



The morning  sky was its usual dull gray, tinted here and there with cloudy specks of white.


It was relatively foggy but Jungkook didn't mind.


He looked out the window as various buildings loomed, disappearing just as quick.


His gaze caught on a stray water droplet, hastily making its way down the pane, watching it as it disappeared, fusing with a the small puddle that at gathered on the bottom.


From the corner of his eyes he could see his mom slowly turn in her seat to look towards him, her face the usual mixture of worry.


He didn't look back at her.


He knew if he did she'd try to make conversation and that was the last thing he needed.


They didn't talk much these days, and as a result whenever they did it was always just awkward.


Jungkook closed his eyes, resting his forehead on the cold glass. He could still feel the intense stare of his mother boring into his back, and he wished she'd turn her attention back onto the road, they were on an highway after all.


After counting to five in his head, he could still feel her gaze on him and as a result he turned, slowly so as not to alarm her.

“Face the road, you'll get us killed”

His voice came out cold as it always did, and he couldn't help but feel sorry as he watched his mother turn around, shoulder’s slumping as it always did whenever she felt embarrassed.


“sorry” she mumbled.


Jungkook didn't reply.



It felt like ages before the car finally came to an halt, stopping in front of a worn out old building.


Jungkook stared at the gray structure, it's dull colour blending well with the gloomy mood of the morning.


He continued to stare at it, still not having found the courage to leave the safe house that was the car.

“You don't have to go if you don't want to”


He turned to look at his mother whose head was bowed, refusing to look up.


She'd lost so much weight in just a short time and he couldn't help but notice how she’d developed a habit of curling into herself… as if she was the only protection anyone had to offer.


He wondered whether she needed this more than he did.


He'd asked her about it once, but she'd replied with her usual


“Don't worry about me honey, I'll be fine.


Jungkook sighed to himself.


“I'll be fine” He reciprocated her words.


She nodded, still not looking up.


Finally gaining enough courage he pushed open the car door, stiffening a bit when the cold air rushed in.


He stepped out, taking one last look at his mother who still wouldn't look up.


He was ready to leave, already halfway finishing the process of closing the door when a soft whisper held him in place.




Jungkook breathed out, bending a bit in order to get a better look at his mother through the window.


He already knew what she was going to say.


She turned her head to look at him

“I love you”

Of course.

He smiled, although he was sure it didn't come close to reaching his eyes.

His mother looked desperate, eyes pleading for him to repeat the same words.


This had become a routine.A mandatory procedure. Every time they parted she'd say those same words and he'd have to repeat them. It wasn't that he minded-he knew she meant it- but hearing those words always reminded him that he wasn't the only one suffering, she was too. They all were. But unlike him she didn't want to be alone. She didn't want him to be alone either. As a result she would always remind them both with those words. They weren't alone. They had each other.


He knew  there were other meaning she held in those words. She wanted him to know, to believe those words.


She'd failed once.


She wouldn't fail again.

“Love you too”




Jungkook walked into the small office, not even bothering to knock. This wasn't the first time he'd been in here. It was however, the first time he was coming here on his own accord.


“Oh, Jungkook, welcome”


Jungkook eyed the small man that was hunched over the desk. His face held the same kind, gentle smile it had held the last time he'd been here. That time he'd refused to talk. Now it was a different story. He needed to talk. He wasn't sure who to talk to, but he decided this man might be a start.


“Good morning” He mumbled.


The man beamed and Jungkook cringed under his gaze.


“Have a seat” The man gestured towards the couch by his right side.


“Yes sir” He quietly obeyed, slowly making his way to the brown couch.


“Oh there's no need to be so formal. You can just call me Mr. Park”


Jungkook thought that was just as formal but decided not to voice his opinion.

“So how's your day been?” he asked, looking genuinely curious. Jungkook remained expressionless.


“It's only just begun si-Mr. Park”


Mr. Park laughed, the sound seeming ridiculously out of place in the small somber room.


“How silly of me.” He said, scratching his balding head.


He grabbed a cup of what Jungkook assumed was coffee, and took a small sip, his glasses fogging instantly.


He put the cup down.

“Now Jungkook, where do you want to begin?”


