
Maybe Tomorrow

Taekwoon held his head in his hands as he sat on the couch. He had been sat alone in the living room for the past half an hour and knew he would be for a further sixty minutes due to the CEO of Jellyfish Ent asking (more like demanding) that the four remaining Vixx members still rehearse. Hongbin was sleeping in the bedroom and had been since he'd been released from hospital due to the pain medication he'd been perscribed. 

Looking up, Taekwoon sighed and looked wistfully out the window, watching as the clouds flirted with the tops of the Seoul skyscrapers. 

"We've concluded that the man that fired the shot is most definately linked to the the man who was responsible for the collision" Detective Kim told them all once everyone got settled. Taekwoon had resumed his place on the bed while Jaewhan, Wonshik and Hyuk leant against the windowsill and Hakyeon sat in the chair. Hongbin frowned and cleared his throat "But I don't know if it was a man who shot at me" he said. For all he knew, it could've been anyone.

Kim turned to him and offered him a folder full of crime scene photographs printed two to a piece of A4 paper. "That was fast" Taekwoon mumbled under his breath. However, Kim heard him and smiled tightly "These are just some I took from CSI's real portfolio and photocopied. But, talking to a friend who works in the department, what they found was that there was a footprint left by a male boot and the damage caused to the mirror is most definately caused by a male."

"You can tell that by just looking at the damage?" Jaewhan asked, eyes widened in awe. Kim grinned and nodded before his face sobered again and he reached out to take back his folder "Now, in regards to finding the perpetator, it's made more difficult since niether Mr Jung or Mr Lee saw him before they were attacked. But do you have any idea who would want to hurt any of you? Any 'enemies'?" 

Taekwoon looked round uncertainly and saw Hakyeon shake his head "No. We don't have any problems with any other groups and none of our families are involved in anything that might reflect badly on us." Kim nodded, a disapointed frown on his face as another roadblock was put in his way. He released a low throaty, sound as he sunk into deep thought "Have any of you ever had an experience with so-called 'sasaengs'?" 

The group exchanged a look and Wonshik shrugged "Just the usual: sneaking backstage and into dressing rooms. There's been nothing out of the ordinary though." The group had luckily never had a run in with anyone too crazy. Wonshik had told them all a few months ago his friend Jongin or Kai from EXO was standing near the stairs at an airport when a fan grabbed him all of the sudden. He fell and injured his knees and chin badly. They couldn't bear the thought of that happening to one of them.

"You don't think a sasaeng is targeting us, do you?" Hyuk asked, with big, watery eyes. Jaewhan noticed and grabbed the boy's wrist comfortingly. Kim looked at them all pitifully "It's the only explanation" he informed stiffly "But whoever it is is unquestionably dangerous and needs to be caught as soon as possible. Therefore, I want to increase security and have armed officers posted at your dorm, studio and any other venue just incase." 

Everyone already resented the security measures. They'd all had trackers installed on their phones and last night, a policeman had turned up to guard the door. Although, Taekwoon was impressed with the speed of Detective Kim's efforts, he didn't feel any safer. He was still confused and trying to get to know everyone; deciding whether or not he could trust them. 

He still got really nervous about any physical contact but Jaewhan and Hongbin had assured him that he had always been that way so it was nothing to worry about. But then why did Wonshik keep trying to make advances on him? He suddenly felt guilt welling up inside of him. He'd led the younger man on- and he never meant to. The resturaunt was an accident. He wasn't sure how to react to the younger kissing him and had responded instinctively. But then yesterday in the bathroom was a total mistake. He was relieved when the phone had rung and Wonshik had been forced to pull away. 

"Leo hyung?" a small voice yawned. He jumped and straightened instantly, looking towards the bedroom door to see Hongbin, hair tussled and clothes crumpled; a big, white dressing on his face... But still as handsome as when Taekwoon had first met him. He smiled slightly and patted the sofa beside him "How are you feeling?"

"Alright. Just really tired; those painkillers have really knocked me off my feet." The younger yawned again and Taekwoon chuckled softly, turning back to look out the window "As long as they work."

Hongbin smiled, showing off his dimples "Ravi hyung is lucky to have someone as caring as you." Taekwoon's brows knitted togethr at the statement and he spun round once more "What?"

"You're so caring" Hongbin grinned "Granted, you don't always show it but you look after everybody so much." Honestly, he was a little jealous of his friends. All he wanted was a stable relationship and to find someone he truly had feelings for. Taekwoon shook his head and wrapped his arms around himself "You don't understand. I don't..." he trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. 

"What?" Hongbin frowned, leaning forward with his hands clasped in his lap "You love him Leo hyung, you fell for him the moment you met, I could tell."

"I can't just force myself to play happy families because I don't know how I feel about this whole thing" Taekwoon told him, getting to his feet and resting his hands on the small of his back. Hongbin shook his head, "You don't have to because you already love him, its there but you can't recognise it because you won't let yourself."

"You aren't listening, Binnie." His voice grew louder as he spoke. "I know I'm 'supposed' to love him but I can't do that. How can I even trust him?" The doubt was still in his mind despite his dongsaeng's words. Hongbin leapt to Wonshik's defence, "Look. he's just scared." 

Taekwoon shook his head; he wished everything were so simple. "I can't fake what I don't feel. I don't love him!"


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edrylla_Dya #1
Chapter 13: You know... I can't helped but to return to this fics over and over again. Without failing. I just fall in love with this story. With it's characters (obviously!) and the storyline. You really got me hooked up. Congrats, author-nim
HZ_Ely #2
Chapter 26: Just started it, wasn't prepared for any of it, enjoyed it and finished it all way too soon xD (ahhh, great job..)
Chapter 26: Ahhhhhh!!! The end already??????
I really enjoyed this. It had been a rollercoaster ride. And, I'm glad WonTaek sorted out in the end. Though, it felt kinda rush.
Overall, it was enjoyable!
Chapter 25: Thank God, the crisis is over!
Chapter 22: OMG!!! I hope in real life it won't happen to them... And that WonTaek scene at the backseat was cute somehow. And I could imagine Hongbin's grin over what he heard.
Chapter 19: Oh dear!!! This is seriously messed up!!!!!!!!
Chapter 18: Those questions from member were totally hilarious!!
Chapter 17: Finally, though it was kinda forced, I still love the semi-!!!!!!
What was that camera??? That must be a sasaeng!!
Chapter 14: LOL!! Talk about timing Hakyeonnie! ...At least, there's progress with WonTaek! ❤❤❤
Chapter 12: What was that??!! Why this is happening???