And he had to do it in Public

Money Can't Buy You Love


Money Can’t Buy Me Love
- a JiHanee Fic –



                Today is the day. I’m flying back to Seoul from Tokyo. We’ve been heavily preparing for our first ever Japanese Album. I’m happy we’re going home today. If it were a day later, I would be on my foulest mood. I’m sitting on this first class seat of mine, surfing the net for any possible gift.

                “Looking for the perfect gift?”

                I felt TOP-hyung slid towards the chair beside me.

                “Yeah, I want it to be perfect.” I answered back, still scrolling down the site I just found.

                “Dinner then?”

                “Yup. I’m taking her somewhere romantic. Giver her flowers, chocolates and maybe we could watch a movie.”

                “Ji, anything simple will do. Extravagant or not, Hanee will like it.” TOP-hyung assured.

                “I know… but today’s special.”

                Yes, you heard me. Today is special. It’s our First Anniversary as a couple.

                I’m actually excited to see her. She’s been busy these past few weeks but so was I. We… well, let’s say, we haven’t gone out for a month now. And yes, it’s frustrating.

                Please fasten your seatbelts, the plane will land momentarily. Thank you.

                Manager-nim then suddenly called my attention after I was able to buckle my seatbelt.


“Hyun Suk-sajjangnim wants to see you all. We’ll go straight to YGE.” He announced.

TOP-hyung must’ve felt my aura tumbling down the hill, he sat nearer to the aisle. I nodded, gritting my teeth.

‘How am I supposed to prepare for tonight?’



I went inside my walk in closet,  I’ve been looking or the perfect dress. It’s sad to think I’m stuck at work until six in the evening. I can’t wait to see Ji today. I stared at the sliver ring on my right ring finger.

“It was like a dream…” I mumbled, reminiscing on how we ended liking, no, loving each other.

I scanned the closet and decided to settle on something simple. A midnight blue tube dress, a white cardigan and white pump heels.

“This will go well on my turquoise earrings and necklace.”

Come to think of it, Ji never told me what time he’ll pick me up. But I guess he does know that my work ends at six.

‘It’s our First Anniversary, what could’ve he planned?’



I was quiet on our trip back to YGE, it’s already 2 in the afternoon. If our meeting with YG will take an hour or two, that leaves me with just 3 to 4 hours to prepare. NOT GOOD.

I grumbled aloud.

“Hyung, are you okay?” I heard Dae ask from the back seat.

“Yeah, don’t worry.” I answered a bit fast than usual.


I looked around, avoiding any eye contact with anyone. I was deeply planning a perfect dinner for Hanee.

“Ji Yong.”

How about the flowers? Rose? White Roses? No, white is not good.

“Ji Yong.”

How about yellow? Stupid, yellow roses means friendship. Might as well settle with red then.


“WHAT!? Can’t you see I’m busy here!?” I shouted, crossing my arms on my chest.

Silence filled the room.

“GD, that was…” I heard Bae trail off.

I suddenly realized whose voice it was. O slowly turned my head to Yang Hyun Suk sajjangnim.

“Just what are you busy with, kid?” he asked.

“I… I… It’s nothing.”

If anything were scarier than Umma, it’s definitely YG and Hanee. The other members were snickering beside me.

“Can anyone fill me in?” YG asked.

“It’s Hanee-noona’s and Hyung’s First Year Anniversary!” Seungri exclaimed.


He wasn’t supposed to tell that.

“Oh so you we’re busy planning on your head?” YG asked.

“Uhn.” I nodded.

“Maybe we could help? I only called you in to give you the entire finished Album and to tell you, that you have three days off.” YG continued.

Silence filled the room. I can feel their burning gaze one me. Well, help is all I need right now. Why not try them.

“Red or white?” I asked shyly.

“Definitely Red.” YG answered.



“Hanee aren’t you supposed to be with THE Kwon Ji Yong?” Hee-jin, my officemate asked as she entered my office.

“Ssshhh! Hee-jin! You can’t just say it that loud and in public!”

“Okay, I’m sorry. Did he call you yet?”


“Did he tell you what his plan was?”


“Sent you flowers?”

“Hee-jin, can you see any flowers in my office?” I asked.

“Mmm… No.” Hee-jin answered after looking around.

“And there’s no chocolate too.” I said, cutting her next question.

“But you said he’d be arriving from Tokyo around 1 pm.”

I sighed. He did say he’ll be at arriving at 1pm in Seoul. Is he that busy that he couldn’t call me? Okay, I’m starting to get a tad bit angry and sad. I suddenly felt Hee-jin hug me.

“Ssshhh… I’m sorry, I never should’ve opened this topic.” Hee-jin whispered.

That was when I felt tears on my cheeks.

“Is is that hard to call and greet me? Tell me he’s okay?” I blurted out.




“Hyung, you okay?” Dae asked as he brought the table cloth.

YG was kind enough to let me use our apartment’s rooftop to prepare dinner for Hanee.

“I’m fine. Did Bae arrived already?”

“Yup. TOP-hyung’s helping him downstairs in preparing th food.” Daesung answered as I fixed the silverware.


“HYUNG!” Seungri exclaimed as he opened the door.

“What?” I snapped.

“Hee-jin-noona called!”

“Hee-jin? Why?”

“She said Hanee-noona’s so upset! She said you didn’t even called noon the whole afternoon. She said Hanee-noona’s planning to break up with you!”

“WHAT!?” I exclaimed, the wine slipping from my hand. Good thing Dae was able to catch it.

“Ji Yong! It’s quarter to 6!” TOP-hyung announced as he entered the rooftop.