The young boy watched distractedly as the fog slowly lifted off the older man’s lenses, looking away just in time before the other man's eyes were fully revealed. He hated eye contact.


“I don't know. I was hoping you'd be able to guide me or something.”


Mr. Park continued smiled and Jungkook began regretting coming here. This guy was too jolly for him.


“Alright then” He began.


“Let's just start with small talk”


Jungkook nodded, absentmindedly playing with the sleeves of his worn out Jacket.


“So how's school?” Mr. Park began.


The boy couldn't help but groan internally. That was the questions adults always asked and he barely even counted it as small talk. It was more like old people trying to creepily inquire about your personal life talk.


He gave the same answer he always gave all the adults.


“It's fine”.


Mr. Park nodded as if he'd said something really important.


“That's good. You're not going through anything troublesome at all at school? No one's bothering you?”

“No” was Jungkooks curt answer.

Mr. Park nodded.


“That's good to hear. How about your friends, how’s it going with them?” He continued to ask.


Jungkook thought about it for a second.


After the incident he'd kinda just shut himself out from everyone. As a result he had just drifted away from the ones he used to call  friends. Plus those friends were also “his” friends. He didn't think he could handle seeing them, or that they could handle seeing him.


“Everything's fine with them” He lied.


Mr. Park didn't look like he was buying it, and was about to comment on it when a loud ring cut into the air.


The elder man jumped a little at the sound, flustered as he picked up a black phone from his desk.


“Well, this is embarrassing” He murmured.


Jungkook was tempted to smirk at the pathetic display.


“It's alright, you can take it, I'll wait.” He answered instead.


“Oh, well thank you. I usually don't take calls during my sessions, but this sounds important” Mr. Park attempted to justify his actions.


The young boy nodded, not saying anything else.




Jungkook watched as the older man's eyes widened.


“What?! You're here already?”


Jungkook rose a brow as Mr. Park looked slightly panicked.


“ I thought you said you were coming tomorrow?” The old man spoke into the phone, bowing slightly in apology as he excused himself from the room.


Jungkook knew he'd be back. He probably just wanted some privacy.


He sighed, lazily resting his back on the couch.


He closed his eyes, letting his mind wander back to the reason he was here in the first place.


To the events that occurred about a month ago.

To the event that had torn him apart.

That had torn his family apart

That was still tearing them apart.

April 5th 2016.


Jungkook’s world had turned upside down. Violently ripping everything that he'd cared for from underneath his feet.

April 5th 2016, He had lost someone special.

April 5th 2016, His best friend and older brother, had tragically taken his own life.

It had two weeks to cry. Even at the funeral, the tears had refused to come. He'd just gone into withdrawal, completely isolating himself from everyone.


It was at 2:00 pm during his last period class when he had broken down. Finally letting all the pain and frustration out. At that point, pretty much everyone at school already knew about his brother’s death (Taehyung had been relatively popular due to his hyperactive bubbly character) .


He remembered the pitying glances he'd received from his classmates and teachers as he was escorted from the class, various soothing words being sent his way. Jungkook had tried to stop but the tears just kept coming. He'd felt so empty. So lost.


They'd called his parents and he'd been sent home to recover.


His mother had embraced him, whispering calming words to him as she patted his hair, having to stand on her tiptoes to reach his height.


“It'll be fine” she'd whispered to him the entire trip home, still not letting go of him.


His father who had been driving then didn't look back even once.


His shoulder was squared and his head was held high. He looked so strong  and Jungkook had felt envious.

That same night the young boy didn't get an ounce of sleep, but had spent it softly crying into his pillow, reality slowly dawning.


The next morning his parents had dragged him to Mr. Park for counselling.


Jungkook hadn't spoken a word.


For the entire 30 minute counsel session he didn't speak a word.


Mr.Park had eventually given up and sent him home.


He texted his parents to come pick him up and they'd been extremely disappointed at the result of the counselling session.


It had been silent in the car the entire time.


That day jungkook didn't speak to anyone. He had just sat in his room and stared at the walls.


That afternoon Jungkook realised what he thought was the only solution to this emptiness.

That night his mom had called him down for dinner.


He hadn't answered.


She'd panicked when she opened his bedroom door to find it empty.


