For You

ARMY and IGOT7 radio//Song prompt request shop// Open!!


"For You"


It smells like you
The road that I walk on
I plug my earphone to my status
My true feelings lie beyond there

" accepted into the company." Namjoon took out the papers, handing them to Bi-an for her to look over. Shocked, but to an extent because she knew how talented Namjoon was, her eyes welled up. She was happy for him, of course, but...
"I'm so happy for you Namjoon!" 
That was Bi-an's first lie. Namjoon came forward, sweeping off her tears as he grinned and wrapped his arms around her.
"I have to be so far away though. In Seoul. " Namjoon feeling his own eyes wet as he placed his head on top of hers. Bi-An sighed, reminding herself that this sort of closeness was now a luxury. Having him be this close for who knew how long.
"Namjoon, I want you to go out and chase your dreams. You can't stay here with me. You know that."
Namjoon frowned, obviously conflicted as he her hair--Something he would miss.
Baby why you far away
I can’t get used to you not being here
I feel like something is missing
I just want to be together with you always

"Excuse me! Can I get another drink?" a customer called loudly. Bi-An huffed, the restaurant busier than normal lately. She was supposed to have gone home hours ago, but what would it have looked like if she left while it was like this?
"Thanks, honey." the older man grinned as she set down the bottle of alcohol for the man, ignoring his stare. She was beyond tired keeping up with her studies and her family's restaurant above everything. 
"Bi-An? you can leave now. Business is gone." her boss called out, more as if god answered her prayers to give her body a rest. Grabbing her purse, she walked out into the cold night air to head home. 
Filing through her bag, she dug out her phone, pressing the number she called the most.
It rang and rang until it went straight to voice mail. Bi An frowned.
"Namjoon, why don't you answer?" Huffing, she walked solemnly down the streets back home, kicking her shoes off and slumping on to the couch. 
"You never really fell how tired you are until you lay down." Bi and mumbled, arm resting above her eyes. He ring tone rang in the quietness of her apartment, taking her a few seconds to realize she needed to pick up. She didn't even look at the caller id.
"Hello?" Bi An managed to say in a worn out town. Her mind immediately came to realization as his voice filtered through the speaker.
"Bi-An? Babe, you sound so tired." He chuckled, though she could hear the concern in his tone. Bi An cleared , trying to mask whatever negative feelings she may have had from the day.
When I realize we were only be able to meet inside this smart phone
You appeared before my eyes
Today too I feel the sadness of not able to see you
Contrary to my feelings time passes rapidly
Even if I feel insecure
I believe that my heart will not leave you
My heart will reach past beyond the wind
I am always under the same sky my baby

"Namjoon! Sorry, I'm just sleepy. Were you busy?" 
"Oh, yeah. We went to Japan today. We just got back from the airport. Sorry I missed your call. How was your day?" she could see the way his lips would move as he talked, even if he wasn't really here.
Bi An stared up at her ceiling as if it was one of the most interesting things she had ever seen.
"My classes are going well, I worked pretty long today, I started around,...1 or 2 pm I think? I didn't get done till awhile go. So many noisy customers come in when they want to drink at night. I feel like I'm running back and forth." Bi An laughed, massaging her tense shoulder. Namjoon sighed.
"Did you eat today Bi An? Before you left for work?"
"Ahhh...." She winced, no wonder she felt so weak. She hadn't ate anything since this morning. 
"I swear, I really will...please take care of yourself! I'm not there so please! I won't send you any more pictures of my dog."
Bi An frowned. 
"Please! I love rapmon too much!"
"More than me?"
"Heh, sure you want me to answer that?"
"Really, your the devil."
"Hm. I'll stay really really far away from you when I see you again. At least five feet."
"Are you serious?" Namjoon whined. He sounded like a kid. 
"Send me pictures of the dog--"
"BI AAAN! IS THAT YOU? It's Jimin! and Jungkook!" Bi An pulled the phone away from her ear slightly, wincing at Jimin's voice and the sound of the three arguing, an audible 'You two, were having a conversation, get out' 
"Bi-An, does Namjoon ever take you dancing? Because he's really awful at it. I couldn't imagine the emebaressement it might have been for you." Jungkook asked, jimin snickering as he held Namjoon away from the cellphone. Bi An smiled.
"No, I know he's no good. I'd rather not deal with second-hand embarrassment.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to defend me?!"
Everything is for you~
Everything is alright
Even if there is no answer
Everything is inside your smile

