

Crap. Jonghyun got away too. Whatever. He’s going to get it from me next time.



What the hell is that guy doing sitting all alone on the staircase? Huh. He must be really pathetic not to have any friends. I had to wrestle myself out of my group of friends (With a apologetic smile on, of course. And I didn’t even know half of their names.) in order to search for Jonghyun and give him a piece of my mind.

On second thought, seeing how pathetic he already is, maybe I’ll be less harsh on him.

Anyway, there are too many people walking about. It’ll be a big blow on my image.

All bouncy and cheery, I plopped myself right beside Jonghyun and leant against him curiously, peering over at something he was working on.

I can’t believe it. Jonghyun’s writing lyrics to a song? Haha. Hahahaha. HAHAHAHA. I didn’t know he was that type of person.

My trembling heart seems like it’ll explode any moment?*

“That’s cheesy.” I muttered under my breath, gracefully brushing my fingers against my face.

“Whatever. Like you would know anything about being a lyricist.”

Excuse me?

“For your information, I have written lyrics to several songs before, and they have been a big hit at where I was at.”

The only lyrics I’ve penned were a parody of a nursery rhyme which… You don’t have to know actually.

Jonghyun scoffed.

I stared silently at Jonghyun as he wrote and erased and wrote and erased and wrote and erased some of the lyrics written.

Truthfully, I really like lyricists. They’re so romantic and creative and stuff. But Jonghyun, obviously, isn’t any of them. Did Jonghyun have a past girlfriend? No. Did Jonghyun ever come up with creative comebacks for me? No. In fact, I don’t think he even deserves to be called a lyricist.

… Hmm...

“Wow, Jonghyun. Your lyrics are full of meaning and are really accurate. Perhaps…”

The annoyed Jonghyun puts down his pencil and rests his chin on his palm. “What do you want?”

Excitedly, I dug my fingers into his sleeve. “Did you have a girlfriend before, Jonghyun?” Don’t mind me, I’m just curious. I’m not interested or anything. Really.

Jonghyun shrugged me off and picked up the pencil again. Then he leant against the step behind him and propped one of his foot up on a higher step than his other foot.

If I’m not wrong, he’s attempting the ‘cool, relaxed’ posture. Total fail.

“It’s none of your business.”

None of my business? Uh, hello? You’re so special, you’re the only person I show my hatred to, you’re the only person who treats my coldly, and you’re saying it’s none of my business?

“Huh. You’re too pathetic to have one in the past. Why did I even ask? What am I even doing here? I’m wasting my time with you.”

Damn it, whatever he says really pisses me off. I shouldn’t spend any more time with him. He’s a bad influence. Boo.

With a scoff, I stalked away from the lonely, boring Jonghyun and towards the people who were waving at me so enthusiastically. I put on a bright smile and wave back.

“Ji-eun! I’m so sorry, but do you think you can help me with my homework again after school?” Eunha smiles apologetically.

Eunha, you’re so annoying, I don’t even…

“Of course! Anything for Eunha!” I slung an arm around Eunha and squeezed her slightly.

Eunha smiled, then glanced over me. I looked over at whatever she was looking at.


“Oh, and I saw you were talking with Jonghyun earlier?”


“Yup! He looked really lonely, so I thought that I could cheer him up a little!” I smiled suspiciously at Eunha. “And why do you ask?”

Eunha blushed. “He’s really cool, isn’t he?”



“Yeah, he even writes romantic lyrics to songs. They’re really good! You should see them next time!” I clapped my hands together as though I’ve come up with a brilliant idea. “Maybe I can hook both of you up!”

Eunha shook her head furiously. “Jonghyun will never like me. He’s probably crushing on you, like every other guy in this school.”

Ew. Jonghyun crushing on me? I can’t even imagine such a horrible thing.

I gave Eunha a nudge. “Don’t be like that~ How about this, why don’t I invite him to tutor you together with me?”

I did not just suggest that. Man, I’m too nice, it’s becoming a backlash.

Eunha’s eyes brightened. “You would, unnie? Thank you so much!” Then, she jumped and gave me a really tight hug. I. Can’t. Breathe. Ow.

Sheesh. I don’t even know whether Jonghyun’s good in his studies. I mean, he isn’t even a good lyricist, how can he be a good tutor? Still. For the sake of my image.

I went over to persuade Jonghyun to help tutor Eunha.

I was kind of hoping he won’t accept, but he did.


*lyric from Juliette of SHINee




Was this too short? Sorry! >< Comments are deeply appreciated, and thank you to all of my subscribers! I'll try my best to update quickly, really. It depends on whether I can get any ideas for my fanfic, so please (really) suggest any ideas for this fanfic if you have any :D

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Update soon
still waiting for ur update XD JongIu <33
bumble_bee21 #3
please update soon!! :))))))
lovermafa #4
JongHyun and IU? An odd couple I must say but I like the development so far. Please keep updating. :)
Update plzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!! I luv the story so far!!! ^^ Can't wait to find out how jonghyun and iu will get 2gether XD
Update soon!
augustjewel #8
crazyynutss #9
update soooooooon !!
ohmyyoungbae #10
ooohhh. this is awessshhuummm! update soon please! :D hahaah^^ but she'll break minho's heart later right? :x anyway, subscribed and loved! :D