She'd opened his bathroom door to find him splayed out across the floor. Various pills spilled across the ground.

She'd screamed.

Jungkook had heard her.

He'd woken up the next morning in a hospital and had been greeting with bright LED lights that nearly blinded him. He'd heard sniffing and had turned around to see his mother crying at the corner of the room, finding small comfort in the embrace of her husband.


Jungkook couldn't see his father's face, but he noticed that his shoulders were still square and his head was still held high (although not to its usual length).


He didn't want them to know he was awake so he'd closed his eyes, turning his head away.


He didn't know at what point he drifted back to sleep.

He'd been released from the hospital a day later. They'd offered him counselling sessions and various other forms of support but he had refused.


The car had been silent again on the way home.


Jungkook remembered going to bed that night thinking that he'd try ending it again tomorrow.


And he might have too, were it not for the sniffling that woke him up at the middle of the night.


Unlike Taehyung and his mother, he was a light sleeper and the small sound was enough to get him off the comfort of his bed.


He'd walked slowly to the source of the noise, making sure he was quiet as he descended the stairs.


He stopped halfway through at the point where the last bit of wall still shielded his presence.


He'd taken a peek at what lay beyond the wall and had instantly regretted it.


His dad had been seated on the living room couch, hands clenched tightly around a worn out cup that was painted pink, dabbled here and there with obvious blotches of glitter.


It had been a father's day present from both him and Taehyung when they were still in junior high. They'd decorated it in that manner to mess with him and had even gone as far as to make him take it to work once.


It had all been Taehyungs idea.


Jungkook had shaken off the thought, bringing his attention back to his father who remained hunched. Shoulders trembling as he let out what sounded like sniffs.

The younger had continued to watch as those sniffs gradually turned into sobs before eventually evolving into a full on breakdown.

Jungkook had remained stuck in place as he watched the man who had remained rigid and strong through all these events finally cracked.


Something about the sight felt like a blow to the face. It was as if life had woken him up and made him witness the sight on purpose. It was a reality check.


He wasn't the only one suffering.


They all were.


But he was the only one not doing anything about it.


They were all fighting to stay strong.


His mom only ever cried when she thought he couldn't see her.


And his dad only ever showed weakness when neither his mother or him were around.

But he'd just given up.


He’d let the whole world know he wasn't alright.


He'd only added more to his parents burdens.

Jungkook felt ashamed.

He hadn't tried to end it again the next day,

And three day after that he'd decided to take the counselling sessions.


“Sorry about that Jungkook”

Jungkook looked up to see Mr. Park let himself back into the office, an embarrassed smile on his face.


He shook his head.


“It's alright, I don't mind”

Mr. Park who was had been making his way to his desk stopped abruptly, his expression immediately morphing into one of worry.


“Oh dear, are you alright?”

Jungkook was confused.

“Uh, yeah I'm fine” He answered abruptly.

“But you're crying”

The younger boy widened his eyes, fingers automatically moving to his face. Mr. Park's statement was confirmed as he felt moisture underneath his eyes.

“Oh” was all he could say.

Mr. Park’s expression softened as he pulled a chair over, taking a seat before the young boy.

“Jungkook” He started.


Jungkook held his breath, not sure where this was going.


There was a soft sound that he hadn't noticed before and he turned to the source of sound, looking out a nearby window to see that it was raining.


The pitter patter of the raindrops against the windows only made the mood more solemn.


“It's raining” He mumbled.


Mr. Park seemed taken aback by the unexpected words, but recovered quickly. He laughed.


“I can see that.”


Jungkook looked back at the older man. He seemed as jolly as ever and he wondered if he was willing to pour out all of his deepest feelings out to this man.


He honestly didn't think he could.


It had been his Chemistry teacher who had advised him to see a counsellor.


Jungkook still remembered how the conversation had gone.

“Jungkook”  His teacher had addressed him after class.


He'd hesitantly turned to face the slim woman.


She looked at him with the way she usually stared at her students.


There was no pity in her eyes, only concern.


Jungkook appreciated that.


She was his favourite teacher for a reason.

She used to be Taehyung’s favourite teacher too.


“Yes ma’am? He'd answered.


She gestured him over with her pointer finger.