Even if we are apart
Our hearts are connected to each other
Forever with you

days and days of their long schedules, those were the hardest for Namjoon. When he had no time to pick up the phone, those were the hardest. He would always look down at people who were addicted to their phones and washed out everything around them. Now, his phone was the way he could get to Bi An wherever he was. 
The day Taehyung accidentally knocked Namjoon's phone off into the pool, he had seen just how terrifying his leader could be. 
When he was out shopping he'd see certain things like a dress or a stuffed animal that he'd think you really like. When he visited places around the world, he would want to take Bi An there someday too. He'd want her to meet all of s, who were much more like his family, because he knows you'll love them like he (for the most part) does.
Jungkook called it being sickly in love, to which Namjoon retorted he could at least look a girl in the eye.
He'd confide everything to her. Show her his lyrics that drew inspiration from his own life, melodies he and Yoongi had been working on during late nights. 
"Bi-An, go to sleep. Hang up. It's late..."
"Then why are you still up? Hmmm?" Bi An muttered, eyelids growing heavy as she looked at Namjoon shuffling papers on his desk. He looked back at his phone, smiling at her sleepy face.
"Because I have stuff to do. Stop fighting with me, or I'll really hang up."
"Your ugly."
"Your uglier."
"Wow, I can't believe you said that." she hissed. Namjoon snorted, rubbing his eyes from fatigue.
"I'll really...beat you up...I miss you."
she fell asleep with her video chat still on, phone loosely in her hand. Namjoon smiled, seeing she had completely fallen asleep now.
"I miss you too, baby," he chuckled, running his hand through his hair and hanging up on the video chat.
Flutter already
flower petals shower
Sparkle already
İnside the sun
I am embracing you always
Inside my heart forever
Flutter already
flower petals shower
Sparkle already
Under the sun forever just the two of us
It is alright since we are connected always

It got so much harder as time went on. Days when phone calls or messages weren't possible. 
"He's so busy now, why do you try so hard to reach him?
"You won't be happy never seeing him for so long."
"How do you know he even still likes you?"
Having been strong this far, Bi An could ignore them. She knew better. So what if it had been years now? 
There was distance between them, but their connection was strong enough to beat down the feeling of hopelessness. Some days were harder than others, but she kept going.
"I want to come back to you as a someone you'll be proud of." Namjoon told her.
"Maybe someone who could dance too?" she joked, not being able to stop herself from making a sly comment.
We live far away from each other
Today too I feel lonely
I want to see you
The night that I am alone I unnecessarily feel the lonelier
With distance my heart opens more
It feels unbearable when I hear your rumor
I become more frustrated with more time passes
The amount that over flows always
Oh girl your smile still remains here
Even if we are apart my feelings are
Still the same, we are always together
Everything is for you~
Everything is alright
Even if there is no answer
Everything is inside your smile
Even if we are apart
Our hearts are connected to each other
Forever with you