“Noon leaves work at six right?” Daesung asked.

“We’ll take care of everything here. Go get her!” Youngbae said as Ji Yong dashed down the stairs.



That stupid, arrogant, selfish bastard. Let’s see who’ll be laughing in the end. I stood up from my chair and started fixing my files on my table.

“Are you sure you’ll break up with him?” Hee-jin asked.

When did she get inside my office?

“Yes, it’s final.” I said coldly.

“Well, how about, if he doesn’t arrive 10 minutes after six? Then, you could do whatever you want.” Hee-jin proposed.

I thought it over. 10 minutes is not that long. Hmm, maybe I’ll give the jerk 10 minutes.



Crap. Crap. CRAP.

“This isn’t happening!” I shouted as I ran from the stairs to our room.

I opened the door with so much force I think I broke the hinges. I think okay? I’m not sure and I DON’T CARE.

“Where is that damn bouquet?!” I shouted, looking around our apartment.

From the corner of my eyes I saw red roses on top of the counter wrapped with yellow ribbons.

“There you are! Come on, we’ve got to be there before 6!”


Outside YGE Apartment Building


(A taxi passed by without a passenger)


(A taxi approaches)


(A taxi passes again)


“Kwon Jiyong.”

I snapped to where the voice came from, it surprisingly sounds so familiar, just like –

“Se7en hyung!”

“You’re too noisy.I can hear you from YGE.  Jump in.” Se7en hyung opened his passenger seat.


“Where to?”

“Hanee’s office and STEP ON IT!”



“It’s 6:02. 8 more minutes.” I stated looking gloomily at my watch.

Will he come? Will he show up? Will he call?

“Hanee, maybe something came up. Maybe he lost his phone.” Hee-jin reasoned out.

“No. If something came up, the boys would notify me. And if he lost his phone, he’ll contact me, any means possible.”

“But he’s busy preparing your surprise.” Hee-jin mumbled something I didn’t understand.

“What was that?”

“Oh nothing… I said it’s 6:06.” Hee-jin said.



This is bad. Ji Yong’s on his way but it’ll take more than 10 minutes to get here. Hanee’s biting her lip now. THIS IS SO BAD.

“You know, I was planning on adopting Ji Ah today.” Hanee blurted out.

“Ji Ah? Shin Ji Ah? That girl from the Seoul Orphanage?”

“Yes. She was so sad every time I leave the Orphanage. Even the caretakers said she looks different when I’m visiting the kid.” Hanee added.


“It’s 6:10 Hee-jin. He’s not coming.” Hanee whispered as she started climbing down the stairs of the building.

“Hanee, let’s wait a little longer! He could’ve been stuck in traffic for all we know.”

“I know you want our relationship not to go down the drain.” Hanee said as she sadly smiled at me.

“Thank you Hee-jin. But I really, really want to go home now.”


And there goes Hanee walking away from the building.

“Sorry Ji, I couldn’t keep her a little longer…”



“One more turn, one more turn…”

“I know we’ve got one more turn Ji Yong. STOP TALKING LIKE ACRAZY IDIOT! I can’t drive properly.” Se7en shouted.


Hyung turned to our right. I can see the building now. Wait. Is that Hee-jin in front of the building? Where is she look—

“STOP THE CAR!” I shouted making hyung stop his car.

“JI YO—”

“HANEE! HANEE!” I shouted as soon as I stepped off the car.

I know Hanee, I can recognize her face or body in any profile. And that girl walking away ina  beautiful dress IS Hanee.




Hanee slowed down. She thought she heard Ji Yong calling her. But that’s ridiculous. He isn’t coming. So she continued walking.


Hanee stopped dead on her tracks. Did she just hear a public confession?

“If you walk away now, I don’t know what will happen to me! I love you! I’m sorry I didn’t call! Please, don’t break up with me…”

Hanee slowly turned around and she found herself tearing up when she saw Ji Yong panting, out of breath, holding a bouquet of red roses, a few meters away from her.

“I didn’t call because I was so caught up on preparing dinner for you. I’m sorry. I love you.” Ji Yong said aloud.

Hanee suddenly realized that people were looking at them. Her colleagues, high school kids, passerby’s and is that HER boss?

“You better forgive him, he nearly killed taxi drivers trying to get here.” Se7en chuckled.

Ji Yong inhaled deeply, closing his eyes.

“I… I love you too…” Hanee answered, biting her lip, cheeks burning.

The crowd cheered upon hearing Hanee’s response.

“This is for you.” Ji Yong said, giving the bouquet of roses. “I love you. I’m sorry.” He continued.

“Next time, don’t be late.”


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Chapter 1: who..... very intresting
Hanee's sooo bipolar! =0 but its endearing enough ^-^<br />
haha she kind of reminds me of a friend I know, I guess that's why I find her so interesting.<br />
<br />
great story~
tabialem #3
@tahoforsale - yes umma. SHE IS A BIPOLAR. :))
heyitsj #4
HAHAHAHAHAHA. major LOL for you comment about Hanee's personality. she is indeed a bipolar.
tabialem #5
@nadzhu - thank you. :)) Yes, let's thank Se7en for that. haha.<br />
<br />
@leedictator - Well, Hanee's personality is that of a bipolar. Sooo... you get my point. Hahaha. Thank you anyways. :)
leedictator #6
Naww, how sweet! Haha, though it would have been nicer if Hanee understood Ji more .. Like, it seemed so easy for her to just say that they should break up .. But nonetheless, this is a cute story!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.. This is just toooooo sweet!! Thank god se7en was there or else this world would have a drastic decrease in taxi drivers!!