He slowly made his way towards her.

“You need help” She'd said, blunt as ever.

He knew he needed help. After seeing his father cry three days prior he was sure of it.


“Talk to someone” She'd continued


“ It doesn't have to be someone professional, or even someone related. Just talk to someone you can trust. And, if you don't know who to trust, you can always start with a counsellor. It'll help”


She hadn't said anything else, just asked him to leave


Jungkook had found it very random, but Mrs. Kim had always been quite spontaneous.


Either way he decided that maybe he'd try the counselling.

Right now he wasn't so sure he'd made a good decision.


“Sorry” He whispered.

Mr. Park raised a brow


“I don't think I'm ready to talk” He clarified.


Mr. Park looked like he understood, and Jungkook was grateful.


“That's alright Jungkook.”


The young boy let out a relieved sigh.


“Tell you what” The old man began.


“I have to go pick up my son from the airport, he just got back from a trip. He's about your age actually. But that's not the point. I'll call your parents and tell them that something important came up so they won't get worried as to why the session ended this early. Is that okay with you?”


Jungkook nodded. He  mind this man after all.


Mr. Park patted his head.


“That's good. I'll go do that right now”

Jungkook watched the older man make the call, listening attentively as he explained to his parents that their session had come to an end for the day.


The call didn't last long and the older man smiled at him as soon as it was over.


“Your mom  said she'll come pick you up”  He began, making his way back to the younger boy.


“Thank you sir” He muttered, bowing slightly.


Mr. Park's smile widened and Jungkook realised that he was starting to get used to the old man and his over jovial behaviour.


“No problem. Say, I have to head to the airport right now. Since it's raining, you can wait in here and lock up for me when you're done. Is that alright with you?” He asked.

Jungkook was surprised.


“You want me to lock up?”


Mr. Park nodded, his ever present smile still there.


“You're a good kid Jungkook. I totally trust you. Just place the key under the flowerpot on the windowsill when you leave.  Try not to be too obvious about it”


Jungkook didn't really know what to say. This was his second time here and this man was already trusting him with the whole office.


He wondered if Mr. Park was always this trusting.

“Alright then. I'll be taking my leave”


Jungkook nodded.


“See you next week” He mumbled last minute, remembering that he was scheduled for another meeting with Mr. Park next week Wednesday.


Mr. Park tipped his imaginary hat at him and the younger almost snorted.

Soon enough it was just him in the room again.

Jungkook didn’t have to wait long. About 15 minute after Mr. Park left the office he received a text from his mother telling him she'd arrived.


He heaved a sigh, slowly getting up as he felt his hands clench around the office keys.


His mother would be expecting some progress from the counselling session. So he smiled, pretending as if he had made progress.


He wasn’t surprised as he walked out the building to see his mother all bundled up in her rain jacket as she leaned against the car.


He directed his smile at her.


She smiled back.


It looked just as fake as his.

“How'd it go?” she asked, opening the car door for her son.


“It was alright. Far less terrifying than I thought he'd be”


She seemed relieved to hear that, nodding with understanding as she climbed into the driver's seat.


“That's good to hear. You think you'll come back next week?” She asked.


Jungkook nodded.


“Yeah. Time wasn't exactly on our hand today”


His mom nodded.


“So I've heard” were the final words said as the car once again settled into silence.


The car ride back was just as quiet as the ride there.


Jungkook spent it looking out the window.



They were greeted by silence upon entering the building Jungkook had over the years come to know as home.


The only sound was coming from the quiet clicking of his mother's heeled shoes against the hardwood floor.

“Is there anything you'd like to eat?”


Jungkook turned to see his mother already making her way to the fridge.


He shook his head


“I already had breakfast” He answered, burying his hands in his pockets.


His mom sent him a look that conveyed her  dissatisfaction.


“Honey, I'd hardly call a slice of apple breakfast”

Jungkook didn’t say anything and his mother sighed.

“I'll make pancakes”

“We ran out of milk” the young boy mumbled, earning another sigh from his mother.


The petite woman looked like she was about to give up when Jungkook chose to speak up.


“I'll go buy some.”


There was a convenience store about a five minutes walk from their house and as a result it wasn't unusual to do some occasional shopping there.