"Bi An!!" her friend rushed in to her work, slamming the door's open as she waved her phone frantically. Bi An raised a brow, startled.
"Yes? Did something happen?"
"Read this!"
She squinted her eyes and realized quickly it was one of those websites that posted media on celebrities and idols. The headline of the article read: BTS' Rap Monster in possible relationship with girl group member....
She didn't care to read the name and scrolled through most of the article skimming it. 
"This doesn't mean anything, they make up stories like this all the time, especially with groups who are becoming really popular."
"But-- What if it's true? He's cheating on you!"
Bi An looked at her friend obviously annoyed as she scrubbed the table she was cleaning a little too hard. Her friend took it as a cue to leave.
She didn't believe the article obviously, but it still made her upset. 
"Namjoon, what are you doing?"
Namjoon looked at his phone, holding up sheets of paper to the camera.
"I'm working on a new song, I've scrapped this one at least ten times because I can't get the feel of it right."
"Oh, ok."
Namjoon scribbled a few things in silence until he looked at his phone again and set his pen down.
"You sound upset about something."
"I'm not." Bi An was a bad liar. Namjoon always knew that. You could tell when she averted her eyes and her face would heat up.
"If you don't tell me, I won't send you pictures of my dog~"
"You can't do that! I love rapmon!" Bi An whined, her face lying on her text book, tired from studying. She was silent for a few moments, then spoke up.
"Sometimes I get really worried you'll become tired of me. People tell me we live in two different world's now and it's not possible for us to be together, I-....I don't think that but I don't want to hold you back from being happy, Namjoon."
She haphazardly tried to wipe her tears away before she looked like a sobbing mess. Namjoon's heart broke at the sight of her crying like this. He was silent too, slightly in shock she felt this way.
"No one lives in a different world, we are all under the same sky in the end, Bi An." Namjoon smiled, looking at her even though she was looking away.
"--And the day I get tired of you? I don't think it will happen. Bi An, I love you so much that I think it's made me crazy. I swear there's not a day I don't think about you, y'know." Namjoon laughed, resting his head in his hands, he looked back up to see she was looking at him again.
"Please, don't feel that way. You keep me going at the end of the day when I'm tired and want to give up. I miss you."
"I miss you too." Bi An smiled, laughing off her the last of any doubts she had.
"I'll come back soon."
Flutter already
flower petals shower
Sparkle already
İnside the sun
I am embracing you always
Inside my heart forever
Flutter already
flower petals shower
Sparkle already
Under the sun forever just the two of us
It is alright since we are connected always

"I promise."
Even if we are far away
We are looking at the same sky
Even if something happens
If you are here I am not afraid anymore
I believe
Our love will lit for eternity
It will always stay beautiful as it is
It will always be like cherry blossom pedals
Everything is for you~
Everything is alright
Even if there is no answer
Everything is inside your smile
Even if we are apart
Our hearts are connected to each other
Forever with you
Flutter already
flower petals shower
Sparkle already
İnside the sun
I am embracing you always
Inside my heart forever