“Oh that's not necessary hon. I can just make something else.”


Jungkook was already making his way to the door.


“Nah. I'll be back soon”


His mom gave in, knowing that there was no changing his mind.


“Just take a raincoat, it's pouring out there.”


Jungkook nodded, swiftly grabbing the nearest rain jacket on the rack and putting it on. It was his dad's and was a little big on him, not to mention a bright yellow.




His mom handed him a pair of equally bright yellow rain boots.


He could hear her chuckle and at that moment he was sure he looked like a kindergartner.


He shrugged,


“whatever, I could live with it.” He thought, making his way out the door.

Jungkook took a deep breathe upon feeling the fresh air on his face. He stood still at the bottom of the porch stairs for a while, letting the raindrops caress his face. It felt nice.


He sighed, he had to get that milk.

Jungkook didn't hurry to the get to the store. In fact he was completely taking his time. He liked being in the rain, it was incredibly relaxing. He'd purposely jump into any puddle that came his way- he wasn't the most mature when he was alone.


Eventually he reached his destination, shaking his hair frantically as he entered the store.


“Take it easy there Kitty”


Jungkook looked up to see a blonde girl, chewing a piece of gum with the most bored expression in the world.


He nodded at her.


“morning Chaerin”


Chaerin nodded back.


Chaerin’s father owned the store and she spent a lot of time working there just for the sake of it. Taehyung and Jungkook used to come to the store a whole lot back then, and the older girl had taken to calling them Puppy and Kitten (Taehyung being the Puppy and Jungkook being the Kitty).


Chaerin had been the last person to find out about Taehyung’s death.


Jungkook had come to the store one afternoon and the older girl had obviously asked.


“Where's puppy? You guys always come together”


Jungkook had walked right back out of the store.


He hadn't gone back to the store for a whole week.


The next time he went Chaerin had heard. How? He didn't know.

There were a few other people at the store but Jungkook payed them no attention. Instead he walked right to the back of the room, aware that the milk cartons were there.


He randomly picked one out of the fridge, not really caring what kind of milk it was.


“Here.” He muttered, placing the milk carton on the counter. Chaerin seemed to be distracted as she stared at something across the room.


Jungkook coughed and the older turned to look at him.


“Look at that guy over there” She whispered, pointing to the direction she'd been starting at.


He turned to see that she was pointing at a boy. He couldn't exactly see his face as the boy was turned away from them, but just a glimpse of the other’s dressing, posture and build up, told Jungkook that the boy was around his age. The boy was on his phone and from what Jungkook could hear, he seemed to be arguing with someone


“What? You didn't say you were gonna pick me up, so I took a cab.




“I just didn't want to bother you since you were at work”


Another pause


“At some convenience store in some neighbourhood”




“What? I was hungry. I'll just take another cab back”

Jungkook turned back to Chaerin with an expressionless face


The older girl grinned.


“Wait for him to turn around. He's a total hottie” she whispered jokingly.


“Cougar” Jungkook whispered back, aware that she wouldn't take it to heart.


“I'm not that old. I'm only four years older than you. Plus, mama’s still got game” Chaerin answered, flipping her hair dramatically.


Jungkook smiled a little. He was always so gratefulgrateful to Chaerin. She was the only person who didn't change towards him after Taehyung’s death.


“You're gross” He replied and she laughed, scanning the younger’s milk carton.




Jungkook took the carton, reaching into his pocket for his wallet.


He blinked, tilting his head in confusion as be checked both his pockets, only to find them empty.


“Crap, I think I left my wallet at home” He muttered.


Chaerin rose a brow.


“Are you sure?”


Jungkook gave her an exasperated look.


“Yes I'm sure”


“Oh” She said.


“It's alright. I can pay for you” She said, shrugging nonchalantly.


Jungkook narrowed his eyes at her.


“Since when were you so generous?” He asked.


She laughed.


“Kitty, you want me to pay or not?”


Jungkook sighed.


“I'll pay you back”


Chaerin smirked.


“Of course you will. I wasn't offering you money for free”


The younger scoffed, holding the milk carton over his head as if he was going to chuck it at her face.