Bi An rolled out of bed, tired and having to convince herself she had to get up for class. After taking a shower to refresh herself, she walked into her kitchen to find a platter of her favorite pastries. Did one of her friends do this?
"I guess one of them owed me a favor or something?" Bi An mumbled as she took a bit of one of them, reading a note that was placed beside the platter reading 'Eat well and have a good day!'
her day started to get weirder though. 
Finding her group of friends standing out by the front of campus, she waved to them with a smile.
"Hey, which one of you bought me breakfast this morning?" 
"What? none of us did. Oh, by the way, someone was looking for you by the front of the school gate, I would go talk to them." her friend shot a sneaky grin, and they all seemed to be knowing something she didn't. Shaking it off, Bi An walked back in front of the school gate to see if she recognized anyone.
"Excuse me, are you Bi An?"
She swiveled around to come face to face with a guy holding a crystal ball and wrapped in a purple cloth , covering most of his face. He looked kind of familiar, bu Bi An couldn't figure out why.
"Um what's your name?"
"Yoong-UH, The mysterious fortune teller That-....That's my name. The outside forces have pushed me to come and tell you your fortune for today: you are going to encounter a really big surprise~ wooo~"
"Um, I have to go to class now. Bye."
Bi An walked away quickly, what the heck was that about.
She made it to class a few minutes late but was able to get her favorite spot by the window where the sun would filter in. She meticulously took notes until she felt she saw something odd outside though the corner of her eye. Glancing, she saw two guys in masks waving around signs.
"What do those say?" Bi An muttered, leaning closer to the window. Her face went red when she could see.
One in big, pink glittery letters read: Bi An is super pretty
the other, in big red letters read: Bi An is the cutest.
Another guy was skipping in the field, throwing confetti everywhere.
"What the- oh my god i'm just going to pretend I didn't see them..." she turned away from the window. That was until she heard someone singing through a megaphone.
"I need you girl,-"
"Professor, may I close these blinds?"
it didn't stop there, either. When she got to work later that day, her mother set a bouquet of roses on the counter.
"Honey, I think you have a secret admirer! These were delivered today!"
"...That's weird." Bi An muttered, putting the flowers in a vase. Namjoon didn't mention he sent anything, so someone else must have.
Everything was normal again until a delivery bot who wore a face mask and sunglasses came by with another bouquet. 
"Excuse me, who are these from?"
"I can't tell you miss, sorry!~"
Bi An frowned, but she liked flowers so it didn't matter. She noticed the delivery boys voice sounded familiar, unlike the on This morning, but similar to...Jimin?
"Noona! I want to go to the carnival today!" Bi An's little brother pleaded, jumping up and down.
"Today? in the middle of he week? Why not on the weekends?" She asked, raising a brow. 
"I wanna go today though!"
"Fine, fine. we'll go, okay? Mom, Were leaving!"
"Have fun, honey!" her mom smiled, almost a little too happy. Bi An shrugged it off like she did everything else today. It must have just been all a coincidence or something.
The carnival was very lively today but not too crowded. Bi An watched her brother go on a few rides and bought him something to eat. 
"Are you having fun?" Bi An asked, giggling as he shoved cotton candy in his mouth.
"Yes, but I want to go somewhere now~"
"Hm? H-hey, slow down!" Bi An was suddenly dragged by her little brother to run off somewhere towards the ferris wheel.
"Wait here!" He grinned, letting go of her hand and running off again.
"Hey! Come back here!" Bi An was about to chase after him until she saw a group of six boys all staring at her, holding flowers. Bi An grew quiet, recognizing them all--Jungkook, Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin, Jin and Hoseok--
"Look! she's even prettier in person!" Hoseok grinned. 
"You ignored my performance earlier, I was trying to sing what Namjoon said was your favorite song of ours. You shut the blinds though." Jungkook laughed sheepishly.
"Ah, sorry, I didn't really know it was you guys--"
"Bi An."
His voice made her thoughts freeze as she almost couldn't turn around. Slowly, she turned her self back to see him. Everything came to a stop, and everything else seemed to drown out.
She slowly walked toward him, and he held out his arms to pull her into him. 
"I missed you. I missed you so much." Bi An couldn't help but sob from all of her emotions running wild. Namjoon chuckled, losing himself in her familiar scent and touch.
"I did too. But i'm here now, Bi An."
Flutter already
flower petals shower
Sparkle already
Under the sun forever just the two of us
It is alright since we are connected always

He suddenly pulled away, Bi An's eyes trailing his movements curiously as he knelt down on one knee, pulling out a ring.

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Hello^^ Can I make a request?
Gfriend Navillera
BTS Suga & Choi Haeun (OC)

Thank you in advance (:
Jiminbathtub #2

Can I request one too omg ><
Just A Kiss by Lady Antebellum (
OC x Jimin

Thanks in advance ;_;
Chapter 4: O u O
Just so u know
Im dead
Like freak u author nim T^T
Thank u so much btw even if my feels got so jumbled up XD
Seventeenbaes #4
Chapter 4: Jungkook got me feeling some type of way •u•
My AFF went crazy and I wasn't subbed to this shop even though I rely liked the story.
I wanna request again PLS.

BTS danger
Lee bi an and JUNGKOOK thnks!
Hope you get well known omg
This namjoon just gets me right in the feels
rawrebelsroot #7
jiminscutebutt #8
Could you do GD's That XX with Jimin x OC?? Thank you!
Hi I would love to request :)

BTS - For you
Namjoon /Lee Bi An (OC)
rawrebelsroot #10
Chapter 1: damn i loved it >///< her relationship with the boys thoo - you are so good at writing.. sorry for the late response ^^
may i request again?

GOT7 - If You Do