“Woah there. I don't know what's happening here, but violence is never the answer”


Both of them, who had been too distracted to notice someone walking towards them, turned to see the boy who Chaerin had been ogling.


Now that Jungkook could see his face, he had to admit that the boy was pretty attractive.


Chaerin smirked.


“You hear that Kitty? Violence is never the answer”


Jungkook glared at her.


“Hey don't give me that face? I didn’t ask you to leave your wallet at home. Plus I'm paying for your milk”


The younger scoffed and the boy laughed, placing a bag of chips on the counter. He handed Chaerin a 10 dollar bill.


Chaerin sighed.


“Sheesh, making me do math” She muttered jokingly gathering the change.


“Keep the change” The boy calmly said.


“These chip only cost like 3 bucks. Seven dollars tip, that’s real generous” Chaerin answered.

“Actually plus the five dollar milk carton that's only a two dollar tip bucks. Not as generous” The boy answered, shrugging Jungkooks way. The other boy who'd been leaning against the counter stood straight, eyes wide.


“I..It's okay you don't have to.”


The boy smiled and Jungkook could have sworn that he'd seen that smile before.


“Too late” He said, picking up his bag of chips and sending the other boy a wink before leaving the store.


Jungkook watched, mouth agape as the other boy left.

“Did a hot guy just pay for your milk?” Chaerin chuckled.


The young boy rolled his eyes.


“Looks like Kitty’s got game too” She added, laughing as Jungkook stuck his tongue out at her, making his way out the store as well.



“I'm back, I got the milk” Jungkook calls into the seemingly empty living room.


“Oh, You're back. I was gonna text you but you left your phone here. You know along with your keys and wal- wait how did you get in?”


Jungkook shrugged


“Front door was open”


His mom raised a brow, staring at the milk carton


“How did you get the milk. You left your wallet. Oh, did Chaerin pay?”


Jungkook shook his head.


“Nope, some random guy in the store payed for me”


“Oh” was his mother’s reply.


“I see. I'll go make the pancakes now” She added, grabbing the box from him.


Jungkook nodded.


“I'll be in my room” He muttered, making his way up the stairs.



Jungkook belly flopped unto his bed. It was only 11 in the morning but he was already ready for the day to end. Actually, he took that back, it was Sunday and that meant he had school tomorrow.


He sighed.




There was honestly no point of it for Jungkook now.


He never talked to his friends anymore, and his mind was always too occupied for him to pay attention in class.


Plus he was done with all the pitying glances that were always sent his way.


The student body didn't even try to hide it. Whenever he'd walk into a room he'd be greeted by a series of whispers that were obviously directed at him.


He hated the attention.


The teachers weren't any better.


They'd treat him specially as if he was a mentally challenged child. It annoyed Jungkook to no end. It was times like this that he'd wish that Taehyung hadn't been so popular, maybe then people would leave him alone.

The young no turned to face the ceiling, allowing a sigh to escape his lips.


He let his mind wander to everything.


To the counselling sessions...


To school..


To his “friends”...


His parents...

To Taehyung


Jungkook felt bile rise in his throat and he sat up, shaking away the image of his brother that has began to form in his mind.

This wasn't working.


He needed a distraction.

“Jungkook!! The pancakes are done!!!”

Jungkook let out a sigh. He felt his face for any signs of tears and was relieved to find that was not the case.


Slowly he stood up, taking in a deep breath to steady himself.

“Coming!!!” he called back.

‘This really isn't working’ were his final thoughts as he left his room

He needed a distraction.


…….Well this was long. This was originally supposed to be a one shot but well, it'll probably end up a super short chaptered fic (four chapters at most).


Since the chapters are kinda long and I'm really busy these days, I probably won't update anytime soon, but i definitely WILL update, so please be patient with me


I'm guessing by now you've guesses that this is not an overly ‘happy’ fic.


Does it have a happy ending?


I don't know, you'll just have to keep reading to find out.

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exoticshawol15 #1
Chapter 2: I use the word intriguing in normal conversation... Lol
annymousjustice #3
Chapter 2: i love this...great work author-nim!looking forward to this story ^^
Chapter 1: Jimin distraction!!!! yayyy
Chapter 1: Sounds interesting...waiting for the next chapter